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Everything posted by smally21

  1. you win the prize you can do what you want with it.
  2. they are not weapons they are firearms. just a small point but dont get used referring to your firearms as weapons! good luck and thanks for sharing your research!
  3. i have a 2006 115 (the johnson but basically the same). sometimes tough to start. other than that no complaints and uses hardly any fuel!
  4. taking a couple of guys out in the am - any word on port dover? port maitland? still booths harbour? pm's welcome!
  5. interresting stuff id like to have an 'instant read alco-meter' when we're doing serious drinking to see just what it takes to break the law - wether a little bit (.05) or a lot (.08) or demolish it - (insert #). had a few opportunites to test my BAC after drinking and quite frankly everytime has been a shock. thought id destroy the breathalyzer, only blew a warning. had some fun with some local officers we were plowed every one of us was legal when we were tested. must be an interesting course thanks for sharing.
  6. my humminbirds give me similar readings later in the day, just into the 10's. always assumed its loss in battery charge. lets send it back to the top
  7. just for the boys id get as far away as possible, thus leabing the 'rules' further behind. but closer is probably better, get more use out of it, less stress behind the wheel. the southern property is likely to appreciate faster...
  8. so should i be taking stills out of your videos to advertise the camp or no...?
  9. i have a 2 bank minn kota - does a great job on the deep cycles. doing it again id add a 3rd for the main battery - its never goin to fail to start the motor but you can fish for hours without starting the main motor and ill get low voltage signals from the electronics. also nice to have all batteries on a maintenance charge just plug it in all year. good luck
  10. fortunately boats on the water only burn to a certain point.....
  11. skiers and boarders and tubers seem to think no rules apply. no way condoning anything from the original post. not trying to start anythig with trolling guys but when you've got 150 feet of line out and you're trolling a narrow channel what is the 'other' boater supposed to do? i guess just sit and wait for the fisherman to drive thru a 1000m channel at 1.5knots? i suppose the act of fishing and such applies however its not like this is your livelihood or feeding your family. at some point the fisherman needs to realize legal or not her is engaged in a recreational activity, tying up a thru way on the water and the other boater might actually have something more important going on than catching the big one. we always talk about our right to fish and invoke the 'engaged in the act of fishing' like we're whalers on a three year voyage and how the other guy is a jerk but lets face it- as a fisherman i have a right to fish and typically the law is on my side. but i have a responsibility not to impede traffic as a boater constantly slowing down and yielding right of way to a fisherman drifting thru the channel, or trolling thru the narrows impedes my enjoyment of the lake we share, as well as impedes my right to travel freely on the waterways WE SHARE. i just might be actually working on the lake, or going to work on the lake, and doing something more important than fishing - but i have a responsibity to not endanger or impede others right to fish my point just saying what some others have said - recreational fishing is just that i guess ive spent more time dodging tin cans in my cruiser than trolling thru the narrows so i come off a little more on the boaters side.
  12. is a portable engine hoist a possiblilty - you can lift a person with a couple of people its the chair that would be difficult. just an idea they have a pretty high capacity, extend pretty far, and are on wheels. its almost the same thing i would build to do the job.
  13. i'd never let one of my buddies strip down my smith and wesson.
  14. it seems like the actions of the father demonstrated remorse, frustration, etc. so that's good. unless i missed it has anyone asked where the pellet gun came from? the kid didn't walk into canadian tire and buy it did he??? so 'dad' here, knows his kid is a hellraiser and a trouble maker. dad also knows there is no room for pellet guns unless you live on the farm or something a little more rural. but superdad goes out and buys the kid a pellet gun, probably doesn't teach him squat about safety or what have you, then lets him out in the backyard with another kid to shoot the gun 'unsupervised'. so in spite of his positive reaction to your complaint he has alot of responsibilities here.....
  15. trophy grand river pike???? way to go!!!!!
  16. pretty cool. even on a computer screen makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up. i was in northern england climbing what they call mountains and 2 harrier jets ripped thru the valley a couple of hundred feet below us. almost blew us off the rock when they passed us!
  17. that would be a big fish if you were say.... 60 feet tall. nice wallees!
  18. ill be heading out from booths around 830. anybody else going?
  19. you should move here anyway-play your cards right you can get FREE EVERYTHING
  20. you're most inexpensive hardwood would be poplar, and it is readily available at the depot or big box lumber store. a small piece of hobbyist 1/4 ply for the headboards and base, the poplar for your frames. should stain ot paint up nice as well. red or white oak would look nice, or a hard maple, just be a little more money. good luck.
  21. i'm sure everyone here is itching to help you out.
  22. done
  23. this would be a great tool for guys who may know their knots but have other problems with tying them, poor eyesight, fingers in table saw, etc. Or in my case a combination of severe tendonitis, and nerve damage that makes fiddling with such small lines difficult. followup if you find it - would be a lifesaver!
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