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Everything posted by Gregoire

  1. I was just checking on that one, I'm thinking the confusion may be with similar sized musky grouping together, in which case it is unlikely that they are opposite sex, as females are larger than males.
  2. I know that Musky can often group together, especially in prime spots, but have never heard that they mate for life.
  3. Lots of activity on this thread last night. I really hope that everybody who is commenting is reading some of the links are are becoming aware of the impact that farmed salmon are having on wild salmon stocks. Arguing that present government in Canada is no worse than any past government is just plain wrong. Sure the liberals had the sponsorship scandal, and as it turned out were quite dirty, but the conservatives are not better (election rigging, in and out scandal). The facts are that the Conservatives are currently ruling Canada like a dictatorship. At least when the liberals did something wrong they were repentant and it seemed like they cared about making it right. The conservative government seems to think that it is above the law, and that it can act as it wants without consequence. Case in point: the current electoral scandal. And they are acting as this thread is going, by attacking their biggest critic (I hope you have all seen the new attack add against Bob Rae. I think this is a political issue, because the salmon stocks are worth saving. The Conservative government has made it clear that they have made their mind up on this issue. If you can't change the mind of the government, maybe you need to change the government itself. If we do not make noise on this topic nothing will be done. Accuse me of having a Liberal bias all you want. If you love the outdoors, and fishing in particular, you need to realize that the Conservatives are not doing you any favors.
  4. I think one of the reasons that Dr. Sal brought politics into this debate is because of the fact that the Conservative government seems to stopping a public official from talking openly about the environmental effect of farming salmon. The conservative government, along with certain other right wing politicians in Canada seem to prefer to silence critics when they can, or attack their credibility when they cannot silence them. (A tactic that Torontonians may recognize) Dr Sal mentioned his oath to add information. If you read the article you could infer with the information from this thread the the scientist in question would be putting her career in jeopardy if she were to talk out about the issue.
  5. If this is how you feel than maybe express your opinion instead of attacking someone because they holds a different political viewpoint than you do. Grimace makes two valid points: 1. People who seek to invalidate science probably have something to hide 2. Politicizing debates serve to distance people. Both yourself and the Doc have proven guilty of the second point, however at least Dr. Sal tried to move beyond his political beliefs and add to the topic. You have not.
  6. Something familiar is happening with this thread. Instead of examining an issue, a person who believes in the issue is being attacked. Either take part in a legitimate conversation arguing a point, or do not participate. Unfortunately far too often in our society people try to discredit people who have opinions that they do not agree with, maybe because they do not have the intellect to argue a legitimate point.
  7. I gotta side with the doc on this one. Most of us are not lucky enough to be self employed, and therefore sometimes have to do or say things that we do not agree with.
  8. I believe you only need a harbour liscence for a motorized boat.
  9. Don't legend tournament rods have a lifetime warranty? I would start by contacting them. The cost to ship it may be less than the cost to repair it.
  10. It seems to me that their is a bit of a double standard in terms of river vs lake reports. I guess this may be because many of the tribs that people fish are very close to urban areas and some don't want these spots inundated with people. Personally I think if you allow people to report lake names then river names should be allowed as well. It doesn't seem fair. Having said that I've never fished a trib in my life.
  11. There's got to be a dirty joke in there somewhere.
  12. I've read that same opinion expressed on another forum. It seems like rapala is creating a bunch of new products but they are awfully hard to find.
  13. The only other thing I would say would be try to locate fish. This can be easier to do on bodies of water where there is a higher density. That us where I would suggest you start.
  14. Don't know. I'll have to look into that.
  15. I guess no one has any info. I'll do google search.
  16. Always thought about, never been able to make it. One of these years I'll take that early season long weekend backcountry trip to hunt my favourite char
  17. I'm not sure that I agree with that. I think there is a movement in the industry to rap rods with special fibers that allow lighter and more brittle material to be used. I could see how two piece rods would not work well with this technique. I am just speculating on this point as I am no expert in the field. Hopefully someone like garry 2r's or spiel can add a more educated opinion.
  18. As the title suggests I am heading to the Riviera Nayarit on Friday and I was wondering if it would be worthwhile to bring a fishing rod with me? I imagine I would be mostly fishing from the beach.
  19. I can understand a perch rod, but why are you looking for a crappy rod. I prefer nice rods myself
  20. If cherry had his way all the ontario teams would have ontario kids on them, the habs would only have quebeckers, the oilers and flames would have to split alberta talent and the Cancucks would have BC boys. I guess the rest of Canada would have to get teams as well, or else their boys would be stuck in the AHL... Cherry is as much of a joke as Bettman, he just makes people laugh in different ways.
  21. I have a variety of both. My higher end rods are 1 piece, and my lower end rods are 2 pieces. I like 2pc rods for lugging around on camping trips and for loaning to other people. If I had a boat I would probably go more for 1PC rods. As far as sensitivity goes I fish mostly for musky and salmon so that is not a priority.
  22. I agree with Raf. My first baitcaster was a righty but that seemed weird so I switched to a lefty retrieve. I wish I was a righty as a musky angler as it seems my choice in reels, especially for certain applications, are limited. As far as being able to reel faster with your right vs your left I think that is bullocks. I know in the summer when salmon fishing I get very tired reeling in with my right and tire out fighting the fish quicker than I think I should. So much so that I have considered buying my own rods and reels to use on my buddies boat.
  23. What size are the reels and what model is the stradic?. I have a patriarch and it is very light. Still haven't found a good rod to balance it out. I am thinking of biting the bullet and getting a cumara to match with it....anything really light would work. I have a stradic FI that I have matched to a loomis bronzeback that I love. I also have a sustain mtached to an avid that pairs up nicely. All of these reels are the 1000 size.
  24. Are you talking about anglers or CO's?
  25. I started a thread about this a while ago as well. While it is interesting to see the fish underwater I find the targeting of spawning fish a bit off putting. For some reason I find that that the trumping of Strikie King lures as being the only lures that will the catch these bedding fish as being a bit rediculous. I remember a story about a bass and a dill pickle that is related to this type of fishing.
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