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Everything posted by Gregoire

  1. After putting off getting a pleasure craft card for years I finally bit the bullet and want to take the test today at the fishing show. After no prep and taking 15 minutes to write the exam I ended up with a 35 out fo 50...not a pass. It turns out I saved money by not passing as it costs less to take the test online. I think I found out why. Now either module 1 is really tough, or the double chocolate stout that I am drinkng is more potent than I thought, but I am on my 4th attempt at module 1 and I keep doing worse. Being a teacher I am starting to feel for my students who do poorly on tests. I am at my witts end. Pretty soon I will stop forwarding and actually do the readings.
  2. JB's also has a clearout on okuma musky rods for 80$. They are a good bang for the buck and telescopic makes them easier to fit in my car.
  3. I'm wondering if anyone can put an informed opinion on this. I know there are only a few makers of mono and fluoro and they are all pretty much the same. I've tried a few types of braid and find them all to be pretty much the same. A lot of problems that I have heard described could be a result of user error or a manufacturing defect two issues that I think happen quite often. It is much easier to blame the line than the angler.
  4. Here in Ontario we call Monday family day but I would way rather celebrate Louis Riel day
  5. I find that you could only catch tigers with gipsland worms. For pure stain muskies I prefer rigging live american eels.
  6. I have a revo winch and a curado and the curado is a better reel in my opinion. I does depend on what you are planning to use the rod and reel for.
  7. As far as lures go I would think about the style of fishing you are planning. If you want only two lures for everything I would recommend a large spinner bait and a an inline spinner. As far a equipment goes your biggest problem would be a net. For musky you either want and extra large basket net or a craddle so that you can keep the fish submerged in water while unhooking it. Other things to consider are extra large pliers and hook cutters. I would take pigeontroller up on his offer as having an experienced angler in the boat is priceless. I know I was so excited and almost shocked after I caught my first ski that I was a bumbling idiot. A big thanks goes out to Fisherpete for helping me. He did everything except pose for a pic and ensured the fish was successfully releases.
  8. I have a 6'3" loomis bronzeback paired to a stradic fi 1000 that I really like.
  9. The east us pretty even. Anybody in 10th on could go on a run a move way up. Only a leafs fan would count the Habs out. I actually wouldn't mind seeing Montreal miss the playoffs for a few years. Unlike some teams I think they could draft well and manage to not trade away draft picks.
  10. From all that I have read a curado 300 would not be good for pulling tens. I gave heard that a 7000 is good for burning bucktails. I have never used either of these reels.
  11. That was awesome. Thanks you so much for sharing
  12. I've been looking for a canadian retailer. Let us know if you do bring them up as I am looking for a xh 9' rod.
  13. I use a mh 6'6" g2 loomis and a Abu revo winch and I mainly chuck twitch baits for them. For cranking I like using a mh spinning set up. I also use musky gear when tossing bigger baits but all but the biggest pike are boring to catch with this gear. I started pike fishing with an ugly stick spinning combo and it worked great.
  14. I've read some reviews of these rods and they are generally positive. I like the fact that they come in longer lengths and you can get a 9ft rod delivered to Canada Watch out on orders from eBay as I recently got hit up for over 50 bucks in taxes and duty on a reel.
  15. I experienced a similar thing on scugog last year. I got skunked in the fish department but did not come home empty handed. I must have collected a 24 of empty beer cans. People are pigs.
  16. What is a pirate's favorite element? Ye might say aarrrrgon, but no, it's the element of surprise!
  17. Love the eagles, that's why I looked, but that last shot is unreal.
  18. How much detail is there on the laminated maps, specifically do you know that the scale is?
  19. The blue charts looks like what I get on my avionics for my iphone. The US recreational lakes intetrests me. Where did you get yours? Are these something that I could use on my computer print? I went to the website and it looks like I may need to invest in a garmin gps.
  20. A quick google search revealed that it a brackish lake. Looks like you will be dealing with trout snook and maybe redfish. Knowing nothing else about this lake I would bring medium to medium heavy spinning rods and buy some bait.
  21. Even if he is pissed at Obama meeting the prez is not a political thing...but he made it into one. I respect the man for having an opinion, but not sure if he chose the correct manner to express it.
  22. That map looks awesome. I'm going to keep looking in to getting an online version. I'll let you know if I find anything.
  23. I came across some maps like this on my search online. I definitely want to get one. What I would really like is a digital version so that I can print pages and put them in a binder.
  24. That sounds good. Taking screenshots and piecing them together accurately from my phone will take a long time, especially for the level of zoom and detail that I am looking for.
  25. As I was writing this I figured out a solution...Take a screen shot of the sections I want email it to myself and print it.
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