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Everything posted by Smokey

  1. Merry Christmas to you and A Happy New Year. Enjoy your trip south.
  2. Merry Christmas Sam. I hope your enjoying the new location.
  3. Glad to hear the boys are out working and being seen. Sounds like you had a great day of fishing with a 14 being a huge fish. Congrats.
  4. All the best and Happy belated birthday. Mike
  5. Happy Birthday Roger. I hope you enjoyed the day.
  6. Merry Christmas to you Roy. Thanks again for all your hard work here. I hope you have a great Christmas Season and Happy New Year. Mike Nice to see you included little dantheman Jr. in the last pic.
  7. Merry Christmas to you Glen. I hope you have a great Holiday Season. Mike
  8. Great looking family. I hope your brother in-law enjoys his time with the family and let him know were all proud of him and the other troops doing what there doing.
  9. Great news fishergirl. I hope you enjoy the Holiday Season.
  10. Great work Roger. I'm sure there are many greatful people out that that you have help throughout the years. Keep it up.
  11. Thanks Shaun. All the best to you and Keep up the great work with the show.
  12. Thanks and I hope you have a great holiday season also.
  13. Happy Birthday Raf. Hope you had a great day.
  14. As with every year one of my favorite reports to watch for is Ron's trip North to Nip. Always lots of great pics.
  15. I appreciate all the hard work and effort the group puts into keeping things running so smooth here. It's my first stop when I log on and my last stop before shutting things down. Glad to hear your going to keep things going and I'm looking forward to being part of it. Mike
  16. I agree with Carl. I had the 4.0 also and it was heavier on fuel then the 4.7.
  17. If your still on I pm'd back. Sorry I had to get your attention this way as your a bit slow in the pm checking department lately. Mike
  18. I had the 4.7 in my 2001 Dakota. Was a strong engine with lots of power but heavy on fuel. I had no problems what so ever with the motor though for the time I owned it. Mike
  19. Thanks for the heads up Robin. I'll be travelling right past on boxing day. Will have to stop in for a visit. Mike
  20. Merry Christmas to you FF. I hope you have a great holiday and winter. Mike
  21. Thanks for the great report Super. Great pics and great info.
  22. Congrats on a great day out there. Thanks for the pics.
  23. Happy Hoildays to you and your family Phil. Great job on the house now you just need about a foot of snow to make it all complete. Enjoy the Holidays Mike
  24. Another great report. Thanks and congrats again. Mike
  25. Nice fish guys. Should make for a tasty meal.
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