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Everything posted by tightline

  1. I'm thinking of doing the same thing next weekend so I was looking around and found these maps...hope they help...please keep me posted on your results as like I said I'm going to try it for the first time next weekend...heres a link to the maps... http://www.outdoorsniagara.com/Maps.htm
  2. Heres a link to an online petition for this bill C-248... http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/stopbillC428
  3. I'm running 10 pd Ugly Braid...what I notice is when I'm running 12 pound mono with my, say shad rap, it takes allot less line to get it to depth then with my 10 pd braid...like you said I thought the thinner diameter of the braid, I was thinking it would cut the water better...just something I noticed one day when I had both rods rigged
  4. Not to tromp your post GCiotola but since there is so much discussion on braid I have a question...When I'm running braid for trolling I notice that my lures don't run as deep as they normally do when using mono...anybody else?? If I put a fleuro leader on would that help??
  5. I got there card at the fishing show...have a look at there prices and tell me how interested you are
  6. The palamar knot is what I use but I tie a snap swivel to the line...saves me trying to cut braid all the time when I'm switching out lures,, and it also stops line twist
  7. I attended a CBAF meeting lastnight where I had the pleasure of learning some dropshot methods from Derek Strub...He actually touched base on this subject as well...seems it is very real He mentioned California and how the bill is set to go to council by the end of this month...Now we all know trying to take a rod out of our hands is like trying to get your shitzu back from the mouth of a coyote without mace...NOT GONNA HAPPEN...but this is gonna affect all... Truly a sad day when sport fisherman/woman are lumped in with commercial fisheries...how has it come to this??
  8. Heres a pretty good link I found...pretty straight forward...good luck, maybe post pics of the different steps and then those of us who may want to do this in the future will have a good reference to go back too http://www.ehow.com/how_5795722_build-deck...minum-boat.html
  9. I've bought 2 cameras from Ebay now both from the States...one time I got hit for 40 bucks...the other, no charge...guess it depends on how it gets shipped maybe??
  10. Sounds like your doing well then 12 cottages all booked, no space for anybody...Good on ya!!!
  11. I think to lock out this post would be a shame. Aside from a few, lets say "new" recruits to the board clearly only joining for there own agenda I am completely interested in the outcome of this post...I've read it thoroughly and really its pretty clean...not bad OFC'rs...and I'm talking to the salty old dogs not the fresh new fry.. My suggestion to the new guys, assuming your all members of the RLTA or the RLCA be nice....it's great to push your agenda and I support you for standing up for what I believe is a ridiculous cause...300 fish per day...not to mention an additional 80 for perch and crappie, but trash talking and racists comments may very well be why your bottom line is hitting the bottom... I'll tell you all one thing....I DON'T BOOK A COTTAGE, GO TO AN UNKNOWN LAKE, TARGET A SPECIES I HAVE NEVER FISHED BEFORE...without checking on it with these boys first...To come on here and bash them, abuse this site, not to mention slander its (and in speaking I consider every member of this site a representative for it ) representatives, your not going to be doing much business with most of these boys anytime soon... Just think you've spent all this time trying to tell us why you need to up these already outrageous limits to draw in the US clientel, when you could have been using this as an opportunity to draw in some business...Clearly your not concerned with our Canadian Dollars...therefore why should we be concerned with your lack there of????? I'm still not understanding when you were just given the opportunity to increase your seasons to 12 months a year, your not wise enough to use this forum to your benefit to try to drum up some new business???? Lets see 6000 members, I'd say times that by 4 at least for friends we talk to about this board and our adventures (and thats low balling) you may have just cost yourself 24000 potential clients just for ignorance alone...You guys say that we don't come to Rice Lake for the pan fish, but I'll tell ya this show me a kid who's first fish wasn't a rock bass or sunfish or perch...Nobody takes there kids out for the first time targeting Musky...Panfish are the backbone of the fishing community without them the 4 year olds of today may never turn into the ladies and gentlemen of this board... We all appreciate what your doing Ron and Mike and I have signed the petition and sent a letter to the Editor of the Northumberland...without guys like you's and all of us I fear my kids may never know the pleasure of what I consider to be a corner stone in the Canadian way of life!!!
  12. for the record Vast means a very great amount...and I have never claimed to be perfect just respectful and courteous...so you better check your Websters<---thats a Dictionary...and give your drivel of a response another crack
  13. Thats maybe the craziest thing I have ever heard...the vast majority of southern ontario people are stuck up southern snobs with perfect children???? I've lived here 35 years now and I'm gonna have to disagree...Just the fact you try to generalize people by global positioning tells me that responding to this is a waste of time...lol...really, I'm curious where is the border, how far enough north do I have to go before I'm considered respectable, clearly you chaps haven't made it there yet When has disrespecting the dead ever been cool???
  14. What a spot how beautiful is that Lew...Congrats on living the dream!!! Keep the pics comin!!
  15. What is that suppose to mean?? Now common courtesy or respect is a north/south thing...Always like to believe its a human thing!!
  16. here's a little more updated and informative article http://news.sympatico.ca/Canada/ContentPos...&date=False
  17. Is Idiot the right term to throw at a guy who just died...for all you guys know he may have family on the board...a little respect never hurt anyone.. It also states that he has read plenty of books and has done this kind of thing before...I just think because it may be out of your comfort zone to try this kind of thing doesn't make it ridiculous for other people...As much as we all love to believe were the great outdoorsman some people out there really are smarter then you... You never hear anybody bash the guy who goes through the ice in his 4x4 truck and dies?? Isn't that really just as dangerous?? C'mon bash the dead, really???
  18. heres a good pick of one with sled runners
  19. heres a link to a wolf river fish cam live feed...Ha been watching it for 1/2 hour now...I'm entranced http://www.ustream.tv/channel/wolfrivercam-2 theres actually a few more on there if you search around TJ
  20. This is a terrible story...for anyone to call this guy an idiot is just inconsiderate to his family...I think he went out with a plan and his plan failed and for that he paid the ultimate price...You shouldn't judge people by your standards for they don't apply to everyone My thoughts and prayers go out to the family, to everyone else be safe, be smart
  21. That is exactly what I would do..if your trying to take grout off tile forget it...you haven't mentioned tile though so not sure where thats coming from...but if its just glued to drywall and you don't have a 6 inch grinder<---I suggest safety glasses and a dust mask for this method...cut the drywall rip'r down...its about 20 bucks for 2 sheets of watergrade drywall...no need to cement the cracks if your putting tub surround or tile back up...all you need is a olfa knife, a drill, a hammer and a caulking gun and you've got the making of a new tub surround my friend
  22. Ha grab a hose and giver a suck...but before you do that are you suppose to mix oil with the gas?? Did you do that?? I'd check that out first...looks like a 2 stroke which to me says mix...call your dealer where you bought it
  23. Your outta luck my friend...I'm a cabinetmaker and know your woes all to well...1 way ELBOW GREASE and more then you will ever care to imagine...especially after hand surgery...what are you replacing the surround with??...let me know that and I'll throw ya some options
  24. Just wanted to say that I actually looked into a Rice Lake ice fishing trip before I decided to go to Idle Tymes <---(awesome people had to plug) on Nippising...The only reason I didn't was because of the very limited information I could find...a few more years and a bit of advertising, you'll see results...Just have to get the word on the streets, being reputable and respectable to and for our fisheries is a good way to start...just sayin
  25. Not sure when 300 fish in the freezer became not enough for ANYBODY!! Fishnana welcome to the board I like your spunk...from a women who never really gets involved in this kinda thing your IN full blast!! This is one of the best posts I have read on this site. Actually hearing it from all sides is refreshing...Sounds to me like 300's a pretty respectable number...never fished Rice so not to sure about it...really comes down to people want what they want and they all want money...I see the MNR taking a hit buy loss of out of country licenses...which by the sounds of it in your location must be substantial...I can see about the same hit to the towns people, my question is if the towns people say that the majority of the people do NOT take home anywhere near there limits, then wheres the problem...From what I understand is they just opened up to ice fishing which gave you the opportunity to be open 5 more months of the year???? Not a good deal??? Anyway can't wait to see how this one plays out...peaked my interests now
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