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Everything posted by tightline

  1. I'll be there on Sat...My roommate is working the CBAF booth most of the morning so I'll be shopping for some new hard water gear...does OFC have a booth?? Would like to get a shirt or hat, will they be sold there? Anyway I'll be the guy (pretty sure not the only one) walking around all doe eyed in awe of all the beauty that is fishing gear!! p.s. any info on how to acquire a shirt or other OFC gear would be appreciated
  2. Being a cabinetmaker for 12 years I've dealt with both but would have to say granite would be my preference...although it does stain a little easier (by the way both need sealing) it is a bit cheaper but there is a lot more vein and grain patten to it which I like...But there is another route have you considered corian?? Cheaper for sure will outlast both in the maintenance and has countless patterns available...you can get a stone pattern that looks just like granite in many colors....great look,high durability, lower cost...heres a pretty cool design link I found check it out if you like... http://www2.dupont.com/Surfaces/en_US/prod...rian/index.html click on the design my kitchen link on bottom right of page
  3. Another case of the TTC bed bug!! http://network.nationalpost.com/np/blogs/t...ttc-napper.aspx
  4. Follow these simple steps and your sure to have a great trip if nothing else!! http://massbackwards.blogspot.com/2008/01/...-diy-guide.html
  5. Crappy...my thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends...and to everyone else be careful out there this weekend on the ice it's gonna be a warm one
  6. I used to take the blue light buses working the night shift in Toronto....I would take the bus from Isslington and Lakeshore to the Isslington Station...transfer there to the Bloor st bus...which never crossed paths at the same time mind you ...I would always see it from the light before Bloor st as it flew by...and have to wait a half an hour or so for the next one...anyway I would almost always catch this one driver who would stop at the Tim Hortons on Dundas near Kippling...one night after standing in the freezing cold waiting for the half an hour to fly by who pulls up but buddy with the Timmy's jones...we get to the stop sure enough he's out the door and grabbing a joe...10 mins later he's back and the 6 of us on the bus were not happy peeps...I can vividly remember our plot to just steal the bus and leave him sitting there but better judgment took hold and we waited it out like quiet little school children...so hes back and I gotta say something so I do...it went something like "must be nice to be able to just do what ever you want on the job and not have to worry about the other peoples lives you are affecting!!" where as he replied "yeah it's not bad you know your free to apply"...to this day I can't remember going from angry to laughing so fast...although I know they deserve breaks nobody wants them to have it on there time...but he defused the situation pretty quick with one whimsical little comment...the old boy at the station maybe had a rough day or night...who knows...I used that system for years and it has always been fairly decent...this guy is surely not the poster boy for all transit workers...hope there not to hard on him...I'm sure we've all slipped up to some extent on the job this poor bugger just got caught and will likely suffer more severe consequences because of the new age viral video...lets face it nobody wants to be that poster boy!!!
  7. Being a Leafs fan that one hurt!! But reminded me of another (like there isn't enough) Leafs joke: What do the Leafs and the Titanic have in common....they both look great until they hit the ice!!!
  8. Hey Slowpoke thanks for all the hard work in putting this all together...this is my first year getting involved and am looking forward to a little healthy competition...Team Brifishrgy for the Cup!!!!
  9. LMAO...I never considered myself to be old (35) until I just read your rant...lol Atari 2600...break out the mineral oils ma looks like the rheumatoid is actin up again...dammit!!
  10. Hey is that real?? Cause that just blew my mind!!!
  11. Was out for a walk at the lake trails yesterday and took a look for anyone interested...saw a few folks out there fishing so walked out for a chat...they said the bit had been off all week but theres 10-12 in of ice and plenty of holes out there so its not for lack of trying I guess...Saw another couple guys on the high side of 24 out near the trees too...didn't walk out to ask but for all who thought it was closed it doesn't seem to be...here's a few pic's of a couple turkeys we stumbled across...keep you busy chasing them if the fishing is no good!!!
  12. Thats pretty awsome!! I spent a summer in the arctic a couple years back and I saw some pretty amazing stuff carved from antlers...My favourite and this ones for you Leechman was a crib board carved out of a caribou antler...prettiest thing you ever did see...your buddy is quite the artist keep up the good work!!
  13. did you say 3 and a 1/2 feet of ice!!! Holy Crap you in the arctic???
  14. Nice little eaters!! And batoning is a very common way for people to break up kindling, I actually learned it as a boy in army cadets...we never had great knife for it it was allways old bayonets...although they did hold up alot better then your Buck...better to buy a great knife once then a not half bad one 20 times...good report...would definetley start making you buddy sign some sort of waiver or agreement as to the you break it you bought it kind...if nothing else it'll give you a good laugh when you mention it on the way out for your next trip!!
  15. look at the freaking eyeballs on that thing....creepy!!
  16. I've seen plenty of monsters lurking around promenade park in Etobicoke...not sure how much they would have weighed but a few I've seen had shoulders as broad as mine!!
  17. Do you have a boat? If you do Captain Allen Strait on the moon river system is awsome...10 bucks a night per person...beach front campsites with fire pit, picnic table, grill and raised platforms for the tent...I was there in July and it was amazing fantastic fishing, beer and liquor store right in the marina not 5 mins away by boat and 4 different lake acesses without ever pulling your boat out of the water!! It's about 3 hours from Toronto maybe not even...Had a great trip there and will be returning this spring/summer for sure...look into it I got my pb musky the one in the pic...we landed over a 100 largemouth and plenty of pike not to mention a 5 lb smallie and a 35 lb cat!!! Sold me!!
  18. Algonquin park is beautiful in the winter...And theres a place where you can take a weekend dog sled tour...its amazing...not as far as you would of liked but one heck of a trip!! take your pole and tip ups theres plenty of hard water fishing there!!
  19. Hey all just booked the third weekend in Feb at Idle Tymes ice camp...Has anybody on here ever been out there this year...was just wondering if there is anything you all wish you would have brought with you's...the four of us have never been out were more of a soft water crowd but were didicated to give the hard water a shot this year...so if you've been and have forgot things or wish you would have had them when you got there maybe you can help out...we want to be prepared and have a good Tyme so any and all help will be appreciated...post some pics too if you have them haven't seen the ice bungalows (not great pics on there site) fully and would love to know what were up against...thanks again!
  20. I have the same camera...Your gonna love it!!!!
  21. Me and sone friends are trying to put together a weekend ice fishing trip on Nippisings south end...we'd like to stay on the water in the huts overnight as well...anybody been?...any reccomendatios or other options would be appreciated...thanks
  22. Its actually the mouth of a Leatherback Sea Turtle...heres the link for the non-believers...scroll down to about a 1/4 of the page... http://tywkiwdbi.blogspot.com/2009_08_01_archive.html Hammercarp...your pic is of the nasty hagfish
  23. A buddy sent me this to see if I knew what it was but its got me stumped...I was thinking some kind of snapping turtle because of the hooked lower jaw, but thats just a guess.
  24. It states in the story the dogs went everywhere with the deer...and being 2 dogs used for hunting by the family I hardly think they would run at the shot of a gun...if there were shots and the guy shot the deer in a legal scenario he has all the right to track and take that animal...hence the "shots" I never said he wasn't a poacher I just said alot of things in this story don't make sense and most of you have allready past sentence on the guy...now whos speculating???
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