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Everything posted by graftongal

  1. We'll hopefully see you guys for breakfast Raj, not 100% sure yet though. Snady
  2. You bet Lew! Who do you think I should take? Haha!
  3. Woohooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I finally won one of these things, AND it's for something awesome! Thanks TJ!
  4. I'm nice to the dog, I leave the pounding to Reefhawg.
  5. St-Pierre and Jason MacDonald are my two favs in the UFC. Loiseau was doing really well too until his last couple of matches. We can only hope!
  6. What are everyone's predictions for this Saturday's UFC fight? I am voting for St-Pierre.
  7. Happy belated birthday buddy, all the best to you! Hopefully it was a good one.
  8. Now that it's the "official" day.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY FELLOW BATTER BLIATCH!!
  9. Looks like crap. Sorry, I should edit my post to let everyone know that I was joking. Wouldn't want anyone's panties to get in a knot.
  10. Happy Birthday Wayne, I'm sure Leah will be good to you!
  11. If I had my choice to hop on a plane right this moment I would go to the Northwest Territories and/or Nunavut. These are #1 on my dream list. We looked into it but it looks as though we'll have to save that one for retirement, way too much money for now. Also on my list are alligator gar in Texas and marlin/barracuda in Mexico. Not really expensive so we'll probably do these in the next few years.
  12. Suzy is looking great Rangerguy! Hopefully we can get them together sometime to catch up on old times, lol! Nice collar too, Dax has the same one only in camo!
  13. I got my Hidden Hitch installed at Van & Truck World too. I think it was under $350 for the hitch and installation. My brother bought one from Canadian Tire, same as Tjsa and said the installation wasn't too bad.
  14. I second dustink's choice. I have one of these as well and we have used it while backcountry camping and have never had a problem. Throw it together with some drink mix (sugarfree weighs less) and you've got yourself a tasty drink.
  15. Get over it bud, and don't flatter yourself. He isn't named after you.
  16. Sorry, but I don't think my comments were out of line. Having a pet is like parenting in a sense and everyone has different approaches, therefore I believe I am entitled to my opinion. The original comments that were posted along with the pictures were removed so that had a lot of bearing on my post.
  17. In my opinion that isn't being a very responsible pet owner. Why would you take a dog out into the water if it didn't know how to swim? And then not bother to drop your drink to help him out of the water? Sorry, but I'm a diehard dog lover and I couldn't imagine doing that.
  18. I am not a supporter of the NDP party, but I think they're on the right track with this one. http://ontariondp.com/pump-shock-petition With 2007 being an election year the politicians had better get their crap together. Ontario residents have had enough of these outrageous gas prices and if these issues aren't addressed in election campaigns it could be detrimental to their party.
  19. Hey Pete, I think you'd actually have to catch a musky to put it in front of your name anyways!
  20. Absolutely amazing MB! Very jealous!
  21. Sounds like you guys had a great time, glad you were able to get out together!
  22. Congrats Gerritt, I hope everything goes well for you! Headhunter is a great guy, he has helped me out in the past and offers some great advice!
  23. Jeeze Dan, why'd you have to go and ruin a good picture of Sis by putting that ugly mug in there?
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