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Everything posted by NAW

  1. I've only been in once. And it was the road in from the south. It was in the spring, and there was still a foot of snow/ice on the road. Just two tire tracks to follow. Ford Ranger. Bottomed out a few times. But nothing to scary. I'd avoid in with most cars. I think they used to run a rally on that road a long time ago.
  2. That's a fun ride in to swift rapids. Kind of makes you feel like your in the north. Saw two moose last time I was up there.
  3. Wicked! We'll have to start making some plans and saving dates.
  4. Good stuff Rob! You cook em up yet?
  5. I saw a massive buck this morning. Almost walked out on the road ahead of me.
  6. Thank for posting Bri. I just assumed they stocked it every year...
  7. My ride in. About 10 minutes north of Barrie on hwy 93. Hit the Barrie sign on 93, and literally, the roads where dry.
  8. Wow. First time ever duck hunting, and your going to Longpiont! One heck of a way to start duck hunting! I've been duck hunting for 10 years, and have never hunted Longpoint. That's a bucket list destination for me!
  9. Nice drive in this morning. Plows where out last night. But the roads where still covered, and I have a 14 month old in the back, with my summer tires on...
  10. Great post Joey. It's been tough finding time to get out these days. We're gunna have to hit the ice again this winter! Maybe head up your way.
  11. I also highly highly recommend going skeet shooting a few times before you go duck hunting for the first time. Nothing worse than losing a crippled bird.
  12. I can't take you out. But the season is going to start to heat up soon with the cold temps and snow! Worst case... Watch some you tube videos, and hit Cook's Bay. They have blinds there that you can drive a 14' boat in too, and bingo bango, your ready to hunt.
  13. That's great! They should do that once a month in certain areas!
  14. You can't sell the meat. And I don't know any hunters that would ever want to. Elk meat is amazing! Atleast the farm raised stuff I've had.
  15. Crazy video. How do you guys know it's fake? Didn't expect to see that coming at all.
  16. Amazing tiger for sure!! Nice report man!
  17. Good thing a read this before my morning coffee, and not during... Or it would have been on the floor, or all over my 870...!!!
  18. Good call farsider. That's a feasible option.
  19. Ya, the migration shut down last week. Where I hunt anyways.. I think it has something to do with th weather. But thy are calling for snow. And Drifter is talking about ice fishing. So that should get the birds on the move. Every year seems a little different. Aside Knowing the lingo... Learning the migration patterns and knowing the signs can really effect your success.
  20. You might be hearing some gun shots tomorrow... Just sayin! Text me later.
  21. Yep! And my weekend was kind of extended. Been at home with a sick baby for the last 2 days Seasons just getting started Joey!
  22. Yikes! 3 kids would be a little to much for me! Where you in a field of a pond? We have enough trouble keeping the canoe upright with 2 adults in it Thanks! Good old I-phone That's the plan! I can't wait for Alex to be old enough to come for the duck hunt.! Skybusters are the bane of my existence.. I wish there was something I could do about it... The little guy should recover fine. I hope. He has a follow up appointment this morning. Some sort of Bronchial infection.
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