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Everything posted by NAW

  1. Happy Thanksgiving weekend to everyone! This is my favourite weekend of the year. And with all the duck hunting chatter on the board, I thought I'd post a report from my weekend. I had vacation days booked for Thursday and Friday. So it was a nice 5 day vacation! Drove up to a friends house after work Wednesday. We got out for a wood duck jump shoot in the morning. There is nothing like jumping a drake woodie. Or having 2 or 3 come in to your decoy spread with their landing gear down. It's an amazing site to see. They really are a beatiful bird. (Ignore the clip on's... That's all I could find in my car... obucket.com/user/bravoboy83/media/IMG_1408_zpsb32785a6.jpg.html][/url] We set up for geese, but had not luck. With the high hunting pressure, and messed up weather this week, they where really really shy. Drove home Friday. Got to spend some time with my Son and dog playing in the leaves. It was amazing weather this weekend. We where able to eat dinner on the porch, in shorts and a T-shirt! My Son has been sick for a few days. But with the nice weather, I thought the fresh air would do him some good. So I got us both geared up, and went for a walk in the back 40 in attempt to flush some grouse. I was using a 625FPM pellet rifle. We didn't flush any birds out back. Later the next day I went out alone with the pellet gun. Flushed two birds, but I was no where close to getting a shot off. The birds in this area flush way to easily.... This morning I woke up at 4:30, and drove up to meat my hunting partner at the duck blind. Had a decent Ringneck shoot. Some other hunters built a blind about 150 yards away from our blind. The only other blind in a 100 acre swale.... They where sky busting all morning. Messing up our hunt really bad. The ringers used to circle two or three times before dropping in to the spread. We would just call, and wait for them to come in to 30 yards before shotting.... These idiots are blasting at anything inside 100 yards... I guess our spot is blown.... Atleast we still got a few birds... Some shots from the ride home. The road in to the blind. My road. When I get home, I find out my son's condition has worsened. So I spend from 11:30 till 5:30 at Georgian Bay General... The boy is sleeping now, but has to go back tomorrow for a follow up... Between the X-Rays, Ventilators, Injections, and constant probing from the Doc's... He still found some time to practice his climing skills!
  2. I'm not looking forward to the oil bills.. Specially now that we've got a kid, and actually have to keep the house warm! Still though. I LOVE the winter. Every Canadian should. It sure beats being negative about it!
  3. You Tube Weed out the rubbish, and it can be extremely educational.
  4. I'm not a moose hunter.. But the adrenaline that must be pumping when you see a moose, let alone an albino moose, must be close to overwhelming.. As previously mentioned, the last thing on the hunters mind would be native traditions...
  5. They are no problem when they're sun bathing! But they have big appetites! Farmers have been pushing for a hunting season/management plan for a while now. Lots of crop damage. http://www.ofa.on.ca/about/county-federation-sites/stormont/news/ofa-supports-ontarios-action-on-elk-management
  6. thanks for the pic Lew! I've heard they have causing the farmers quite the head ache. MNR is going to, if they have not already, open a draw for tags to hunt them. ^^^^ BFW beat be to it!^^^
  7. Hahahaha! I thought the head shot might be a little much for some people!
  8. You can get then pretty cheap at BPS.. I was in one for almost 5 hours on the weekend. Crappy, windy, cold, raining at times. I was in my T-shirt!! A great tool for field hunting.
  9. Great job Rob! Getting to see a deer like that doesn't happen every day. A nice little treat for sure!
  10. I'll have to look those up. I see people walking all over the bush with buckets. Not sure what they are harvesting? We have eaten them almost every thanksgiving for the last 10 years or so. Up at the cottage. But they where half the size of these. Just growing in my lawn. Thanks for the link! I just finished a nice evenning snack! Fresh as fresh can be.. Shot a few hours ago. Goose breast and Shaggy Manes pan fried in butter, garlic and whisky smoke seasoning!!!! I took my favourite strip of meat from the goose. The shaggy manes added a really nice flavour. Two beasts are in the slow cooker right now. Gunna be turned in to BBQ pulled goose... and chowed down as sloppy joes tomorrow for dinner! One goose will be sliced up thin and turned in to jerky And the other I am still deciding what to do. I'm thinking of trying somethig new to me.. Grind it up, mix with ground pork, and make goose burgers. First harvest of the season, so I always like to try something new!
  11. I've eaten Shagy Manes before. But they where picked by someone who knew exactly what they where doing. These are growing in my yard. 90% sure they are Shaggy Manes. Can anyone confirm?
  12. Congrats Dave!!! Can't wait to see the reports of the build!
  13. Only the real stuff for this guy!! I used to eat the Walmart stuff, but now I support the local sugar bushes.
  14. A coffee gets chugged immediately upon waking up. But I have to wait at least an hour before I eat something. By that time I'm at work, so it's usually just a cereal bar and a rice crispy square, or a muffin. On the weekends, I love pancakes with local maple syrup. I stock up each spring at the Elmvale maple syrup festival. The odd time I'll go all out. Eggs, bacon, toast, pancakes, hash browns and fruit... But that's usually only the day after a big party, in attempt to get the hung over people out of my house!
  15. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-08-15/blackberry-ceo-stands-to-make-55-6-million-in-event-of-sale-1-.html This really chapped my .. They bring the guy in to save the company. He fails.... And he is still going to make almost 60 million when they sell the company.. WFT?
  16. I still have a coon tail in my freezer for ya Chris!
  17. Sorry to hear that Sinker. That guys got some serious go-nads pulling a move like that...
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