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Everything posted by NAW

  1. I don't have any pics... But I'll be revamping the lighting in my kitchen this winter. Which will envolve tearing out a big chunk of my ceiling. Not looking foward to it. But the end result will be worth it!
  2. Gotta love October camping! How old is your GSP. I bet he/she loves camping with ya! To bad about loosing the rod. Maybe you'll catch it next year!
  3. Good on ya Ugly! A little rain never killed anyone. Some good family time on the water.
  4. So for Fordsy to lose your support he would have to stop smoking crack, stop binge drinking, stop hanging out with gang bangers and drug dealers, stop driving drunk, stop making leud comments on live Tv, stop telling lies to the people that elected him..... You know, act like the other politicians. (Minus the lies, as we all know every politician tells lies) Ya, that's simple enough. I understand you don't like "normal" politicians. But Ford has gone way over the line.
  5. A personal question for you Moxie. For my own curiosity. What would Rob Ford have to do to lose your unwavering support?
  6. My bravo has a steel bumper on it! Great for smashing my way in to back lakes! But yes. You're right. Much more authentic feel when you stap on the snowshoes and hike in!
  7. She's just tired of running around trying to protect her poor cats from hungry old Rod all the friggen time! In all seriousness though, she did look pretty rough.
  8. I'm looking for a set of cross country skis, boots, binding and poles if anyone has some laying around!! Kijiji has let me down so far...
  9. That's awesome! Looks like they are weighing and measuring them. Likely giving out prizes for the biggest deer. The same thing happens in Ontario at some hunt shops for Turkeys. Not sure about the deer hunt. That would be cool to go see though! Edit.. I just looked at the contest winners on that website. http://www.knutsonbuckpole.com/2012%20pages/2012DeerContestWinners.html Biggest deer last year was 228 LBS 8 point. That's a decent sized deer! I think the Ontario record for a whitetail is just under 300lbs. Don;t quote me.
  10. Talking from some guys from Michigan this morning. They said opening day for deer is a legitimate holiday. Not sure if this is true, or if he was telling a little white lie. I do know you can buy sacks and grain and apples at the gas stations!
  11. Ya. what he said^^ I look at the smallest lakes, with the highest stocking. If they are near a snowmobile trail - bonus!
  12. For sure Chad!! But that wasn't J's tent. That was Lada Lada. And man that was funny!!! Taking a swig of bushmills, and see this nice facy tent go singing past Blair's hut!! Poor guy! He didn't come back the next year.... Wonder why?
  13. AWESOME!!!! Finally something fun to do in the spring other than stupid turkey hunting!!!!
  14. Moxie is turning this in to a big left vs right battle. It's not left vs right. It's right vs wrong. You are ignoring the fact the Rob Ford has admitted to partacing in criminal activity while being the major of Toronto. He lied to everyone. He needs help. Everyone knows that. How can you moxie, or anyone else, possibly defend his actions. He's a discrace. And it absolutely blows my mind that 25% of taxpayers still support him. And those 25% are trying to make the other 75% feel like they are doing something wrong by wanting him to step down. It's ridiculous. A complete and utter embarrassment. And what's with you leaning in to kicking frog so hard? He's contributed more to OFC than you ever will.
  15. I agree 100%. A sad and embarrassing situation for Toronto, Ontario, and Canada for the matter.
  16. You and terry should join Jason and I on an early ice crappie session this year!
  17. I was having a crappy morning today.. Until I saw THIS!!!! Orr Lake - Nov 13. Time to tune up the auger and sled!! Polish the Williams Lube the Reels Change the braid Etc...... Anyone else getting PUMPED!!??
  18. Good thing the antenna is there. Only thing holding that doe down!
  19. I'm a country boy born and raised. It's a very common occurance to see dead game in the back of pick up trucks in plain site. People in the area expect this sort of thing during hunting season. It draws a crowd, and most are congratulatory. I'm with Brian on this one. I like to see it! Cuz I never have any luck myself!!!!
  20. Nice summer for sure! You got out way more than I have. Gotta ask though... What's with the mask. Good for a chuckle. But am I missing something?
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