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Everything posted by NAW

  1. That's Cool Wayne. I just downloaded the chords and lyrics for few of Cat's songs. I was thinking about doing a little acoustic show for the Fam when we get together for Christmas.
  2. I was going to mention it, but I didn't see transmitters on the dogs, so I assumed they weren't "hunting dogs". If I did see transmitter/GPS collars, then I would have called the MNR. I believe running dogs is prohibited in my WMU during this season.
  3. When you can toss a rock on the ice, and it doesn't make any noise at all.. then maybe it's ready for a test. That ping noise it cool eh! But is means the ice is super thin. The ice was making that noise in Bancroft a few weeks back. We sat there for 30 minutes tossing rocks.
  4. I just bought it for my mom for a Christmas present. "Tea for the Tillerman". A few good ones on there. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMOtJIvyLts
  5. That lead singer looks a lot like this dude.. Maybe a little slow for this thread, but still a good tune! Slip ahead to 1:00...
  6. Wow, that's a Hog. Never to be caught again..
  7. I did have my gun raised, with one of the dogs in my sights. At first I thought hey where yotes cuz of the way there where yipping, so I had my gun up pointing in that direction. But when i saw they where to domestic dogs, I hesitated for a second, then they where gone.
  8. It's been a frusterating season so far. I'm hoping to check out a few new properties over the next few weeks. But you can't 100% avoid trespassers, and the odd farm dog. Not this far south anyways. Edit: If I where you.. I'd have a some meat hangin in my garage
  9. So this is my first controlled shotgun hunt. I've been out three times this week, and have nothing to show for it. I have a good boss, who has let me work messed up hours, so that I could go hunting. I went out Monday, Wed, and today. I didn't see anything all week except for today. The property that I hunt usually has a lot of deer, but this year, there are no good crops planted in the area, so the deer have moved a little. There's also a massive amount of coyotes. Two interesting things happened to me today that I thought I would share with you. The first thing caught me a little by surprise. I was walking along the edge of a creak in a swampy area, and came across two dead coyotes. Someone had blasted them, and left there there to rot. I though there was a bounty for coyotes in Inisfill? The second thing was a first for me.. I was doing a little run and gun, and came across a two does that where about 75 yards out, behind some scrub brush. So i sat down and was waiting to see if they where going to move into a position where I could get a shot. Then suddenly this massive doe come crashing though the bush from behind me, and runs by about 40 yards out. So I let out a loud grunt to try to get her to stop, or at least slow down. Then I here this yipping noise. Sure as there's two black dogs running shoulder to shoulder about 40 yards behind this doe. They spooked up the two does I was interested in. So there goes my only chance this season at getting a deer with the shotgun.. For the next hour I listened to these to damb dogs chasing the deer around the bush!! Ah well. Still have another month with the bow..
  10. Ya,, that's the video i was talkin about. That thing is brutally slow..
  11. I can't find the video, but I've seen some rednecks sitting on a tabogan, using a garden tiller to pull them selves/gear out on the ice.. You could try that!
  12. Here's my beast. 250 Bravo. I have a big homemade flip up hut, but don't use it very often. I like to be out in the open. Cold wind in the face is refreshing!
  13. My dog jumped straight off the bow of my boat when i was running wide open with my trolling motor. She hit the water, and before she could surface, the boat was on top of her. Luckly I reacted fast enough to jump off the casting deck, and jam my hand under the boat. I felt hair, so I grabbed an pulled. My wife was at the motor, and didn't realize what was going on. There's a good chance she would have been hit by the prop. She has a life jacket now, and doesn't ride on the bow when where moving.
  14. I'm a dog person myself. I've had cats, several cats, growing up. I simply just don't like them. Thankfully my wife is very allergic to cats, and shares my dislike. We have a hipoallergenic, non sheding dog. That doesn't bark, and always follows our commands. Couldn't be happier. As for your problems with the thing not shutting up.. I'm not sure how to solve that one man? I trained my dog to be a quiet animal, she only barks when she feels danger. I don't know if you can train a cat to stop making useless noise??
  15. GBW, Glad that everyone is recovering. I know that intersection well, it's a few blocks west of my family farm. The last time I drove through there, I though to my self,that intersection is dangerous. Maybe they will put some lights in there now. Best wished for a speedy recovery to you family!
  16. Notice on some of them they don't show the impact.. Some of those had to have ended tragically!
  17. NAW

    First ride

    Hope it doesn't sound like that!!
  18. NAW

    First ride

    So what was wrong with the motor before. Is this the same one you had issues with a few weeks back? Sounds like it's all fixed up eh!
  19. I know eh. The only two boards I read, and they' re both down at the same time.!! I did get lots of work done today though.
  20. Really? Where and when? I thought the existing one was big enough.. Man,, MEC is openned now, and soon a bigger and better PA. I love this town!
  21. The brining truck drove by, then about 30 minutes later the plow drove by with the blade down scraping asphalt.. The plow truck drivers are looking to make some early cash i guess?
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