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Everything posted by NAW

  1. That's really to bad. I didn't know the guy, but a still a sad story. What going on with the boating world eh. Bomb threats, shootings..
  2. I hope the docks survive at the cottage this year!
  3. That's areally fine job there Bernie.. Very cool!
  4. Congrets man. That's awsome. The first class may make your stomach turn a little, but they'll get easier and easier as you go.
  5. I'm heading out near IBP tomorrow. What do you guys think.. leave the snowmobile at home and walk out?? Or bring the sled out for one last rip.?? I haven't been out on Simcoe for 3 weeks now, so I have no idea of the conditions. Can only assume they're garbage.. Edit... It's 9:30 and snowing like a bugger in Barrie as we speak.
  6. Welcome aboard man. Nice intro!
  7. Mighty fine job bud.. That wicked. Your boys look like their having a blast!
  8. Saw that vid a few weeks back. probly would have lost a little weight in the situation, via rectal discharge.
  9. Good luck Ryan. I'll have you in my thoughts the coming weeks. It's been a rough go for lots of us these past few months. Something in the air a I guess. Some people slam the OFC, saying it's nothing but a hug fest here. Well, sometimes even tough fisherman need hugs!
  10. NAW

    Train ride

    That's great. First laugh of the day. Thanks!
  11. Good job to all! You did better then we did. Rolled a few, but nothing on the ice.
  12. Man. I thought my day was bad. Ah well eh! Back at er tomorrow.
  13. I marked a few perch. Rolled three of them with a Williams. But didn't catch a thing
  14. I've seen enough wind for one day...
  15. Funny, my wife did the same thing.. As I'm chokin on my vodka
  16. I'm takin it easy. Back at er again tomorrow morning. Gunna be out off IBP tomorrow too. Maybe we'll run into your crew.
  17. I didn't have a good day at all.. I was supposed to have SAR training today in Barrie, but it was canceled. So i decided to head out fishing. I met my fishing partner, and we headed out from Alcona toward Fox Island. Didn't mark much for the first hour, so we decide to move. Well, the Bravo won't start. Change the plug, fires up on the first pull. Start to head toward White Shoal.. My fishing partner on his ZL 550 stops, so I head over to him. His reverse beeper is on but he's in forward. The sled won't move, just a grinding noise. Must be a blown chain, or something. So he jumps on the back of the Bravo. I way 215, and he ways 230. The Bravo makes it home with the sliders just a stinkin! He has to drive to Nobleton to get the quad from his dad's place. So I head back out to his busted sled, and drill a hole. Don't mark squat for 30 minutes, so I decide to move.. Bravo fires on the first pull, drive it 50' then it dies. I can't get it started again. So we have two sled siting out at Fox Island, both dead. I had to wait for 4 hours in what seemed like 80Km/hr winds for my fishing partner to show up the quad and a big sleigh. Then we took two runs in and out, one for the bravo, and one for the Cat. Thank god for a nice warm float suite, and a hot thermos of coffee. I didn't get home till 6:00pm Ya.. I hit the liqueur store on the way home..
  18. In the ride from Alcona over to fox I must have seen 10 huts either on their side, or smashed to peaces. That's 10 more fish then I caught. What a day out there.. See my post for details....
  19. Nice report! Sounds like you had some decent action. I'll be out Sunday and Monday. Fire me a PM if your going out. I'll stop by for a chat.
  20. Yes.. Not ashamed of it either. There was extenuating circumstances that I'm not going to get into, but this woman kicked my .
  21. I've been involved in martial arts for 20 years. I've fought many girls in sparing and grappling matches. I would have no issues wrestling a girl. I wouldn't back down one bit. The guy stated faith had something to do with his decision. I can understand that I guess? You can’t really hold anything against this guy, it’s just not the decision I would have made.
  22. Mines the 2hp, and it doesn't have a primer. What Hp is yours?
  23. On that note, does anyone have a auger they want to sell. Just the auger, not the power head.. Or trade for a sweat 3 blade 9" augar!
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