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Everything posted by NAW

  1. I just moved back to the country my self. Set up with a Bell Tubro Hub. It's fairly fast. Sometimes you tube videos are a little sketchy. All in all, I'm happy. But..... My sister is 4km down the road, with the same turbo hub service, and their internet is DEAD slow. It can be hit or miss in the country. It's about $50 a month in a bundle.
  2. I gut hooked that one, gotta send em back down the hole..
  3. I was thinking the same thing. Honestly, There's not to many outdoorsman over 30, who have never riden a Bravo. They're a quiet sled too. Atleast mine is. They have a very unique sound. A weak sound, but still unique
  4. Who nows eh. I can tell you one thing though, It will cost a heck of a lot more
  5. I think there's a Bravo in one of those pics It always a pleasure to see your pictures Moosebunk.
  6. Well, it was only a matter of time before this happened. Yamaha is going to stop making the Bravo. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/story/2011/12/17/north-inuit-yamaha-bravo.html I had one given to me 5 years ago. I didn't realize what I had been given untill people started complimenting me in my rig. A little research, and I realized that I had been given Yamaha's best selling snowmobile in the history of the company. 1981, to 2012. 30 years.. That's a good run. And with little to no changes in the past 25 years. Mine's an 89. Maybe it will be worth more now that it's discontinued. If you've got any Bravo pics, post them up. I'd love to see them!
  7. I was thinking about holes in the bottom. Let some air in. What about holes in the side..? will it let a little more heat out? It will keep the smokers warm at my new years eve / house warming party!
  8. Thanks Ron, that's a great idea Would also be good for snuffing the fire out if need be. Also a note for other Springwater dwellers.. The new fire permits for 2012 are available now..
  9. I just got off the phone with the local fire department. I do need a permit, and it is free. Thanks for the reminder guys! In my area, I'm allowed to have "recreational fires" as long as my pit is 2' x 2' or smaller, and I burn clean wood, or nothing that will make excessive smoke. Good to know.
  10. I'm deeply saddened to here this Bruce. My heart felt condolences to you, and whoever else is mourning Peanut.
  11. Thanks Ron, I assumed cuz I'm in the country, that I can do what ever i want. I'll read up on the bi-laws. They don't last long enough to get warm!
  12. I moved in to my new house a few weeks ago. The previous owners had a steel barrel that they used to burn stuff in. I thought it was a great idea. But they took it with them when they moved I've been trying to find a free barrel, but the best I could find was $50 from Barrie Metals. This weekend, Brian hooked me up with a free one!! And my timing was perfect too. When I went to pick it up, Brian had just finished cooking dinner, and offered me some. Man, that was some of the best tasting seafood linguine I've ever had. Lobster, Shrimp, Alfredo sauce...Mouth watering!! Thanks again Brian!
  13. Little Lake in Midland, and Orr lake are both skimmed over today. No sign of open water at all. Temps aren't looking amazing for the next few days. But at least it's gunna be cold at night. Should be able to get out somewhere before 1012
  14. I was talking to the owner of the Rack and Reel yesterday. She said that her bait supplier got some sort of notice about VHS. He hasn't gotten a letter yet saying that he can't sell minnows, but is expecting one. I guess they are talking about making Lake Simcoe a "zone" where minnows that are harvested locally, can only be sold locally. Of coarse, like TJ said, it doesn't stop the consumer from taking them where ever they want.. I also herd, that the MNR is really going to crack down on the 120 minnow Max. law this year.
  15. I've been checking this post a few times a day Bruce, waiting for your updates. We're all rooting for Peanut's speedy recovery. Hopefully it's all up hill from here eh
  16. Thanks Eh! I caught it this time. In HD. Cool stuff.
  17. http://www.google.ca/imgres?q=ice+shanty&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&rlz=1R2ADFA_enCA460&biw=1920&bih=918&tbm=isch&tbnid=R8r7hIGfeCVE9M:&imgrefurl=http://www.winddriftresort.com/winter.shtml&docid=GIK7VaQBvMW6EM&imgurl=http://www.winddriftresort.com/images/Wind%252520Drift%252520Resort%252520Ice%252520Shantys.jpg&w=314&h=235&ei=HCzqTvDLGMn40gGE9YnpCQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=165&sig=114503112015625281830&page=1&tbnh=126&tbnw=173&start=0&ndsp=45&ved=1t:429,r:19,s:0&tx=84&ty=63
  18. The vulcano and lightning is crazy.. #18.
  19. Got my three year on line last week. Hunting and fishing. I found the new website a little tricky. The links that you have to click are not organized very well. It makes you think you're not clicking in the right area.
  20. Dam Bruce. Peanuts gunna be feeling that one for while. Those looks like some serious cuts. I'm glad things turned out alright, and peanut's gunna pull through. Let us know how it works out with the vet bills eh. I went home last night, after reading your post, and played fetch with my little dog for a good hour or so..
  21. Thanks for sharing that Lew. Your son looks like a very unique man. One that would never be forgotten once met. It's a terrible shame that his life was cut short. You did a great job on the post.
  22. Man, that's horrible Bruce. I'm sending my best wishes in peanuts way. Dog attacks happen very fast, it's tough to react quick enough. It sounds like you did all that you could do. You need a stronger cane! I don't want to open a can of worms, but did you press charges? Or can you?
  23. NAW

    Tent Garage

    Has anyone tried the anchors that they suggest.? Not the ones that come with it.. They actually said in the instructions that they anchors supplied are for temporary use only. They suggest you buy their anchor kit.
  24. Looks like it mounts to the handle bars on a sled.. I wonder how well they would work on a sled that doesn't have hand warmers. Say,,Like a 250 bravo.
  25. Wups.. Missed that part.. Vodka on a sunday night.. Gotta stop doing that
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