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Everything posted by NAW

  1. I'd like to make it out this year. I'll see if I can get a few others to join me.
  2. I love KFC too.. But I limit myself to once a year. It makes my wife sick. She would puke if she seen that picture.
  3. I brought two home from the G2G last year, and they both wormy.. Might have just been bad luck. Cuz we fried two up for shore lunch, and they where both fine..
  4. NAW

    a new pb

    Nice brute.! Makes for a good story to tell at work.
  5. Dam.. That was dumb. There had to have been some broken bones there.
  6. Ya, Simcoe is really bad for guys ripping on Williams spoons. Big, long, fast, hard cranks. Blatantly obvious they're snagging fish. When I jig a williams, it's just short little pops off bottom. Maybe an 2 or 3". You see some of these guys out there ripping them 2 or 3 meters off bottom....
  7. I keep them on. I've caught a few fish on the side hooks (in the mouth). Last year was weird, I didn't get a single foul hooked fish using a Williams. I usually get a few throughout the year.
  8. Yikes.. Nice fish. Hopefully I'll get a few half that size this weekend
  9. Night lines for walleye Irish Whiskey and tall boys. Should make for a good night.
  10. NAW

    6-Mile Lake

    I might be picking up a 22-250 this weekend, if they yotes are bothering you, fire me a PM
  11. NAW

    6-Mile Lake

    Maybe some coyote too
  12. They had them in a basket up on the front desk for a while in the spring. Must have ran out, and not re-stocked..
  13. Rack and Reel in Barrie has something very similar. Very handy when camping.
  14. Blair, Would it be possible for you to give a cumpas bearing from the boat launch where we parked last year, to your hut. With a rough distance. If I'm walking out from the parking lot, that would be the easiest way for me to find the place.
  15. Right on. Nice chromer. Makes it worth freezing your cheeks off!
  16. Rough few days eh! Sorry to here about the Type 2. Diabetes I'm assuming? Bad things come in three's, so now it's time for good stuff!
  17. Right on. Reports like this are getting my pumped for the Nip G2G! Any pics?
  18. NAW

    6-Mile Lake

    Thanks! They are few and far between on that lake these days.
  19. Nice feast there Chad. Hopefully you can lift a couple during the G2G for shore lunch!
  20. Hey d-pulch, I walked last year, and it was only 15 minutes. Depending on where the hut is, it makes for a nice walk. Last year there was lots of snow. Some guys in a Civic buried it real good. As as for learning some Ice fishing tricks, there's no shortage of experience up there. You'll come away with lots of new knowledge.
  21. NAW

    6-Mile Lake

    For sure Wayne, it was a big help. Very much appreciated eh! Now if I could only figure out those darn Crappie. We must have caught 40 of the smallest perch I've ever seen. Unbelievable.
  22. NAW

    6-Mile Lake

    We made it out. 4 to 6 inches of decent ice. 6 in the back bays, and 4 on the main lake. Guys on quads running out on the main lake on 4" Didn't get one single Crappie! Managed an accidental eye though The weather was a little nasty, with some freezing rain and snow. If you look really close, you can see a guy on a sled running across 4" of ice. Foggy cell phone image though, so it's hard to see. Here's me in front of my cottage. And my fishing partner for the day.
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