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Everything posted by NAW

  1. that clam is Lota Lota's cousin. They found it on the shore this morning! It went for a ride last night. Thanks Blair for letting us use the hut. Radio said the winds where 90kmh. I believe it. Nice big drift around your hut now. The fishing wasn't really fast, but ended the weekend with 3 perch, 3 herring, 2 walleye, 1 pike, and 1 LING.. It wasn't the giant that I wanted, but it made it all worth while! Managed to squeak by Alexander by one fish to take the "most fish" price. Split the pot with Trouty, who got the biggest fish with a decent pike. Here's your half of the price Trouty.. A pile of change adding up to $13, and a hand full of lures! Tagged a walleye first thing in the morning while packing up.. Or if your prefer this pose And Dinner for tonight, and lunch for tomorrow.. It was awesome to meet everyone! Thanks again for the Jack last night Lota Lota. And thanks for the company Jason! The drive home was sketchy, but we made it
  2. That doesn't surprise me. I feel sorry for the guy, but... Simcoe is a popular place. All types of people fish there. Good and bad.
  3. C&R?? The gaff is for the GIANT ling that I'm going to catch! Lobster for dinner on Nippissing tomorrow night!
  4. Do you have a gaff at the hut? I lost mine last year. Just picked up all the parts to make a new one, but not sure if I have the time to complete the task tonight. I don't have a welder..
  5. That's cool! What's the gear ratio?
  6. I bet you a polar bear couldn't do that..
  7. You guys slayed them. Right on!
  8. Thanks for posting. I've been messing around with Salties for the past few years, and haven't got it just right yet. I'm gunna do it your way from now on!
  9. Nice and warm. 12" of ice. I think I'll leave the floater suite home, and just bring the old plad jacket.
  10. I plan on dragging a load out in the morning with fishing gear. The a second load in the afternoon with sleeping / Dinner stuff. If you need a hand dragging stuff, just grab me, I'll give you a hand.
  11. I cleaned up one of my customized williams ice jiggin spoons. Caught me many a Simcoe whitefish.
  12. 36 pounder on mine. Runs great, and last a long time. I bought the largest batery I could find. Pushes a lot of weight!
  13. Just make sure it's regulated low enough to melt Ice, and not fishing line!
  14. Ya, that video's been around the block a few times on OFC. It is a cool machine for sure.
  15. I've gone out on OPP ride alongs with friends before. Saw a guy with a burnt out head light. Asked HER why we didn't pull him over. She said as long as there is a light on each side of the vehicle (passanger side and driver) you are OK. So on the front of a car, if you have a head light burnt out, but still a functioning running light (the orange ones) you are OK, and can not get a ticket. Not sure about the rulls with rear lights, and brake lights.. This cop I went on a ride along with absolutly loved giving tickets. It was here goal to see how many tickets she can give out, and always trying to break her records.. Good girl, but crazy
  16. Post #420... Reminds me of the olden days.
  17. mmmmmm.. Pretzels..... I just spend 2 hours in the garage getting my gear packed for this weekend. Anyone else PUMPED for the NIP G2G! I have to thank Blair, and all the other North Bay'rs (Chad, Randy, Kevin, Joey...) for the hospitality! This is officially an annual thing for me.
  18. I did mine the first week of Decemember. Still nothing.
  19. I think Cadilic did something like that too. It was something I thought of about 15 years ago working on a project in high school shop class.
  20. I work as a mechanical designer. That's all I do all day, 60hrs a week, is design and invent stuff. I come here to get away from work I'm intersted in seeing what other people are think about though! One thing I though of when I was a kid.. Pressure sensitive brake lights. The harder you push the brake pedel, the brighter your rear brake lights get. If you lock up your brakes (or activate ABS) the brake like strobe. Or if you're just riding your brakes lightly, the brake light is still on, but dim. That way if someone if just riding their brakes infront of you, you don't have to slam on your breaks..
  21. Just drops the dog floor eh.. That's funny stuff!
  22. Is TJ coming with a box full of goodies again? If he is, I would love to buy an OFC toque from him??
  23. You are bang on with that one Frankie! They have a distributor list on their website. Most cities have a few places that sell them. But I've found that most of the distributors don't carry the full line of models. Eg. The Rack and Reel in Barrie carries Salus, but they only have the "Comfort Class", which is their cheapest suit. I had to order in my "Endurance Class". Well worth the wait!
  24. Aren't they just switching back to the sizes they used to sell.? I always remember back in the day, they had way bigger cups. Then they downsized, with out a big dog and pony show. Now they're just bumping it back up to what it was before...???
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