It was a "good" year. No PBs' for me, but I got out quite a bit and enjoyed the hot summer we had, and had lots of great times. One of the highlights was catching an eleven pound catfish (square tail, not a channel) off the dock, which hilariously darn near crushed my thumb when I tried to lip it.
Aside from the fishing, which was at time challenging, with the really warm weather, and probably not helped by the low water levels, it was all about been outside, and on the water:
A rare windless morning early in in May:
...and just before heading in, on my last day of the season:
I spent more time learning about the area I fish, and would like to think I refined my technique Time will tell, lol.
I hope everyone else had a good season, and if you're the type that enjoys hardwater, that it's a good one for you!