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Everything posted by Slop

  1. Sooo why did'nt you hang from that sign again? Nice representation of then and now.
  2. Earlier this year just before the ice was getting dicey to tip-toe on and before cabin fever set in, I was offered an invite to slay giants. How could one pass up another 'trip of a lifetime'? Bunk was putting this one together again so I quickly obliged. Waiting for open water was now not so bad....it was even worse. Maurice & Christine at True North Air are absolutely fabulous hosts. I would highly recommend what they have to offer in outdoor adventure. The crew of Carl, Mike and Bunk made my vacation a blast. Great guys to share in the 'experience' and one that I will have great memories for years to come. I will also shout out an honorable mention to James, our pilot. This dude was ultimately responsible for carting our arses to and from our destination while peering down at gods country from thousands of feet in the air. Thank you again James!! As Bunk stated, I was amazed at the size of Kesagami Lake from the air and while on tour on it's vast, seemingly endless surface in search of giant fish. Respect. The daily regiment of walking the trail from Patridge to the big lake and back everyday added to the experience for sure. At one point late in the week, I stopped for a moment on the trail and asked if anyone knew what was happening in the 'outside' world? No reply.....just keep moving ya ninja! I did think again of family and friends and maybe some hockey trades that may or may not have happened ....geeez. The fishing was nothing short of nirvana for personal bests for the crew. AWESOME work guys!!!!!My PB would have to exceed 45-46" to get a cigar in this club. I did potentially have a fish of that magnitude crush my spinnerbait like an Orca slashing through a school of Salmon..........insert several minutes of explatives here. This is exactly why I have to go back!!! Walleye!! Man o' man Partidge Lake is teeming with them. We had sooooo much fun fishing or should I say catching them almost every night coming back to camp or just going out for an hour or so. Carl and I laughed and laughed over the constant double headers of Walleye while having to only select a certain few to be wrapped in bacon for the BBQ. Here is a picture of the 'grocerey store' under an almost full moon. The food was perfect! Bunk is a great bush chef. Meal planning on his part is very important to our sustinance and survival. As big and fat as I am, the meals were more than enough to nourish...plus dessert day in day out. I keep coming back to this as I look over the hundreds of photos that were taken. Thanks again lads!! Hopefully for me, you guys will have to put up with me again on another trip of a lifetime. I did gain some expected extra weight on this tour. I seriously need to work diligently on losing an extra 30lbs as I want to be jumping out of a perfectly good aircraft come Spring. I also hope to further my guitar work over the winter with covering everything that I have not done by Iron Maiden and Judas Priest. Bring on cold weather Bass/Muskie/panfish.....ICE!!! I don't post often here. Cheers, Grant.
  3. We sure could use some of that precipitation here in the valley....just sayin'
  4. Your smile says it all....very nice fish! Hope to see you hoisting that 50 incher soon.
  5. Fantastic account, photos and summary Rizzo. Thanks for putting this together!
  6. Nice to see you waist deep searching for Pike and some really nice specimens....right on!!!! More Essox from your future outings would be great. Thanks for sharing.
  7. Be prepared to have fantastic and most enjoyable time is allI'm saying for the moment.
  8. It was quite strong here in Ottawa my four story building shook hard!
  9. A few drift socks, trolling motor, your Bass /Walleye gear and some heavy spoons and jigs. This approach will likely catch fish on locations that you may already know to hold lakers.
  10. Dave I've seen the same thing when I've fished the Attawapiskat in the past. I'll be up that way in a few weeks to be tortured with long days. So much night fishing is ahead in the fall and winter months. Could'nt be happier.
  11. I could'nt be happier. Bring on Fall and Winter.
  12. Fantastic news!
  13. I grew up in Mississauga and for the first half of my life, fished the tribs, Kawarthas, Georgian Bay....etc Been in Ottawa for the last eight years and I absolutely love the fishing out here. If that is'nt enough, there are endless oppertunities across the river on the Quebec side. I rarely ever find myself missing my old stomping grounds.
  14. I will be doing my part here in Ottawa, getting the $5.00 car wash and $5.00 burger n'drink.
  15. Staying outta the box would'nt hurt...hope the home team keeps this from going extra frames.\GO BLUE BLANC ROUGE!!!!!
  16. Well....Penguins fans waddled their way outta the Igloo today long before the end of regulation time. The Habs played with a short bench today and not alot of shots on Fleurey. Scuro....
  17. Washington had an obvious power play problem. Pitt clearly does not have that problem. Habs need to stay outta the cooler!
  18. Halak in six this round.
  19. All the Habs have to do is repeat the game 6 work ethic, minus some of the penalties and it's buh.....buy Caps!
  20. WOW! that is a wicked machine. Who cares where the fishing toys go...looks like that new ride is gonna be alot of fun!
  21. When I did my survey for FMZ17, I specifically noted my concerns about poaching. It's fantastic that there are these new oppertunities and equally fantastic that the MNR is out there enforcing the laws.
  22. Please tell me you're kidding Wayne? If I'm lucky, I may consume a twelve pack of cans of various brands, in total on the year. If i'm not so lucky, I will die being run over by an elderly person driving a mid nineties sedan at the local shopping mall....no joke
  23. Unless the situation absolutely requires a float, then I will never use them. Depending on conditions, eighth ounce jigs and 3 inch twister tails or minnow imitations are about as an effective search tool as you can get....besides, they are cheap. Small crankbaits and stickbaits are very effective as well providing Pike are not going to be a problem where you are fishing. Suspending models seem to work better than sinking or floating types. For both jigs and cranks, a slow, steady retreive with the odd pause will trigger strikes. Where and when to search? That's a topic in itself.
  24. Wow, a small ray of sunshine on an otherwise cloudy day!
  25. Very nice Steve!!....if ya see me out there in the Disco Lund c'mon out and lets see who's got the faster macheen!
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