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Everything posted by douG

  1. I'm sorry for your loss. My best wishes to you and your family.
  2. Well done, Mike, I have never caught a brown trout. I think that they vie for the title of the prettiest trout with brook trout, well done.
  3. Happy Belated Birfday, Hon. No, wait, I meant HB to you, Pete. Best wishes to you and your family.
  4. Ok, I guess this one comes to me. The inside of your microwave is made of metal because it reflects all that microwave energy into the food inside. The electromagnetic energy is produced by a magnetron that is tuned to oscillate at 2.45 GHz, the natural frequency of oscillation of the water molecule. You set up an environment with lots of bouncy energy, and the water inside of the stuff inside naturally bounces at the same rate, and by vibrating, heats up the stuff. That's why you can't heat anything in a microwave that doesn't have water in it. Also and as well, metal stuff inside can reflect that microwave energy in ways that don't work for the unit. This can cause sparks and flares and other cool stuff. Throw a CD inside for giggles and ships. I hope this answered your question, O Small Furry One. Feel free to ask again, I can make up all sorts of answers.
  5. Some very fat lakers, Steve. They look well fed, almost like browns, with small heads and football bodies. Excellent fish. Does this speak to the herring rebound on Simcoe?
  6. I received that BD card myself, camillj. That is a strange thing right there. Best Fishes and Good Health to you, Joe.
  7. What they said. Thanks.
  8. Those are gorgeous, Bill. Well done.
  9. Well done, Vince and fambly. Good for you for stepping up.
  10. If you need a handheld GPS, you won't go wrong with this one. It has an expandable memory, a very sensitive receiver (MIL grade), and the ability to load whatever map you want - topo, marine or city. On the other hand, the screen is small, and it doesn't float. But other than that, this is a steal. I paid triple this price for my 76 series, same engine.
  11. Roger, Ye of the misplaced text message. aloha, mahumba.
  12. That's gotta be great news, John. I always thought that newborns looked like a tomato casserole, but I guess that's just me. Congratulations to your entire extended fambly.
  13. Should it be aloud? I think it should be vewwy vewwy quiet. How you doin', Chris?
  14. Another vote for the BPS 100 MPH. The only downside for this top gear is the advertising you have to wear. All that gingerbread bugs me largely.
  15. Well done, Emil.
  16. Good advice, Mercman. Thanks also for illuminating the topic, RT2, Brian knows his stuff.
  17. I'm interested too.
  18. Excel doesn't feel like keeping track of all those digits. If you look at this carefully, the last digit in the product has to be 1 x 1 - that's how you know Excel is wrong.
  19. Well done, BillM. Nice ride.
  20. What great pictures. There is no way in Heaven that I could persuade my Resident Love Goddess to take a trip like that one, you are a lucky man. Thanks for your report.
  21. Hi, Riley. I like that you are going to tell us some fishing stories from your point of view. We all like your dad, but he talks a lot, if you know what I mean. I can't wait to hear about your fishing adventures. Welcome to the crew. Kudos to you once again, Mike.
  22. I've been in these shoes many times, Emil, and always came out better. Give a call on my cell, let's see what's happening at Honeywell, the inventors of SpectraFiber.
  23. A very nice lake trout, well done. I'm starting to get itchy.
  24. Well done. I enjoyed.
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