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Everything posted by mepps

  1. When shorefishing, I always hold the fish while kneeling - easier to take a picture of yourself that way. In a boat, I try and hold the fish over the water. In either case, i figure is isnt good to hold the fish too high incase you loose grip.
  2. Doesnt get much better then that!
  3. Theres plenty of people near the river at all times, not many fishermen though. I woudl say its perfectly safe. The pice was on chartruce with black spots, but the White/glow aglia and brown trout pattern have also caught me plenty of fish.
  4. Nice job! You should meet up with Jon to fish, he lives right at Bloor and Dundas.
  5. Olympus make a grea underwatercamera - I found a link to an older model, not sure what teh new one is called, but the new one can go deeper... http://www.olympusamerica.com/cpg_section/...sp?product=1225
  6. I have a couple sites with dreamhost.com and I'm happy with them. If you are new to this whole thing, go with Rick, he'll take good care of you im sure!
  7. Im sure I will still make some trips to Ontario, might be a couple years before I can afford LV though!
  8. nicely done, looks like a good day on the water. I have never seen a carp hit a senko bait, have seen them hit spinner baits and Rapalas though!
  9. Thanks guys, we are pretty ecited about the move - maybe I can get into some of those blue sharks Aaron was catching! Still looking for an IT job, but im sure something will turn up.
  10. My parents spent last weekend at Jack Lake, and my step dad got to do a little fishing. I gave him several spinner baits to use, but he didnt have any heavy gear, and stuck to worms at leeches catching several nice bass off the dock infront of the cottage. It has been a couple years since I have been to Jack lake. It was the Second Kawartha Lake I ever fished (behind Scugog) and we have been makign trips up to our friends cottage since the mid 90s. I caught my first musky on Jack lake, and several more follow each time. Our family friend Tom (the cottage owner) taught me alot about fishing when I was young, but we havent fished together in several years. Gillian and I are moving out east to Nova Scotia in at the end of teh week, and had one last chance to get away and enjoy the beauty of Ontario. We both decided there was no where else we would rather be then Jack Lake, so we called up Tom to set up one last fishign trip. No better place to end our stay here in Ontario, by fishing the lake I have fished more then any other, and spend time fishign with the only person I knw who uses a Mepps Black Fury as much as I do. We got in late Thursday (my birthday!) after a LONG drive. We fished a little off the dock before the mosquitos chased us into the cottage. Fishing was pretty tough after heavy rain stroms passed through later that night (and ealier that day) I managed a few decent bass, and after several hours of tossign spinnerbaits, finally found a Jack Lake musky. Fished out of a peddle boat most of the trip! Caught the biggest bass of teh trip right under the dock in about 1 foot of water... Sorry team 5 - I had my ofncommunity.com paper with me, but it blew into the water as I set up for this photo! My first and last musky of 2007 Tom wasnt able to join us until Sunday, but we spent most of the day fishing with minnows and leeches (well he did, I used spinner baits) but fish were scare, awe each caught a few bass and perch. All in all, a great way to spend the weekend.
  11. 1. Mepps Black Fury #5 2. Mepps Black Fury #5 3. Mepps Black Fury #5 4. Mepps Black Fury #5 5. Mepps Black Fury #5
  12. I wouldnt be surprized to see a 10lb+ bass out of Scugog - you just never know!
  13. Raf: I have teh spray kit from Luremaking.com, and I have a Coleman air compressor rigged to it. I heat the blades in the oven at 400 for about 5 minutes, hang them, and spray! Then back in teh oven for at least another 5 minutes at a lower temperature, this melts the excess powder and gives it a smoth finish! For deisgns, I use teflon tape wrapped around the blade, heat and spray the next layer - sometimes adding a third layer. They dont look as perfect as I would like, but the fish dont seem to mind. PF, MM: My girl is from Nova Scotia, and we want the baby born out near the ocean, plus her family lives there! I have gone from Ontario to Mexico, to Ontario, to the BVI, to Ontario - NS was the next logical steap MrEh: I'm sure I'll be back in Ontario for soem fishing next year! I havent been able to do any musky fishing yet, but I will be headign to Jack lake in a couple weeks, so im sure a few musky will surface.
  14. Thanks guys! I have actually used the big one, its great for trolling. I used it at LV - I had one hit, but didnt land the pike The video is being worked on by Jon, and once my move is complete (moving to Nova Scotia, in a couple weeks) then I wil be working on editing aswell.
  15. For Christmas I got a powder coat set from luremaking.com and I've been experimenting with painting whenever I have free time (which isnt very often!) My first 4-5 lures didnt turn out too well, but recently I have been able to get a nice even, smo0th coat of paint applied. I'd love to hear some opinions and suggests for designs or techniques. I mainly use #8 french blades. here goes... This is my favorite - named Blood Tiger Here is one assembled... And now my biggest lure so far - 19 inches of furry fury! I put a #5 Mepps beside it to show the size difference!
  16. well done TJ - are any of your videos on Youtube?
  17. If you have windows XP, you can download an easy resizer tool here If you have Vista, the tool is built in. The ideal size to post on here is 640x480 and under 150k in size
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