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Everything posted by mepps

  1. nicely done!
  2. howdy!
  3. Thank goodness for sick days!
  4. In 2004-2005 I never used a leader while pike fishing. Lost 1 fish our of hundreds. I used 50lb powerpro. I was convinced that I could not catch those pike with a leader due to the change in action. This spring we made a big pike trip up north and I used leaders 100% of the time I was fishing for pike and lost 0 fish. We had several beasts over 40 inches and I was glad I had a fluro leader on. My fishing partner Jon lost a couple really nice fish while using 65lb Power pro and no leader, he took a couple of my leaders after that and never lost a fish. We didnt notice any difference in the number of stikes or fish caught. As for the action of the lures, some lures produced an action I preferred while using a leader. I'll never make another cast for a pike or musky without a leader for 2 main reasons 1. I dont want to ever loose a trophy fish becuase I felt a leader would provide less strikes 2. I dont want to kill a trophy fish becuase it decided to bite through my braided line and choked on my 10 inch lure (not to mention the cost of musky/pike lures is so high you dont wanna lose those lures!) When all is said and done it comes down to fishing with 100% confidence, or 99% confidence...that 1% could be a fish of a life time - leader up!
  5. Looks nice and warm! We are about to get some snow up here!
  6. Does anyone have the Esox magazine with this guy??
  7. word. Thanks for the info gents! I have read quite a bit online about NJ musky, and there are at least 5 lakes within 30 miles of our hotel that hold muskie - also the state record is over 42lbs, so there is potential for 50+ incher! Im gonna try and meeet up with Ric if possible - I'd love to get soem stiped bass!
  8. Any OFNers had any experience fishing in Jersey? I have 2 weeks of training just outside of New York City at the beginning of November and I was hoping to do some fishing. I hear there are som musky lurking in the area.
  9. congrats...on everything! great report!
  10. Great job, a real fish of a lifetime!
  11. Mepps and my own spinners catch me more fish then anythign else.
  12. center island for sure!
  13. My son was born September 9th, at 10:41am at IWK Hospital here in Halifax! He is healthy, and weighs 7lbs 13oz and measure 20 inches long! We have named him Ashden Hyde Mathias, or Ash for short. Mamma and baby are doing great!
  14. Totally awesome! Cant wait till I have a little fishing partner!
  15. Great report and photos - thanks for sharing!
  16. First place I ever saw those spots was on Jacks Lake, always just in bass - but this year i caught a small muskie eith the spots...
  17. mepps


    very weird, not sure what to do. Maybe add http://www.ofncommunity.com to trusted sites - doub it will work, but no harm in trying. in IE, click Tools > Internet Options > select Security Tab > then click Trusted Sites, then the Sites button just below it to the right. then type in http://www.ofncommunity.com and click Add. you can also add the URL in Privacy settings. Good luck!
  18. Great pics, im sure i have some family left in the UK - hopefully I can visit some day. I would love to fish over there.
  19. I never get tired of seeing those pics - the shot of the fish with the smaller pike in the mouth is from a different type of camera - could be the same fish i guess, but I remember ssing it it long before teh pics of the monster pike came out
  20. PowerPro for braid, Berkly Trilene for mono.
  21. Many easily accesible lakes in SW Ontario have alot of pressure, but that doesnt mean you wont find fish - you just need to work a little harder. My best advice, is to find a friendly local on the lake and discuss fishing over a few beer - maybe he will share soem secrets with you
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