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Everything posted by mepps

  1. Its too bad they didn't bring out a new improved version. I've been quite happy with mine.
  2. They look pretty good, anyone have experience with these?
  3. Hey Raf, what kind of issues have you had with your clicker? Out of the box mine was a little wonky (didn't engage correctly), but over time started working... <---And I caught this pike trolling with it...
  4. I have carp on Rapalas and Mepps lures, never trolling though. To be honest, not sure it would be worth the trouble if there are other species around that are out of season.
  5. Awesome stuff, cant wait until season opens here! I'd love to target some Baltic pike one day too!
  6. Highway 28 to Apsley via Burliegh St (620A), then turn right at the liquor store onto 504, then turn right on to Jack Lake Rd until you reach the lake - you'll find a marina, gas station and launch.
  7. I've got nothing but good things to say about the lightening rod and the every Fenwick I've used - Fenwick used to carry a lifetime warranty...
  8. I grew up fishing Jack Lakes in the summers - I cant help much with walleye though, only caught a few - one was an 8 pounder though! I used to see a lot of walleye fishermen in Redmond bay (I think thats what it was called) - located in the very north east corner near a small island. There is a buoy about 200 yards from the island where walleye fishermen would sit. lemme know if you are going again in the summer, I know some great muskie spots!
  9. I had a Berkley musky rod break after a week of use (just a cheap $55 rod) and it was replaced by Bass Pro with no issues.
  10. lol, I hope someone got a video of that!
  11. Awesome, thanks guys - my first Atlantic!
  12. Dont worry spiel, that guy was tiny (fruit fly size) and they do more good then harm apparently - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudoscorpion Harrison - since I've been on the board Ive lived in Port credit (mississauga), London (ON), La Paz (Mexico) and Tortola (BVI) - Moved to Halifax 2.5 years ago! I wish I was still in the BVI though, I really miss those tarpon!
  13. I'm gonna go with time and money! I can deal with bugs, wind and rain but there aren't enough hours in my day or dollars in my account!
  14. I've been exploring some new waters here in Nova Scotia recently. Found a jem of a spot thanks to a recommendation from a co-worker and checked it out last night. I caught 3 different species (I think!) and figured I'd ask you guys for some help! I've searched several sites to find images of small Atlantic salmon in parr and smolt stage and I'm almost certain some of the fish I caught were salmon - what do you think? I used this site as a reference - http://www.atlanticsalmontrust.org/salmon_facts/recognition.html Sea trout or Atlantic salmon - by the markings I believe it to be salmon! Sea trout or Atlantic - This one I believe to be a sea trout! I landed about 10 this size and had two bigger brook trout in 1.5 hours of fishing. All fish caught on a # 2 silver Mepps Aglia. I ended the trip with my biggest trout in Nova Scotia! And finally, check out the pseudo scorpion I found in my bathroom!
  15. Northern Ontario would be the best for me fishing wise, but tought to find the work I do! I'm gonna choose Toronto Islands - quality pike fishing, and close proximity to jobs and top notch food and drink!
  16. Awesome stuff, he'll be out fishing you in no time
  17. I've got a Quantum Cabo too - and since they are now discontinues you should be able to find them @ crazy sale prices as they clear stock. I've seen them as low as $99 in right hand models.
  18. Crazy, those are some serious cats!
  19. "spineless and uncalled for"?? Completely disagree. Making a call is the proper thing to do. The CO will check them out, if they are not targeting out of season species, all is well - if they are, and the CO can prove it they will be fined accordingly. Wether the fish are being kept or not is only a small part of the issue. The area is closed now because of spawning - simply catching a spawning pike will potentially damage future populations. MYOB?? Its important for all of us to help preserve our fishery, even if they are pike.
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