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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. That's ridiculous... 9 guys fishing 30+hours..... NO fish.... Hope I can figure it out next week.....
  2. I'm so sorry for your loss Paul.... Just remember your never alone... You have Barb... And a long list of friends that are there for you.....
  3. It has to tie in somewhere.... You said the hose is only 3 feet long.... So it's gotta be in there somewhere..... I'd slow down and take a closer look before drilling your boat.... Somebody will probably chime in with some experience
  4. Normally the bilge pump hose goes out the side of your boat well above the water line... Is there no white fitting near the back of your boat?
  5. I "believe" you have to have it packed so they can count fillets... And you also need to leave a small patch of skin on each fillet to identify species... "I believe"
  6. I avoid those headaches at the border tho.... I don't keep fish when I'm fishing in the states... I get enough to eat here....
  7. When I asked customs they said as long as your catch is dead your ok....
  8. Black floating foam is used for carp fishing suspended off the bottom.... I guess it looks like a bug underwater...
  9. Great report skip... You've got the right idea... Experiment... And keep "old faithful" in your back pocket if you need her.... That's the only way to learn and get better... Push yourself and your knowledge.... But go pop a few to keep you sane....
  10. Hey Paul.... Just curious why you'd recommend a rod that fell apart the first day you used it...?
  11. So with those.... If you fall and hit your head on the way over... Your a dead man...
  12. 25-30 years.... From what I've read.... A fast growing musky can hit 50 inches in around 20 years....
  13. Hey superdad.... Glad to see a report from you.... Nice catch
  14. If you run into lots of like and musky in your area I'd go heavier with your line.... I've used up to 100lb flouro and the walleye didn't seem to care..... I'm currently using 50lb mono.... Works great...
  15. Nice I'm supposed to go perching on Sunday.... My buddy is on some shallow water perch casting ultra light spinners.... Fast and furious slabs are awesome....
  16. Awesome Can't wait till my little guy can bring in a walleye.....
  17. Nice fish.... Looks like a tough trip... How many days did you end up getting out for? Edit: never mind... It was in the post ...lol ...
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