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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. I also was able to fish every month this year.... And catch target species... Glad to see others still getting out.... Keep em coming....
  2. Wish my closer went that well.... : ( Good for you guys.... Those fish are super pale.... Neat
  3. The one in the first pic looks immaculate..... Nice catch
  4. And people wonder why I'm not a cat person... Lmao... Good video
  5. Open the whole time... You only cover it at the end when you remove it from the oven... You cover with tinfoil for 10-15 minutes before carving.... I place a rack on a 2" deep tray... I add some water to the tray to save the drippings from burning.... In the end I have to keep paper towel handy for the running juices flowing from the cutting board... Everyone that's eaten my roasts love em... It works great with beef... Chicken too.... My chicken literally bursts with juice when I cut it..... Not saying its as good as it gets... But we like it...
  6. I do most of my roasts the same way..., -Preheat to 500 f. -Lightly season with garlic... Salt... Pepper.... And a bit of Montreal steak spice.... -place roast on a rack of some sort uncovered - put roast in oven then set at 350 f. It will take a while for the oven to drop from 500 to 350... This creates a "crust" so to speak sealing in the juices.... Cook to a temperature that is to your doneness liking... (130-140 for me). Once your at the right temp... Remove roast from oven and cover with tinfoil for 10-15 minutes.... Then carve and serve...
  7. You got me... I like posting bogus gas prices to stir the pot here.... I love making others jealous with lies... Lmao!!!!! Akwesasne $3.67 per gallon.... 3.78 liters per gallon.... So $0.97 per liter....
  8. Only in the boat.... Works great... Mark my jig in 80+ feet I don't really fish deep very often tho
  9. I have the 597ci hd with a portable pack and ice-ducer and love it on the ice.... The only thing is for some reason it reads a second bottom.... So I manually set the max depth...(anybody know how to fix this?) But the 3 and 5 color flasher modes are great... Sonar is good too... And having GPS is so helpful...
  10. Homeschooling looks better every day.... I don't know what I'd do if anything like this happened to my kid..... Very sad
  11. No specific post for me... My favorites are Limey's fishing posts/videos with his little fella in them..... Gives me experiences to look foreword with my little guy.... The worst.... All the NF threads that get 5-10 times the replies that fishing reports/questions get.... ...
  12. I think big fish make big fish... How do we know if a 5+ pound walleye is 5 or 15 years old... We don't.... I'm willing to let mine go in hopes its a big young fertile fish.... I'm not that hungry that I need to keep all the big walleye I get.... And on the same note..... If you release a big fish.... It can still grow and be a PB for someone else maybe....
  13. That's my normal go too in fall but I have no suckers and none of the shops have any either....
  14. I have the following to try jigging... Bondy bait... Bulldogs.... Tubes... Giant kalins.... And a fuzzy duzzit..... I was gunna lean on the bondy bait for jigging.... As far as trolling... Ill probably bounce between stalkers, believers and jakes and 13 inch grandmas.... Lures I trust and that have out performed in most situations.... I'm hoping to get 1 or 2 people to join me for the extra lines for finding the pattern.....
  15. I think I'm gunna give musky a shot this week before it closes.... I never really target musky this late in the season.... Usually all my energy this time of year goes into walleye fishing..... Now I KNOW a few spots that are holding musky.... I'm just not sure how to get em to bite this late in the year... I've got under 40 degree water temps.... Now I know most say go big... But I've boated 10 nice musky in the last few weeks while trolling 3.5 inch baits for walleye.... So this is where I second guess what I've read.... Anyways... I was thinking trolling 10-14 inch baits at around 2.5 mph.... And/or Jig some plastics.... Are there any tips/tricks you guys feel like sharing....? Thanks Mike...
  16. Great closer...... I haven't targeted musky in almost 2 months.... I might have to give em another try before closer Saturday....
  17. A 12-14 foot aluminium with a 9.9 has super low upkeep.... My first boat was a 14 footer with a 9.9 2 stroke and trailer.... In 4-5 years of HEAVY use I think I spent $200 on the outfit.... Some bearings for the trailer.... A few light bulbs.... A tire.... Not much..... Then I sold the outfit for almost double what I paid for it..... So I'd say its worth every penny and then some.... Just get a basic outfit with an old 9.9 2 stroke.... You'll be soooo happy....
  18. Just wondering who uses Hali jigs and what size and color you prefer.... I'm looking to get some for perch fishing..... Thanks Mike
  19. If you think your blades are toast... Then you have nothing to loose.... Just take a file and freshen up the edges.... If it works great... If not then buy new blades... 10 tip ups.... That's crazy.... I gotta start ice fishing Quebec... We only get 2 lines here period..... And 5 tip ups and 3 rods in NY state....
  20. When I looked to upgrade from my starter net.... I decided to buy a good mesh and put it on the frame I already have... Absolutely love it... I put a beckmen flat bottom style pen net (fin saver?) on my frabile power catch frame... I know others that have done the same and love it as well.... I've used a bunch of different net set ups and I find flaw with most... Mine is lightweight.... Great mesh.... And big enough to bag a 50+ incher but still easy to handle by yourself.... Those HUGE nets like the "big kahuna" are a pain when your by yourself and take up a LOT of room in your boat....
  21. Ill probably still be in my boat at Christmas......lol... Trolling the ice edge waving to ice fisherman..... Thinking how much warmer I'd be in my ice hut....lol
  22. Other then my ice rod my sonar is the most important thing in my opinion for ice fishing..,, I fish without a hut and heater sometimes..... But NEVER go ice fishing without my ice sonar...
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