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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. Yeah what can they do...??? Stick it to em..... Maybe next time they'll tow your vehicle.....
  2. Just go man... I'm going tomorrow... And not knowing is part of the fun... Ill have a hard time sleeping because I'm still trying to figure out where to start my day... 2 rods each or 1.... Deep or shallow.... Fast or slow.... What cranks.... Regular or decaf...lol And it can change day to day...
  3. Little premature Paul.... Your not done yet.... Glad I got to spend more time with you this year... It was fun.... Hopefully we all get PBs in quinte when we go up....
  4. This report got me thinking I need to get ready for the cold weather.... Dug out the thermal layers... Little buddy heater.... Big boots.... Water proof gloves.... I love it when it's cold enough for rods to freeze and your still getting fish while the rest are hiding at home watching people catch fish on TV...
  5. This was the toll booth... Not customs.... And they were also nice... $120 in gear... No tax...
  6. So I kept my boy home from daycare today to have a guys day... This included a trip to NY state to pick up some fishing gear... On the way over the fella working the toll booth had brought in Halloween chips to give to kids crossing the bridge.... I just thought it was really nice... No matter how it was funded.... Little things like that can make a kids day and you don't see those gestures very often.... Needless to say my little fella loved the mini Doritos... Thanks toll booth guy
  7. Check local gas stations..... I know up north if anyone finds a dog they tie it up at the nearest gas station.....
  8. And this box will be my sons first after I clean it up...
  9. Any ideas when they stopped producing these baits...?
  10. This time of year I just prepare for the worst.... Then it can only be better then you planned for...lol
  11. The other day a woman I work with said she had something for me.... Ended up being an old FULL kids tackle box... Everything in it was pretty old... But the coolest item was this Original heddon wood vamp
  12. Don't know how many of you remember that weird video posted with the sheep head fishing and gotye music in the background.... And jigs in some other guys face.... Well that guy landed himself a tv show starting next year.... Uncut angling on wild tv.... And pursuit channel.... If its anything like his YouTube videos it will be exciting multi species action with plenty of big fish... Way to go Aaron.... Can't wait...
  13. Nice looking musky...,, Any bigger and it woulda been tough with that bet...lol
  14. Should make for some good fish stories.... The waves were 10 feet if they were an inch....lol..
  15. Awesome... Had fun last year.... Kept my camera handy at all times....
  16. Lol That's not too bad... I buried my truck in snow... On the ice... And it took 3 days and a big tractor to get me out....lol Just another story for the campfire....
  17. Must have been an awesome battle in skinny water like that... Nice catch...
  18. How much for the old one Lew...??? Free trips on the Larry for life...??? LMAO...
  19. I have BF all terrains on my truck... I think thats the ones your asking about... Love em.... They're at 80,000-90,000 right now and looking like ill hit 110,000 or more... They handle snow fairly well... Offroad they're great... I don't notice any noise but the mud terrains sure hummmmm.... And they look pretty cool too...lol
  20. At least this guy didn't get reamed for taking a picture of a closed year round fish... Love double standards on this board.....
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