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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. Another email today saying I downloaded Elton John album... Lmao!
  2. As for money... A 50hp 4 stroke will be around $10,000 once you add taxes and gas tank and prop.... I was quoted $9,500 for a 50hp merc with the "big tiller" arm... Plus tax and everything else... Got a 50hp yammy in NY state for $7,200 same features...
  3. I didn't have a 2 stroke but my boat is an old 16' Lund and a 40hp 4 stroke max speed was 30mph by myself... If I had me and 2 other big boys in the boat... Cooler... Live well full of fish... Etc... The 40 had a hard time planing out.. I have a 50hp 4 stroke now and there is a big difference... By myself max is 35mph... And never have any issues planing out....
  4. If the fishing isn't worth the $50 don't fish there... Otherwise put your money in like everyone else that doesn't want to be a stinking poacher... As someone that has to buy 4... That's right 4 licenses to fish my home waterbody I can't understand people complaining about buying 2...
  5. I have a looooong list that would make me happy... But this year we kept it small and got each other a few small gifts that are actually more thoughtful then most of the gifts we have ever bought each other... The wife has been stealing my good thermos lately for coffee at work... So I got her a really nice little thermos for herself... Also she has hated her ice scrapper for her car for years but never replaced it... So I got her a new compact one that'll actually fit in her car on the floor... Her old one was too long... I asked for a Canadian club gift kit with the 26er and 2 glasses... But that's not the real gift... The real gift is that bottle and 2 glasses is never to be touched by anyone but me... I don't drink much but some days at work make you crave a drink... And there's nothing worse then getting home at midnight to find your stash has been emptied... With the amount of money I spend on fishing throughout the year I never ask for much... But she's good to get me a few little things... I'm sure I'll get socks... Underwear... Deodorant... Lip balm... Stuff like that so the kids don't think daddy got short changed by Santa... Lol
  6. Just a heads up I've been getting emails claiming I've given gift cards of $25 and another stating $100 as a gift... At the bottom of the email it says click here to cancel... When I did it brought me to a website that "LOOKED" like apple but was not... asking for all my information.... I did not... My visa has not been charged and it has been a week since the email... Good old holiday spirit... Mike
  7. St lawrence river has very few biting insects...
  8. I've done that as well... 4-5 hours running in the parking lot... Lol
  9. Bring lots of pegs and rope for tying out the sides... I had that hut and the wind picked up one day... One of the walls "popped" back in and the hub hit my buddy between the eyes... Nearly knocked him out... He had to hold the walls out by hand until the storm passed... A little parachute cord and a few extra pegs were a life saver...
  10. As a late season guy... Good for you for getting out... We are a different breed....
  11. Nope Same ones... Different color... Clown was the ticket
  12. Hard baits at dusk and after dark are still producing
  13. Oh yeah... Forgot to add 2 OFC members backed out and missed this opportunity.... Sorry for rubbing it in boyz...
  14. So I'm lucky to live on a big river allowing me to fish late into the year... Because of this I plan a lot of vacation in the fall.... And last week finished up great with a full moon beat down last night... It was another cold day and the boat and everything else for that matter was covered in ice from freezing rain... Water temps at the launch were 30..!!! In the channel they were a balmy 36... Lol We started off jigging for some fast small eyes... We got around 15 in about an hour... Once that itch was scratched we headed to different areas for some bigger fish... We managed a handful of fish rigging big chub minnows... All these fish were 6lb-8lbs... Then we hit the evening "minor" bite window... And a flurry of chaos erupted like nothing I had ever seen... In the 2 hour bite window we landed 16 more walleye.... So we finished out afternoon with 21 walleye... 14 over 5lbs... Bringing our day to about 35 walleye....!!!! Now I don't normally tank a big fish for a picture but in below 0 temps and what is normally a small 30-45 minute window... I'll tank a 10 pounder for a picture when the bite stops... And sure enough I cracked a fish that I knew was 10lbs... So in tank her and start trolling again... Little did I know that 5 minutes later we would get another pig even bigger... So we tanked her too... My live well was stuffed with only 2 fish in it... Lol... I've never boated 2 over 10lbs in the same day before... So we now had a chance to do a double pic of 2 walleye over 10lbs... This day was by far my best day of walleye fishing in my life considering the size as well as the numbers if walleye we were able to boat... Is was so crazy we were shaking of 6-7-8 pounders boat side to get our lines back in... So here is the fish porn... Enjoy... 11.85 Zack double shot 11.85 & 10.2 Me double shot 11.85 & 10.2 Mike
  15. You can probably make a few at 3m or somewhere like that fairly cheap
  16. I'm guessing your only options would bd traveling to the big waters... Niagra... St lawrence... St Clair...
  17. Very interesting... Makes sense tho... Think about how many acres of "dead" or unproductive water there are where you target walleye... Therefore there are areas with high populations with vast areas with little to no fish... So on a 10 acre mud flat with a rock pile may have 50 walleye on the rocks and only a handful in the other 9.5 acres...
  18. Almost a few times... A carp... I ended up jumping in the river to avoid a full spooling... Pier salmon... And what I believe was a musky one time ... Almost spooled me and we had to chase it with the boat... Hook ended up pulling
  19. I used to use one in my trap pro 1 man... NOT THE THERMAL!!! You won't be toasty warm... But it will cut the cold and help keep your gear from icing up... I use a regular buddy heater in he same hit now and some days I'm glad I have the extra BTUs And if you open your hut at all the little buddy takes a while to get the hut warm again If your the type to seal your hut with snow and not open it all day you'll be ok...
  20. I tried to find what your trying to find... Hard search... I've found I'm better off with a half dozen pairs of thin gloves and change em once they're wet... Thin leather seams best as it takes a while to absorb water... My buddy uses those cheap little gloves you give your kids for $2 with heavy latex gloves overtop of them... He casts musky late in the year... He keeps about 20 pairs of those cheap gloves in a dry bag...
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