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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. I'm gunna create a new sport Beat the crackhead... I'll hide in the bushes with a bat and leave my tacklbox in the driveway... Then wait...
  2. Nope I'm pretty sure the torque of your motor when you take off in your boat is far more then your motor bouncing on the road... They never made sense to me...
  3. After a walleye trip last weekend finishing really late I wasn't paying attention and forgot my fish cleaning tools outside... And wouldn't you know it... All my gear was stolen... Second time in a month I've had items stolen out of my driveway... Anyways... I use an electric knife to process my walleye... I've had the same rapala electric knife for like 10 years... So I looked at Canadian Tire and Walmart and they only had cordless and the Berkley ones with multiple adaptors... Anyways... Telling my story at work and someone I work with said she would go to SAIL and get one for me if I want.... She was going to Ottawa anyways... Great Made a call... They checked and confirmed they sell the 110ac rapala electric knife... I told the gentleman that my friend was coming today and asked if he could put one at the fishing counter for her to pick up so there's no confusion.... NO PROBLEM sir... What's the ladies name... It's great to know people that'll do you favors and have stores that'll help out like that... Thanks Richard (I think was the mans name) from SAIL and thanks Mayrie for the favor... Made my day
  4. Make sure to zip up all zippers and if you can cover the Velcro or attach the Velcro together... I didn't know this and the Velcro messed up the soft inner liner really bad...
  5. St Lawrence river.... Fished 12-6am last night and got 15.... Biggest were 6&7 pound double header...
  6. It'll be a gas pig compared to what you have now... That I promise you... And if your a troller then 4 stroke is a way better option the 2 stroke... The 2 stroke can do the job but it'll be louder... Probably not as smooth at idle... And burn more gas... In my opinion you'd be sacrificing about 3 good traits if a 4 stroke just for a BIT more power
  7. Biggest 2 were both exactly 8.15... So the boys got the same new PBs... Lol... Now they can't trash talk each other.... And yup....
  8. If this is any indicator of how fall fishing will be this year I'm pretty pumped...
  9. I might have to move to Lake Erie if you keep this up...
  10. I landed a 57" sturgeon on a low grade fine wire jig.... Doesn't mean it's a good jig... I all honesty... You were just the 1/100 that posted about a product and have no professional ties to the company.... We see it all the time on here so it's really easy to assume.... Sorry for assuming....
  11. For everyone else... The I'm about the same size as James... This walleye is 7lbs... And I'm holding it out Fishing pictures suck when your a big dude...
  12. For anyone trying to ballpark a weight a trick I use that's pretty accurate is anything from 24" up to about 30" is about an inch a pound if they're a healthy looking fish... 24"= 4lbs 25"= 5lbs 26"= 6lbs 27"= 7lbs 28"= 8lbs 29"= 9lbs 30"= 10lbs This is a guideline that is usually withing 0.5 of a pound... If they're skinny take off 0.5-1 pound... If it's December and they're obese... Add 0.5-1lb So next time if you don't have a scale... Measure it... No tape measure then line it up on your rod... Or cut a piece of line the length of the fish and measure afterwords...
  13. I'm the same size I'm putting at 8-9 pounds... To skinny to make 10 pounds
  14. Article states visitors and non resident can use their home licenses
  15. I'd imagine we will be fine That's like saying you need to get a NY drivers license to take a trip to NY city...
  16. I'm guessing credit master is involved with the company cause he just offered to send samples to someone...lol Mustad ultra points for everything... Hooks make a huge difference... I pay almost $1/hook and it's worth every penny...
  17. It's held in late July every year... Me and my buddy took 1st this year... 10lbs 2oz.... 1 bass 1 walleye...
  18. Our local combo tourney you are REQUIRED to weigh in 1 bass and 1 walleye or you can't weigh... 2 fish total... So even if you get a giant walleye... If you don't weigh a bass you can't weigh... And vise versa... That being said our area would actually be pretty even between the bass guys and walleye guys cause we have no slot...
  19. I think you can click on it with your mouse and simply drag it to the bottom of your screen Lew
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