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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. I was just at fence depot in Cornwall Ontario and they have a full stock of x zone products... Minus my favorite color slammer... Lol One of the workers also told me the products will still be made but under a new name...
  2. I bought a bunch last year... It's a smoke/purple/something/something.... They work great... Also any browns with flake worked good... Usualy it was a goby color or a shinner color
  3. 12 foot is very small.... My first boat was a 14' with a 9.9 and it was awesome....
  4. How fast is fast (mph) and how deep... Most peoples defenition if heavy current differ quite a bit I fish rivers 99% of the time and have learnt to fish some serious current... I have a spots where I catch walleye in 8 mph current... Lol
  5. Was that the qualifier line up Lew... And I'm still loving that 2 tone musky.. Such a cool fish
  6. So I was wondering... Is gore text gore tex? Lol What I mean is all gore tex pretty much the same? Is there a difference in the actual material when comparing a $100 jacket and a $300 jacket...? Or are we paying triple for better zippers and pockets... I'm in the market for a new rain suit I love my cabelas guide-wear (got on clearance) but unfortunately I didn't treat it as well as I should have and need a new suit... but the price is overwhelming... I don't really wanna drop $700 on a suit... But I will if it keeps me dryer.... So let's here your opinions on gore tex and your experience with suits both good and bad
  7. Redonkulous.... You know they're huge when you can hold em by their gill plate...
  8. Lol. We all know people like that... That in mind he may not know any better... Hopefully he's not a member with everyone teasing him
  9. Very interesting... But my experience tells me different... I'm not saying they're wrong... I just disagree... If I have 3 rods fishing I usually start with 3 different colors... Some days they eat anything... But some days 1 color will catch more... Then if another rod changes to the "hot" color their catch rate increases... It's like night and day... Which brings me to my second point... At night color is very important... I have a few colors that 9/10 night trips will out produce any other colors... Again for walleye that is... But as a wise angler once told me... I already have all the other pieces to the puzzle in place for my pattern cause it's my home water and my #1 species... So color is one of the only details left to fine tune... On a new water maybe not so much... Again... This is mostly for walleye experience... And also rings true for smallies I've battled with...
  10. I've had a viking jacket from marks work warehouse for like 10 years... Nothing but good things to say... It was on sale for $50 I think
  11. Yup I've seen them school up in creeks in such numbers that if you drive your boat up the creek you have hundreds of them swimming and jumping in front of the boat... Almost like Asian carp.. They also school up in bays.. As a starting point... Anywhere I've found crappie there have been bullhead around
  12. Yup... We call em bullhead... They're small catfish.... A 2 pounder would be big They come in the creeks and bite day and night... So you can fish em whenever you want... All you need is a hook and worm. and weight... I like using a float too...
  13. March 21st... What an easy question... Lol Once the geese show up that's the start of carpin for me.... When the buds on trees start to open thats my sign for the bullhead runs...
  14. I've been reducing the volume of gear I have and increasing the quality... So to her it looks like less... Lol In all honesty... I don't really drink... Don't smoke... Don't do drugs... The only thing I spend money on is fishing... So she's ok with it...
  15. Guy at Harvey's called me sir today... There's still hope for you iron
  16. Not to be a smart guy but what's a waitress supposed to say to a group of 4-10 people...? Address each one individually as ma'am or sir? Or good afternoon ladies and gentleman...? I've worked in restaurants (all about as classy as the next... Kelsey/east side Mario's...) and they all said "guys" or "everyone"... It's more how you great a friend then a customer... Its to make thdm feel like regulars... It's like the show cheers... If they yelled sir or mr.____ instead of Norm it would be weird... I work for one of the biggest companies in the world and the director for my region who is higher then the highest person at my site of 1200 people is addressed by his first name... We all are... If someone says Mr.______ it's more jokingly... We all talk to each other as equals with higher or lower levels of responsibility... Not many people use the term "my boss" where I work... If my direct reports that I supervise called my Mr.Rousseau and sir It would be weird... Most of them are twice my age...
  17. Right now USA stores aren't worth it... Terrible exchange plus he shipping costs... Ive ordered like 90% of my gear in the past 6-7 years from the states and this year might be the first time i stock up in Ontario.... SAIL will be getting my business...
  18. I used to catch em bare handed all the time... They come into the boathouse to eat the fish guts... They show up like 15-20 minutes after you put some in the water... I used to use a net when I was a kid but it made to much of a mess or they wouldn't fit... Then I would just grab em with my hands... Always let em go after... It was neat for any kids around or city folk... They looked at my like I was the crocodile hunter or something... They didn't seam to mind too much... They'd be back eating again within the hour.... Now we just watch them quietly... We even recognize a few of the bigger ones that show up regularly...
  19. I thought it was illigal to disturb spawning fish in any way...? We have a canoe race every year here that goes over walleye spawning beds in a local trib to the st lawrence...
  20. That's a tough one to hear... You poster child giving a speach that basically explains that she doesn't agree with your hunting and fishing lifestyle... But as others have said she has her opinion and it's hers... Not yours... The speach would be the least of my worries tho... I'd be more concerned about how she feels about you and your practices with fish and game... Talk to her and ask her what she thinks about the activities you do to harvest meat... You don't have to see eye to eye on how you each wanna live your life... But I would make an effort to ensure she understands and respects your choices and lifestyle as well...
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