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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. rod... reel... line... lure... caught em in the water... looked like this sorry... if i told you id have to kill you...
  2. i was also able to mark bait balls all over the place... my old sonar never marked bait balls.... and thats where the walleye were... tight to the bait...
  3. im gunna see if i can send it in at the end of the season... mid dec... i can keep my old gps in the boat for my speed...
  4. well... ive only fished with the unit for a couple hours so far but i was pretty impressed... i was marking fish then catching them all night... before this was a rare experience... the unit is incredibly visable... verry verry bright screen... i didnt get to really play with options too much cause the fish were really biting but from what ive seen im very happy with my purchase... not sure about the down imaging yet... it wasnt marking the fish as well as the switch fire sonar... but like i said... only out a couple hours... the one fault so far... gps speed... the gps speed is NOT accurate... for the most part it is close to your speed... but then it will spike from 1.5 up to 2-3-4 and then back... im not impressed with this... so im gunna call humminbird and see whats up... might have to update the unit... might have to send it back... but from what ive read on line... humminbird will swap out the faulty unit... anywas 4 out of 5 stars from me...
  5. last night was by far the best day of walleye fishing ive ever had... i managed to get 2 guys to come out with me last night... so i was exited to have 3 lines in the water to up our chances... i decided to only hit the spots that have really been producing... and did they ever produce... first spot we boated 6 in less then an hour... and it went on like this all night... at the end of the night we finished with 35 walleye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 smallies and last but not least a rockbass... we had 2 triple headers and 4 double headers.... triple headers? ive never had triple headers... we were fighting for the net and flashlight... 35 walleye in 5 hours makes it a fish every 10 minutes or less!!!! and the size was there as well... we boated about 10 fish 24 inches and up!!! and one of the double headers got us a 26inch and a 27inch walleye... biggest double header ive ever had... or heard of...(BOQ aside) now keep in mind... im not up north... im in south eastern ontario... the whole boat was literally giggling all night.... biggest smiles ever... we just couldnt stop giggling... and when we hit the 30 fish mark... youll never gueass what happened................ fireworks...lol... i couldnt freaken believe it... just as i was releasing number 30... a local cottager set of some fireworks... it felt like they were just for us.... anyways... after a night like that... i could go on and on... so heres the pics BTW........ one of the smallies was over 5 pounds...
  6. Installed the unit yesterday... Testing it out tonight...
  7. pauls pb... its my biggest in the boat this year...
  8. i dont understand how 3 "experienced sailors" and "engineers" didnt realize that accelerating would cause all the water to rush to the back of the boat... i personally think this was three idiots pushung the limits with a crappy boat and are very lucky to be alive... also... the story could have been shorter... ---i sunk my boat cause my bilge pump broke and im an idiot--- what most people dont think about is what conditions their boat can handle if things start to break... motor...bilge...lights... etc... i know i can go out in some knarly weather... but if my main motor where to quit...id be screwed... you have to know what you can handle in a plan B situation... i hardly ever use an electric motor... but i always have one on my boat with fully charged batteries... as well as paddles... so i have 3 things to get me home... also always have a spare gallon of gas in storage... ive never in my life run out of gas... also some basic tools should be kept in every boat... if they had a live well they could have used that pump to empty the boat... being engineers they could have rigged it up to do so... i know i could with my boat... i also have 2 extra plugs in my boat... in rough weather the vibrations do funny things... you never know... all this and im never more than 2 miles from shore... most days im within swimming distance all day... my 2 cents... mike
  9. The net you have is defiantly too small for 50 inch musky... Your net is half the size of the musky you wanna put in it... So the fish would be doubled over in it... And if the fish rolled in the net... It would be even worse...
  10. Topwater... Top raider Jackpot Rumbler Doc Cranks... Most cranks will work in that depth this time of year... You dont need to get it right in front of them... Right now I'm catching musky running 5-10 feet off the bottom while trolling... So any cranks that dive 5-20 feet should work...
  11. Sweet catch!!! On a jigging rap in the summer? Never heard of anybody using those on soft water...
  12. If I knew where they were I would catch them... But I don't... So I'm looking for a place to buy them...
  14. I've never gut hooked a musky... Never... I use a large single big gun catfish hook... You do miss enough fish but they will hit several times before getting spooked...
  15. It's hard to trap minnows 9-12 inches... Lots of by-catches... I'd rather buy them...
  16. Hey I'm looking to stock up on big live bait for fall musky... I'm looking for pretty much any minnow 8-12 inches... preferably creek chubs or suckers... I live between Montreal and Ottawa... And I'm looking for a store that can get me at least... 36 minnows... I would take more if they can get it...
  17. That's how mercman got his walleye with me... I was telling him to shut up all dang day... ; )
  18. http://www.fishing4tails.com/ Greg amiel Got out with him a couple years ago in late august... 21 fish... Mostly big kings... Biggest was 28 and a handful of 22-26 pound fish...
  19. Sweet... I'm so pumped for Sunday with you... That fish is huge...
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