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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. Will do Paul... He's really proud of how well me and my brother can fish...
  2. Well got my dad out tonight for the first time in a while... Actually first time ever where I normally like to fish... We usually fish together closer to our boathouses... But I launch further up river... We didn't leave my house till after 5:00pm and started fishing around 5:30-5:40 Things started off pretty slow but lots of father son time to chat... Then around 7:00 the fishing started to pick up and we were into the walleye... We boated about 7 in an hour... And we already had 2 others before that... So I started thinking this is a good night... But with a lot of 2lb fish I said to my dad... A biggun would really make the night... Next spot we hit... 30 seconds into the troll dads rod doubled over with a big fish... Couple cranks of the reel and SNAP!!!! Line breaks... I'm thinking what the hell... I always set my drag proper... No way it should have snapped... Then he let out a goofy chuckle and said "I guess I shouldn't have tightened the drag so much"... I checked it... LOCKED!!!! Like musky drag tight... So right after he broke... I mean less than a minute... My rod doubled...28.5 inch Walter... Must have been a pair or big girls there tonight... What a way to end a great night... 10 walleye with a 28.5 incher to finish it off..
  3. Probably like everything else in fishing... Make a name for yourself and then sell the name... Not the quality that built the name
  4. Yeah... Musky baits are 10x the size and thru wire for 15-25 bucks... ( I know they get more pricey than that)
  5. so yesterday for the second time this year ive had a rapala taildancer fall apart on me... the lip is coming right out of the lure... and thats where your line connects to the lure!!! so luckily it happend in the boat with a shaking walleye and not in the water with a big trophy... id be pretty mad if my rod loaded up and went slack... then after reeling in i see nothing but a lure lip... for 12 bucks a pop i expect better from a large seasoned company such as rapala... anybody else have these issues?
  6. im 26 now... and me and my dad love spending time together going fishing and doing fish frys... i never really strayed from him in my teens... but now my other friends and family are starting to realize the bonding done on the water as well as the bank afterwords is priceless... and way more fun than drinking your face off friday night and feeling crappie the rest of the weekend... some longtime freinds i kinda lost touch with are now catching up to me and my appreciation for the outdoors and we are having more fun than ever...
  7. Playing sports is a luxury... Not a right or necessity... I lost my job with a 2 week old baby at home... Nobody is giving me toonies or loonies to buy diapers and formula for him... So why the heck should I donate to unessasary sports... The big problem is parent that are in denial about their kids skills... They all think their son is the next Crosby... They probably aren't... Put your kids in house league... They learn about teamwork... You don't travel... They get exercise... And have fun... And it's a fraction if the cost... What some people spend on their kids athletics in their lifetime would be a retirement fund for some people... Makes me sick to think the kid got to play aaa hockey for 10 years but as for university... Well sorry son... We spent all our money on hockey ...
  8. Yeah... 30-32 inches is a bit much My pb is 24 inch smallie and that was 7.5lbs
  9. Got to do a fair bit of walleye fishing this past week... And the bite is on!!!!!! Monday evening me and my longtime buddy finally got out and did pretty good... We boated 12 walleye in 4 hours Thursday I got out by myself and managed 8 walleye Friday evening I went out for some musky action and boated a small 38" fish... Saturday I took the family to the legendary glengarry highland games to watch the heavy weight events... Caber toss... Hammer throw... Sheef toss and then got to hear the mass band play... 65 pipe bands play together and it is really quite a moving sound Sunday I got out on some new found spots with another friend and we smoked 14 walleye with a couple lost bigguns as well and lots of missed bites Then today I got the wifey out for a couple hours this afternoon and we got 6 walleye in 3 hours and I lost one about 8 pounds boatside... All in all a really nice week of family... Friends... and fishing... Oh ... And Sunday night I did a fish fry for the in-laws... 12 people stuffed with walleye and all had big smiles on their faces Mike
  10. That's a good fish... Was it on bass gear?... If so, that must have been some battle
  11. Great report... Looks like some great family times you'll never forget...
  12. well i only had 3 hours with paul... and you have nothing to lose but a car ride...
  13. I started thinking about my trip to lake O for salmon... When I thought a trip trade might be better... So I'm wondering if anybody wants to swap a day of musky fishing... Or walleye if you prefer... With me for a day of salmon fishing with you? Both parties get what they want and it doesn't cost a fortune... PM me if interested...
  14. Looks very similar to what my bullhead season looks like... Lol
  15. a boat rod and real and a lure...oh yeah... and line...
  16. Couldn't find anybody to go fishing today... So off I went by myself... All my normal spots that produce... Nothing!!!! So I decided to try some other areas and put together a pattern... I ended up finding 3 new spots and landed 8 walleye and a couple smallies... The biggest walleye was 27.5 inches... About 7+ pounds... Today it was saddles and points that produced for me... It was a long day trying to pattern with only one line... But in the end I enjoyed the challenge... And it felt good boating 8 walleye on spots I don't normally fish... Sorry no picks... I'll have to get a lesson from "jigs" on self photos on the boat by yourself...lol
  17. Thought so... And that gives an extra bait without extra rods... Thanks a lot
  18. I have a rough idea of how to do this but sone details would really help
  19. I also have spin doctor flashers... And from what I've read... I should run them on the riggers with flies and run spoons without flashers on the dipsy divers....?
  20. I plan on having me and 1 other angler with me and I have 2 small manual riggers... I was gunna run 1 rod on each rigger and a dipsy rod out to each side
  21. Great stories everybody... Can't wait to take my little fella fishing... But at 11 weeks old... I have some waiting to do... Keep em coming
  22. If you had to chose between dipsy or riggers wich produces more? I know riggers go deeper but I should be fishing fairly shallow
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