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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. I'd personally get the triducer... Nothing to back it up... But from what I've read it's perfect for the all around angler
  2. My November last year... All these fish are over 27" And the pig of last year My brother got this one... 13lbs!!!!!
  3. there are still loads of fish around... they just wont bite....... gunna try jigging or maybe live bait.... water temps droped from 75-69 in 2 weeks...
  4. sorry... onshore walleye spots are to precious to share... there are enough guys fighting over which rock they get to stand on next... there is miles of public shoreline in the cornwall area... take your rod and go for a walk and you might get lucky....
  5. nice fish... and looks like a nice day as well... talk about glass
  6. Oh yeah... I forgot to mention... Right before I got the 28.5... My buddy straightened his hooks on a pig and lost it... He tightened the drag I had set proper the other day...
  7. Got out tonight for a couple hours of walleye fishing... Or so I thought... Get to my buddies house to pick him up for fishing... Realized I forgot my wallet and cell phone at home... Go back and get them... Now I'm behind schedule... Get my stuff... Hit the road... Doin good... Launch the boat... Get on the river... And it is awesome... It was like glass... Not too warm out... Not too cold out............. Then I look north.... Not good... Big storm heading right for us... So we decide to do a couple runs before the rain hits... We got 1 dinky walleye... And the motor is chugging bad... I figured I had bad gas... So we take a run to avoid the storm and try to get stabilizer at a marina... We managed to dodge the storm and altho the marina was closed the owner came down and sold me a bottle of stabilizer... Both issues solved... So off to fishing again... But I can't hit my milk run cause the storm hasn't passed yet...( oh yeah... I forgot my rain jacket...) so im kinda fishing dead water... Finally the storm fully passes... After 8:00pm!!!!!!! Hit a couple spots really quick and managed 5 walleye in under 2 hours... Poor numbers compared to what I've been getting for the past 2 months... However... The "whip cream" One of the walleye was 28.5 inches long!!!
  8. Got microsoft security essentials and it found some adware thing... Hope that was the problem... Also got firefox... Thanks everyone...
  9. since ive been hacked... my computer screen flickers from time to time... does anybody know why...?
  10. i get to fish tonight wed and thur night this week i love my GF i also have a partner for all 3 days... i have the time to fish... and a start to the night pattern... this weeks goal is to expand on the pattern and boat 30-50 eyes...
  11. i cross into the USA once a week... and what ive noticed is that the same officers are crabby everytime... and the nice ones are nice all the time... and any time they are doing random checks or car x rays... they have all been professional about it... the saying that the officer was rude because hes having a bad day... i dont see this... and furthermore... if it were true... its very unprofessional of the officer... either way the canada/usa border officers are trying to keep us all safe and collect taxes to pay for our roads and schools... as long as they dont do a cavity search smile and nod
  12. Yeah... All I do is start running stabilizer starting in mid November... And oil
  13. Then again... My family hasn't winterized any if our boats...ever... And no issues... I guess it depends how long your storing your stuff...
  14. Can't believe the guy walked by a boat making a noise on dry land!!! Well at least tge bad luck only ruined one trip... If you woulda split these up you woulda had a couple trips worth of let down...
  15. Never backed off my drag... Haven't had a noticeable issue yet... But I have been told I should do it...
  16. i did a full computer antivirus scan... but i guess nowadays that doesnt help much... as far as i can tell i have controll back... ive changed all my passwords...etc...
  17. the thing with flossing is the hook usualy gets em in the corner of the mouth... so nobody can really prove if it hit the bait or got flossed... thats why the mnr doesnt put a stop to it... cant prove it...
  18. most of the remains sink... the only part that floats is what i believe is fatty tissue in the stamoch cavity... seagulls take care of that in seconds...
  19. im into my accounts again here's the email addy to give you guys a heads up... [email protected]
  20. heres the message that "I" sent gbw... :spam: :spam: I'm writing this with tears in My eyes My Family and I came down here to (Leyton, London) for a short vacation,unfortunately We got mugged last night in alley by a gang of thugs on our way back from shopping, one of them had a knife poking my neck for almost two minutes and everything we had on us including my cell phone, credit cards were all stolen,quite honestly it was beyond a dreadful experience for us but looking on the bright side we weren't seriously hurt or injured and we are still alive so that is whats important. We've been to the embassy and the Police here but they're not helping issues at all and our flight leaves in less than few hrs from now, but I'm really having some difficulties clearing our hotel bills and also need to pick up a voucher ticket at the counter for us to catch a flight back home in a couple of hours. Am freaked out at the moment and i need your help right away! wondering if you could please loan me some money to settle the hotel bills and get a flight back home, i promise to def refund it back as soon as i return home. Hanging in here to read from you. Mike. :spam: :spam:
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