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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. Hi I'm looking to try salmon fishing on lake Ontario... I've been out with a guide before and I have a good idea of what I need to do... I have dipsy divers and small manual downriggers... I have trolling spoons and flies and some planer boards... As well as plenty of crankbaits... I'm planing on going in mid-late august... When the salmon are at river mouths or staging nearby... My questions... I will be in a small boat and plan on offshore fishing if it's too windy... But are there any tips for slamon fishing in a small boat? Second... I was gunna try port hope cause it's closer... But port credit has more boats fishing and I could probably just stay in "the pack" and watch other boats... So my question is... Should I fish the more private port hope? Or drive further to port credit where I can follow others and I've been guided before...? Third... How do you set your drag on your salmon rods...? For musky we pretty much lock it... And walleye we leave it pretty loose... So wich do you prefer for salmon... Pm s welcome if you're protective of info... If not let's hear the tips Please... Mike
  2. Thnks Paul... Anytime somebody gets their first musky with me is special...
  3. Hey Wondering what some of your favorite fishing memories are... Whether it was a day filled with fish or special moments... For me... A couple come to mind... My wife's big musky... We were live bait fishing and she got a bite... So I told her to feed him line... Then I asked if she wanted me to set the hook for her... NO!!!! She said... I wanna do it myself... She set and the battle was on... I could tell it was big... Then she got it boatside and her face went a bit pale... It was 48 inches at least... Then it decided to fight and marissa ended up hunched over the side of the boat saying "I can't do it... I can't do it...". So I asked if she wanted me to take the rod..."No... ITS MY FISH" she yelled back... At this point I'm laughing at her behavior... Then we finally landed the beast.... We both had big smiles... Then I told her a lot of people never get a Muskie that big... She was proud of her fish and so was I... These are the types of days that I remember... How about you?
  4. If the fish is gunna die... And you have your possession limit...By the rules you can't keep it... Where I live a legal musky is 48 inches... So if a 47 dies on me... I gotta let it float down the river and rot...
  5. I spoke with the MNR enforcement department... And you are only allowed 1 possession limit... And if you catch them in a zone where the limit is 6 and take em home where your limit is 4... Your ok... And if you have your limit... Catch and release is ok
  6. My first was smaller... Got it bass fishing but it cut me worse than any of the big ones Congrats on your first of hopefully many to come...
  7. You can go in open water or grassy field and let out all the line... When you real it in... The grass or water resistance will take out the twist...
  8. Asking for specific information in you first post is frowned upon here... We want to know a bit about you... Where your from... What you fish for... You gotta build up to specific info... And sometimes even going fishing with other members... But somebody might take a swipe at this question anyway...
  9. The key to achieving the depth your looking for is using light line... If you run 10lb braid when trolling and let out plenty of line you will get very close to the depths on the crankbait box...
  10. They work... But didn't seem to outperform any other set up I use... And you gotta go real slow... Wich I don't like... I prefer crankbaits at 1.5-2 mph
  11. Solid catch... Nice size walleye as well
  12. Why did you have to show me that.... Damn toys!!!!!
  13. Mercman is the only guy I know that needs a 6 foot glove for his rod...lol
  14. I'm guessing he was dissapointed cause the walleye have been pounding lately... And big smallies are pretty normal here... And the big winds made it difficult and frustrating to fish... But it did look like an ok weekend to me... Better than working... Nice solo picks and videos andre... Keep up the good work
  15. I think if this kind if accident happens and you have the ability to safely pull over and help you should... However... If you have no real qualifacations that will help the situation and there are people helping already... Go fishing... And if your one if tge first on the scene... After the paramedics show up... Give yourself a pat on the back and then go fishing... My dad pulled a guy from his burning wreck of a car one time... As soon as the medics showed up... He left... Then he took me and my brother fishing... Then later that night he told us what happened... He told the story as if he got a flat tire... He didnt want to be in the paper... Nor did he care if the guy was ok afterwords... He did his part to help out... Then he did his most important job... He showed up and kept a promise to take his kids fishing... And you know what... The first time I saw a fipped car and there was no help... I pulled an elderly woman out of a ditch through her car window... The car was upside down in the water... Then I called 911... And when the cops showed up... I left without even leaving my name cause I felt like ice cream... But I did my part... Some of us live by a different code in life... For me... I don't think if I should help... I just do it... And if another person living by these guidelines is already in control of the situation... Then I drive by and worry about. Tge things in life effecting MY family and freinds...
  16. I run braid on everything... Even crankbait rods... I helps for feel as well as depth... Only rods I put mono on are one of my musky trolling rods for trolling long lines in shallow water and my perch and bullhead rod
  17. Nice fishing... You can get a small tripod at walmart for your camera... 10-20 bucks and then you can do self portraits... That's what I do... I usually fish carp alone...
  18. OOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SNAP!!! BBQ sauce... i thought thats what whip cream was for...
  19. and thank you paul for the goodie package you brought me... i cant wait to try those "handlebars" inlines as well as that BBQ sauce... tasts great... i cant decide what to put it on first... any recomendations?
  20. that looks pretty good... you like the unit?
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