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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. i was told by a mechanic if you car/truck baterry died... and you got boosted...youd have to drive for 3-4 hours highway to get it back to 100% and you should have been able to use a rope around the flywheel to pull start it...
  2. That's the worst stuff to have stolen... Somebody broke into my car one time... Took a bunch of custom or hard to find musky baits and my fishing camera with all my photo stored on it... Left my cell... CDs... Etc... I was so mad!!! I would rather lose the expensive replaceable stuff than tackle and lures with memories and stories attached... Hood luck finding it... You never know... I left my box at a boat launch one time... Went back... Gone... Asked the close by marina if they saw anything... They asked my to describe it... So I did... It's right here he says... An old fella found it and gave it to the mechanic and said to look for somebody looking around for something... I got lucky and maybe you will too...
  3. Nice report... I can't wait for my trip to lake O with pikeslayer this weekend... Come on kings...
  4. Good for you andre... I'm gunna be primarily targeting musky for the next couple weeks... I have some new spots to try... This weekend coming up is no good but maybe the one after we can get out... Lemme know... I'm itching for another big one...
  5. I always fish... But I don't really catch much...lol... The guests are in the front half of the boat and run on a "normal" length of line... And I run a LONG like behind their lures... It's mostly for feel so I know where our baits are... But the long line does get the odd fish... No hard feelings on my end nipfisher... I've questioned people in public threads about stuff that maybe I shouldnt have... And I've also had some beverages is the sun all day... You get PRETTY relaxed after a dozen wobbly pops playing horseshoes... Lol
  6. Can't wait to try walleye cooked with cattle boyz... Maybe tomorrow...
  7. Hey Paul... I believe that gives you the biggest walleye in the OFC tournament...
  8. Well I wanted one for supper... I clean all the fish for guests at my house... So I kept 1 for supper and sent Paul and Barb home with 8 and a perch... We could have had 12 in those newspapers...
  9. well ok then... i want one...
  10. i think most of us think it would be better to have more officers patroling where there are more fisherman... im on the st.lawrence river... ridiculous amount of boats fishing... im in my boat 3-4 times a week... and i only get checked maybe....maybe once a year... usually while im carp fishing.... a fish that your allowed to shoot with a bow and let it float down the river.... and they are checking carp guys like crazy... no limit ...no season... but walleye... i can honestly say that ive never in my life had a CO check my livewell for walleye... never... you would think he would take a peak in the well to see if there was a pile of fish or just a couple.... nope... and ive never heard of the local COs checking anybody elses wells either... so why spend the crazy amount of time on terry's little croup? why not put that time in on waters with more fisherman and check them properly? in my opinion that was 2 people's days pay that i helped pay for... and they are pissing our license money away spending a full day trying to catch a specific few anglers on a fly in lake... they should be focused on the masses... really... how much damage do you think terry's group could do to a lake???really??? meanwhile there are guys limiting 1-2 times a day every day on perch where i live...
  11. there is a river in my area that walleye spawn in... MNR used to sit in tree stands in the bushes with high power cameras and night vision... looking for pre season poaching... sneaky buggers
  12. id like to see the bottom of the hull in the second video...
  13. Well... I'm very exited to announce that I ponied up the dough for a new unit and I'm very pumped... Ordered the humminbird 597ci hd di Wich has down imaging... On sale for $599 and a free screen cover... From cabbalas... A big review is soon to come next week... im exited about that color display over my black and white... and im really pumped to play with the down imagiing... as well as switchfire... im not exited about plugging in my 150 waypoints from my lowrance... is there an easy way to do this? maybe save to a blank sd card or something? my lowrance is pretty old so i dont know what kinda options i have with it...
  14. I dint often fish largies... But when I do... I use white spinnerbaits... Stay thirsty my friends...
  15. It was not a nazi musky... That was a typo... Lol
  16. Now you just gotta keep a ratchet in the boat and your good to go...
  17. Just get one of these... http://m.cabelas.com/cabelas/product/detail.do?itemId=737322&categoryId=&path=
  18. ive had regular split ring straighten out...on fish!!! i imagine that you gunna lose the first trophy you get on that set up... but if saving cash is more important than big fish...get at her
  19. Letting them rest a bit... I'm catching so many eyes they are gunna figure out what's up... Lol
  20. I'm a really really lucky guy... She asked me if I could take her out for musky... She said she's been jonesing to get another one...
  21. That's the St.Lawrence river pattern... They are mostly beautiful fish... Yeah... Went to the black perch... Now I have some confidence in that color... I keep telling her that... Oh well... It makes static sparks when we kiss now... Lol
  22. Very cool... It's nice your starting your kids off at a young age... I didn't get my first ski till I was 18... And my dad was a guide!!!
  23. Well I took out my good luck charm tonight... Marissa... The usuals weren't producing... So I reached into my bag of tricks... And we picked up 3 musky in about 1-1.5 hours... Marissa was pumped with her 42 incher that put on some Arian displays... Thrashed a couple times and a real nice summersault... The second fish was marissa's... She doesn't hold em... Just likes to reel em in... And the third didn't want it's photo taken so it decided to inhale the bait... Took to long unhooking it so we put it back without a pic... Better safe then sorry...
  24. Rod locker is too short for modern musky rods... And I'd bet the livewell will be too short as well... A 50-60 inch well would be nice to revive musky in rough conditions... Otherwise nice to see an economic price on a deep boat
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