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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. ill think about it... leaning towards yes...
  2. hope i get to meet you guys when you come down...
  3. cant fish musky from dec 15 to 3rd saturday in june... and walleye are closed till early-mid may... sooooo... i thought id try steelhead...
  4. it was really cool watching her hit boatside as well... we dont see that around here very often due to clear water conditions... thats the first ski ive seen boatside on the larry... buddy was shaking the rest of the night....
  5. I hit a pb for numbers... A couple times... My new pb for numbers of walleye is 35!!! And I'm ahead of pace to hit 500 walleye this year!!!!
  6. I know... He makes it look way bigger... But it was the thickest fish I've ever caught... And heavy... Here's one of me holding it... Still looks huge
  7. Dec 11 last year... Every year I get out at least once in December... Also I find it's a good idea to run you motor for 10-20 seconds on the trailer trimmed down... This should get most of the water out... And I run stabilizer starting in November... Every tank gets some cause you don't know wich is gunna be your last for the year...
  8. Well... Tonight was the start of my break from walleye... For the next month or so I'm going to be targeting lunge... And tonight was a great start... We boated 3 musky in 2 hours... 1 trolling and 2 casting And the big girl hit boatside before my buddy could even start a figure 8... We both saw the take... It was intense They were 50-40-40 inches And my reward...
  9. just saw this boat and thought it was a good deal for anybody looking for a great lakes aluminium boat... https://www.walleyecentral.com/classified/new/adviewer.jsp?adv=15539
  10. Nice shooting fellas... Those ducks look tasty... My brother pounds ducks around here... Can't wait for the duck peperettes....
  11. Great job man... That fish has a big head and thick shoulders...
  12. I think everyone is going a bit crazy on this one... Think about the stress... Strain... And abuse fish go threw to spawn... Also ... Think about how many fish you've caught with huge scars from a pike or musky attack that they survived... I personally think fish are a lot stronger then most of you think... I'm not suggesting not being prepared or not respecting the fish... But do you really think weighing a fish is gonna be the straw that breaks the camels back? Also... How many bass or walleye do you see floating...? I've only seen a couple walleye ever floating dead... And the odd bass... I see way more carp... Suckers... Eels... Catfish... Etc... Floating dead...Fish that aren't targeted... Exept carp... But the dead carp I usualy see are shot with a bow... I dunno... I'm trying to stir the pot... I'm just pointing out that sportfish have worse things to worry about then 10 seconds on a scale...
  13. Nice weekend... Nice tiger as well... Never got one of those...
  14. What do you think goes into kraft dinner...? I used to manufacter the stuff... Haven't eaten it in 3 years... The enzymes and slurry they put into it... And the actual cheese... Some of it comes off the floor... They just wipe off the dirt and pretend it never happened... And kraft dinner in the USA ...doesn't have any cheese in it!!!!!!
  15. He tried using the bottled water to keep em alive... Then when that didn't work... He needed the tissue for the tears running down his cheek... But then he remembered how hungry he was... Then he needed the tissue for tears of joy... Lol
  16. Never that I can think of... But then again I get the green apple splats all the time... I gotta see a doctor about that...
  17. nice... you got what you wanted for the price you wanted... he got rid of dead stock.... win-win
  18. its that "hit and miss" time of year... last saturday my brother and dad boated 2 skis in 20-30 minutes.... this saturday... dad got skunked... the weather and sunlight and time of day effects the fish so much more in the fall... i have a love/hate relationship with this season...lol im sure youll get your fair share in the weeks to come... im gunna button down and try to put some lunge in the boat in the next month or so... even got some small musky trips planned as well... cant wait...
  19. A 16 tiller... 80hp... I'd say no go... I've been driving motorized tiller boats since I was 7-8.... And the max I'd put on my 16 lund would be a 60... And I have a bow mount and two huge deep cycle batteries in the front of my boat for weight...
  20. Is there a problem with your 40? That's what I have on my 16 lund... Gets 25-30 mph depending on what we eat at lunch...lol
  21. im not sure... but i dont think the weight is the issue... i think it has to do with keeping the "ride" of the boat safe and balenced... not sure tho... id love to hear a real answer to this question...
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