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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. it was my high school spare... i went for pancake breakfast at my grandmothers house... and while walking back to school the plane hit... when i walked in the school there was a lot of students heading towards the library... they said usa is under attack... then we watched the news in the library...
  2. Seafoam seemed to do the trick... My motor fouled up 2 trips in a row... Seafoamed it... 3 three trips without a foul up... So far so good... $15 at napa...
  3. If your trolling use a swivel... The larger the better... When weeds slide down your line they will be caught on the swivel and this keeps you lure running...
  4. i see a river on the map im looking at... is it the grand river? and a lake... guelph lake?
  5. hey i have to go to a wedding in guelph for the weekend... :wallbash: is there anywhere to take a few casts from shore for anything... carp...bass....pike... anything... PLEASE im gunna go crazy doing wedding crap all weekend
  6. happy birthday simon... hope its full of joy and happiness... and maybe a fish?
  7. Nice cat... I have yet to get a cat I've 2lbs... Looks like a fun day...
  8. Looks like a great time Paul... Nice pictures too...
  9. Hey everyone... I'm heading up to a cottage on four mile lake in burnt river and was wondering what the fishing is like... From what I can see the lake isn't on my navionics map... So I'm going up blind... Wich bothers me... Also... I'd be willing to trailer to a different lake other then four mile if it meant better fishing... I normally fish walleye and musky... But bass or lakers would be fun as well... I'll have 2 days to fish so maybe 2 lakes... Anyways... If anybody can help me out please post or pm me... Thanks Mike
  10. Never heard much about lake o musky... But there must be some at least in the east end... The Larry has a lot... And there are some in quinte... So you would think there are some between the 2 I doubt there in the blue zone tho... Lol
  11. Ggod for you taking control of tge situation... And we will be waiting here for you when you fall off the wagon and need info on a lake 5 hours away... Man ... Fishing is a disease...
  12. normally you expect to see a pike or musky... even a bass be the vilan in these videos... but this time its the carp!!!
  13. is there any special way to rig with flies under a float?? or basic couple BB shot?? i have some wooly buggers i was told work well... and i havent used em yet...
  14. you gotta realize the salmon are as good as dead once they are heading up the rivers... so being concerned for the fish itself is kinda pointless... the concern is more with the eggs shes carrying up the river to lay and hatch and populate whatever great lake your on... if you need roe... killing the fish is usualy the only way to go... ive seen people milk the salmon for the eggs... but like i said... the fish is gunna die anyways... so you might as well slit her open and give it away if you dont eat em... thats the nature of the beast when your fishing with roe... just make sure you use every last egg out of the fish so you dont have to harvest females as often... my 2 cents
  15. tried to take off the ...air box...? to get at the carb... no go... bols are blocked and cant be removed... i ran some seafoam thru the motor and im gunna take it for a good run tonight... how the heck do you get the carbs out??? everything is so tight in there... my knuckles are all bloodied up
  16. I have about 20 liters of gas in my tank The bottle says it treats 30-95 liters... Do I add the whole thing or half or.... You guys seem like seafoam pros.... How much? It's for a 40hp 4 stroke outboard...
  17. Also If I do clean tge carb myself... Are there gaskets to replace or anything to replace...?? Or just the cleaning?
  18. Also when I got home I put the muffs on to take a closer look at the leak... Wasn't leaking or chugging anymore... WTH? It also chugged in Tuesday then stopped after a short time... I think something is just sticking... I'll rake a look tomorrow and see how tricky it will be to remove the carb... Thnx
  19. Just wondering about a ball park price to get a carb cleaned... My 2000 Honda 40hp outboard I believe it has a plugged pilot jet... At idle it was chugging and there was gas leaking from the middle carb At full throttle it was smooth as can be and no gas leaking... I'm wondering if this is a simple job I can tackle... Or how much it would cost to get a marina to do it... I've read that after the carb is put back together you need some vacuum tool to tune in the carb... This is why I'm leaning towards getting a pro to do it...
  20. some cranks can reach these depths... manns 20+ or 30+ ? rapala ..."dives to" 20 reef runner deep diver or add a sinker and lighter line gets you down a bit further... and ive found 100-130 feet of line gets the lures to their max depth
  21. My girlfriend works at home and needs the driveway space... Otherwise yes... The least they could do is meet you at your house...
  22. And keep rod holders set up in your boat so you don't have to reel in when your friends get a fish... I've got a bunch of doubles and some triple headers because of this...
  23. My buddies that do all of "their" fishing with me... I keep their rods at my house so I can pack the boat properly before i even pick them up... Fill gas the night before Less people= less time running around and less clutter in the boat Keep your boat clean!!!!! ******** I DO NOT USE A NET!!!!!!!!! Unless the fish is 3-4lbs+. This cuts down time spent getting hooks out of the net... And I've only lost 2-3 doing that this year out of hundreds of successful fish flips into the boat... Keep extra baits of whatever you primarily use... I keep 2-4 of my favorite cranks in each color... You break a hook... Change baits and fix em at home after...
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