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Garnet last won the day on January 17 2022

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About Garnet

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All Knowing Angler

All Knowing Angler (8/10)



  1. I Can't seem to post on anything. help
  2. I don't like 30 seconds. Make these adjustments in quiet area and just listen, don't make adjustment until you hear the last . I owned 20 hp Johnston, a 60 and 2 175's of this erea. These are carbureted engines means I'm old. Most important with all these carb Johnston is have the motor trimmed level on initial start. My 175 rude I traded in, 6 months later I went to Green Bay Wisconsin and one of the other guys has my 175 rude on same boat. This guy starts talking to me on how hard it was to start. First morning of practice Todd was cranking and cranking motor , I told him to trim it down started. Met him next morning and went threw starting procedure. Todd was flabbergasted how well it started.
  3. Never understood stomach contents. This Wally likes black and red buck tails. All the info nessary.
  4. These old OMC are a little cranky. Trim your motor so it's level . Because the carbs are at front of motor the float bowls aren't full if trimmed up and they don't start great. Trim level and they start much better.
  5. I launch at cottage just over bridge in the town of buckhorn there's a charge. And stay in the marker buoys ,l've seen dozens of boats hit rocks.h
  6. http://Bowmanville very little damage. It was blowing rain so hard I could see my back fence 50-60 ft away. I've joked with wife we are on the same line as restaurants,CT,Wal Mart , main fire department ,police station. So hydro out for 2 hours no shingles lost no trees down. Moving in couple months to Port Hope will miss this place.
  7. I played with the grinder lots of fun. Makes those yardsale buys vaulable . I bought half doz striper wigs added to yarn was very interesting. Missing tying all packed up for a move.
  8. I don't think you could ever get enough people to sit in a boat all day and weight fish. Maybe if you paid a living wage to weight masters. MLF and this system is owned by a billionaire tournament fisherman. The second he loses interest it's over.
  9. I use cue tip and those alcohol packets . And some how have never ran out of little oil tubes from Shamano. At less 30 years ago my mom got on me hard for number of fishing rods I owned. She though I was compromising our future. So the count began at Sunday dinner. At 75 rods I lied to my mom and said that's all. The truth I could have got to 100. All those are gone and replacements plus I added salt water. This maybe a problem.
  10. I order from all these and a couple more, maybe I have the problem!
  11. I did my smelt fishing on Whitby pier. Bushel baskets full of smelt. Seen odd rainbow or brown trout show up in the net. They did a fast disappearing act. It's also involve a lot of home made wine and food.
  12. Couldn't sell my Baffins fast enough.
  13. It really means nothing that the tech kids didn't catch this day. The soon to be good anglers will figure it out. And 100 ft away that's 3 moves. In perchn 100 ft is the moon. Most of my buddy's take units off boat for there ice fishing so 12 month use tempers the cost.
  14. You need to spend to get those skills, 20-30-40 years of time and money or speed up the process .
  15. The steadier the weather the better the bite? On Simcoe the bite would normally get into a every 3 days it's very good. This Year that hasn't happen yet . And like always just go the days you have time.
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