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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. Hey all, I'm hoping you can help. My nephew is looking into buying a car and right now has a line on a 1996 Intrepid. I don't know anything about them and can't find the website that tells you about lemons and such. The car apparently needs a new windshield and pads, but is otherwise good (we'll see) He's also looking into a 98 Ford contour, needs rocker panels and front brake pads...so says the ad, again we'll see. If anyone has any knowledge to share or a website to look up I would appreciate it. And I already know to have a mechanic to look at it first. Thanks Maureen
  2. Hey Pete, hope you had a great day... Maureen
  3. Hey Dave, hope you have a great day... Maureen
  4. Too funny...great picture though...just a kid still Monique...Have a great birthday. Maureen
  5. Thanks Gary, that does help some...now t decide which is the best option for my situation. Maureen
  6. My dehumidifier does have that option, but it's at least 4 ft below ground level, so I need a motor to push it out, hence the sump/condensate pump requirement. Maureen
  7. Hey all, I know I've asked this before so I'll apologize for the repeat question. What is the difference between a Sump and Condensate Pump? Why is one better than the other? Here's the problem...the area under my house is very damp/wet, previous owners didn't help by the way the put up the insulation. I need to get the moisture out of there, hopefully I'll have a pump set up within 2 weeks. A sump pump is the less expensive way to go, can I just dig a hole in the ground, put in a 5 Gal. bucket, hook up a hose from the de-humidifier to the bucket, set the sump into the bucket run a hose to outside and leave 'er be? I don't know about hooking up a condensate pump, is it pretty much the same thing? It was suggested by someone here the I hook it into my septic pipe, I'm guessing to keep it away from the house? That isn't an option right now, I need time to find someone who can help me with that...in the meantime any suggestions??? Thanks Maureen
  8. They do look good, they are fun to catch in the spring, never caught one through the ice. Enjoy.... Maureen
  9. Can't help ya with that one sorry....what is a Steez????
  10. Good report, and ya, being lucky is better some days. Thanks for taking the time, you really gave me a clear picture in my mind. I have to say I don't think I want to learn to fish for trout after all. Yours is by no means the only story I've heard where there are tonnes of people all vying for a spot to the point of being nasty...kinda takes away the fun and relaxation being in such a crowded spot... Maureen
  11. Great report Kemper, sounds like a great day....you don't need photos or measurements to remember a fish of a lifetime, it'll be imprinted on your mind forever. Maureen
  12. Brandon, hope you had a great day....miss your reports... Maureen
  13. Well I don't know from flies, but they look good to me, don't know why linweir would say they won't wouldn't work. I envy you your talent and patience, not something I have in this particular area. Keep up the good work and be sure to post the pictures of the fish you catch on those. Maureen
  14. I too need a new mower, but I don't have your budget. I haven't made up my mind what one to buy, but I do know I'll be getting one that's a mulcher...no raking or emptying the bag for me, my lot is 100x150, and I remember when I had a lot a bit smaller, I was emptying the bag every other pass. Maureen
  15. only caught the last 10 minutes , but it was a good 10 minutes Sorry I missed the whole thing. Maureen
  16. Wow, March sure is a popular month...this week very much so, the fifth Birthday this week that I know of....and I'm sure Beans would say you picked a fine day for it Have a great day Shawn... Maureen
  17. Geez, I'm amazed you survived another year ya ol' fart . Have a GREAT day Norm. Maureen
  18. Hey Fishergirl, I don't have any personal experience myself, but my friend Steve's family has lots of them . From what I hear it is very rewarding, but, like lots of jobs/careers, they are grossly understaffed and overworked. All of the people I know work in either Simcoe or Huronia. From what I hear the pay can vary depending upon the facility you work at, some are fairly good, others not so, at least not at the start. If I'm not mistaken a few of them work in group home/hospital settings with those who are mentally challenged, not many of them, if any are in seniors homes. I do hear there is lots of room for advanceent for those willing to work for it. Not much I know, but I hope it helps. Oh, go for every bit of training they offer, the more you have sometimes the more you can earn. Maureen
  19. Good stuff Tom, your day was a whole lot better than mine Maureen
  20. Thanks Tom, rub it in why don't ya? sheesh...lol have a great day, looking forward to reading your report when I get home tonight. Fishdawg, have a blast...along with anyone else heading out today. Maureen
  21. Hope ya have a great day ya old fart.... Maureen
  22. Always a good day when you meet a fellow OFC'r, glad you had the opportunity. Maureen
  23. Fishing Depot is another easy one to get to by TTC. Take the subway to Kipling, and the Kipling??? (Can't remember the number 45 I think) North to Ronson Rd. You'll see the sign for Fishing Depot as you go over the 401. Narrow ailes, but they are all full of great stuff Maureen
  24. Some nice fish you're getting there, great to see good soft water reports.... Maureen
  25. THE WORLD'S SHORTEST FAIRY TALE Once upon a time, a guy asked a girl "Will you marry me?" The girl said, "NO!" And the guy lived happily ever after and went fishing, hunting and played golf a lot, and drank beer, and farted whenever he wanted. THE END Maureen
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