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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. Awesome stuff...can't wait until I can finally get out...thanks for sharing. Maureen
  2. Glad to hear everything is going so well, thanks for the update. Maureen
  3. Looks to me that where ever you are there's still some snow so I know I don't want to be there Maureen
  4. Have a happy...go fishing...but don't forget to duck, and bob and weave your way to the truck Maureen
  5. Welcome to the zoo Peps. but be careful, it can be addictive. Maureen
  6. Condolences are never required Tom, they are sent by friends, and while it may be a part of life, it still is a sad time. Thoughts are with you and your family at this time... Maureen
  7. Well I mentioned the other day that I was adding to my family, well I picked her up on Tuesday. So far no fights between the kids, but I think it will take longer than I origionally thought for her to be comfortable. She does not like to be in the house at all. Yesterday i didn't push it and let her stay in the garage, but left the door to the house open, in hopes she would come in when all was quiet...no such luck. This afternoon I decided to push the issue a bit and brought her in the front door while the boys were out back, thinking she just didn't like the two steps up from the garage. I had to pull on her a bit, but once she got her two fron paws in, she came in on her own. I held onto her leash for a bit and let her sniff around, but as soon as I took the leash off, out to the garage she ran. A couple of hours later I brought her in from the garage, then closed the door before I took her leash off. She sniffed around a bit, but didn't explore too much...remember she's never been in a house before and is not sure of her footing on the strange floor. I kept her in for about a half hour in hopes she would settle down some, but she didn't, so I let her back out into the garage. I will keep doing this and hopefully she'll relax and come in on her own in a couple of days. On the bright side, she comes when she's called...sort of, which is way more than I expected, and seems to respond to her new name. She can be very affectionate, which I did not expect, and she seems to come to me when nervous of something. All in all it's going well I'd say. Maureen
  8. Thanks Blackfish...nice name Maureen
  9. Glad to hear everything is going so well...once he hits 5lbs they should let him go home....does the little guy have a name yet??? Maureen
  10. Not a bad day i'd say...can't help with the questions, but thanks for the pcis... Maureen
  11. Glad to hear you and Shelly are going to make it up again Chuck, looking forward to seeing you both. Maureen
  12. Welcome to the zoo, careful though it can be addictive. You don't have to wait too long for your first report, we're not that picky but we do like pictures Maureen
  13. I click on the link and get a blank page? Maureen
  14. Good luck Mike, but don't get so stressed out about it that you don't have fun...it will show. Get some sleep, relax, and have a blast and all will work out, look forward to reading about it when you return. Maureen
  15. Good to hear the dealer agrees the boat was not swamped and has some problems with it...hope it all works, keep us updated please...good luck. Maureen
  16. Now that's the kind of post I like to wake up to . Great news for all...I trust mom and dad are doing well? Congrats on the new fishing partner. Maureen
  17. I bet things will be better by the end of the week with this warmer weather...at least you were out and giving it a go. Maureen
  18. Welcome to the zoo, but be careful, it can be addictive. Maureen
  19. that ain't good....hope we get some rain soon, as much as I'm loving this weather. Maureen
  20. No fires here yet, but Severn has a day time fire ban, but are allowing night fires. Maureen
  21. Great reports guys, I wonder if it just isn't warm enough for them yet? Sounds like when they do turn on though, some fisherman are going to have some serious fun. Maureen
  22. And here I was all set to break the news that it wasn't finished yet, and ask what fumes you've been inhailing Have a great time Wayne, see ya at Lakair. Maureen
  23. sounds like a cool prject Dave...that's one of the things I like about living in the country, I can still have a fire. In my case I plan to use the old wood stove I had in this house, kept the base for it, just need to put it in place... Maureen
  24. Wrong Wayne, these guys don't keep me from fishing, I just can't be gone all day is all. No, what I need is a fishing partner, or partners closer to home who can put up with a girly fisher Oh, and they need to be able to fish weekdays...I don't ask for much do I Maureen
  25. Thanks guys, she's an Akbash, which is a Turkish flock gaurdian dog. She spent the first three years being bred and tied up outside, and she is very hand shy so I assume she was also physically abused. She's never been inside a house and is very nervous on floors. I have to picik up a couple of runners for her so she can get into the kitchen and out the back door. I also have to do some work on my fence to make sure she doesn't get out. I am picking her up on tuesday from the New Market OSPCA. It's going to be a lot of work to gain her trust, but from what I've seen when I have spent time with her, she has great potential and will be a real sweet heart once she comes into her own and feels comfortable, but I do expect that will take a bit of time. I just wish I could have 5 dogs and had an unlimited supply of money, they have two 9 yr old dogs that must go together, their owner is now to old to properly care for them, a couple of real sweeties too...oh well, one day I'll have my farm, get my kennl lisence and bring them all home Maureen Maureen
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