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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. Good stuff guys, nice way to start off the season, family, friends and a few fish...now you just have to get out and get some slime on that little boat of yours . Those stripers are some nice fish, wouldn't mind hooking into one of those myself. Maureen
  2. Hey Jack, sorry you didn't catch any fish, but glad to hear you got out and had a good day anyway. Maureen
  3. I haven't owned one, but a friend of mine has had once since I think 2001/02 maybe longer? Loves it and won't trade it for anything. I know he's had a couple of things fixed on it, but not too sure if it was anything major. Maureen
  4. Sounds like a great day and a good feast...look forward to the report... Maureen
  5. Well Beans, at least someone in this family is fishing...go get 'em...and don't rip their lips off. Maureen
  6. Morning Joe, I know you'll have a good time, so I'll just say good luck with the catching....and there ain't nothing wrong with getting up in the wee hours of the morning, but take a picture of the sunrise so you can remind yourself in the future what it looked like Maureen-
  7. Geez Gerritt, I thought that was over with, good luck Maureen
  8. No scratches on either disc that I can see, and no Beans, your greatgrandson, or your grandson have played with this particular CD Maureen
  9. Excellent news on all counts Tony, congrats to you and the missus.... Maureen
  10. I have a program for watching DVD's, downloaded another just now, still no go. I have tried others and they work fine. When I put in the DVD for luremaking either my whole system freezes until I remove the DVD or it just doesn't read anything....very frustrating to say the least. Maureen
  11. Hey all, I have the tackle making DVD's by reprobait lures. I have watched it before, but on my old DVD player, which is now broken. It won't play on my new DVD player, which says it will play DVD-r/rw, it won't play on my play station, and it seems to be messing up my compter....I can't figure it out . I think I've got all the stuff for making some lures, but I wanted to watch it once or twice more just to be sure of what I was doing. Any help is appreciated. Maureen
  12. Looks like it was a great day, great pics too. Maureen
  13. Hey Brian, congrats on the 25yrs, personally I can't imagine spending that length of time with the same person, gives me the hives just thinking about it As for your grandfather, well not much can be said but that you have my condolences, it's never easy to say goodbye to someone you love. Maureen
  14. What do you mean "plugged you back in"? How did you manage something other than dial up around here??? inquiring minds want to know ... Maureen
  15. Ahh, I would love to, but alas work is calling , try me on a Wed/Thurs/Fri and ya just might get a different answer But then with the way things have been going lately I'm not sure how much fishing will get done this year , here's hoping. Maureen
  16. Good stuff guys, you'll have plenty more goes for those big cats I'm sure, and in even warmer weather I bet . Glad the repairs went quick enough to get out for a good test run Maureen
  17. That's GREAT News!!!!! :thumbsup_anim: Kudos to whoever returned it! Maureen
  18. Cool shots Dave, thanks for taking the time to share them. How are the ribs? Maureen
  19. Not the best way to end a day that's for sure, hope you're feeling better soon and good luck finding the jacket. Maureen
  20. Great stuff folks, but is all that stuff going to fit into that small tackle bag Maureen
  21. Very nice Roger!! You'll have lots of fun in that!!! Enjoy Maureen
  22. She's a thing of beauty boys, glad the three hour tour didn't turn out like the S.S. Minnow , and ya just never know when I might show up in Washington seeing as how I have family in the area Maureen
  23. I can't help you with it, but I'm sure if you called the store they'd be able to tell you. Maureen
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