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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. They are my favorite truck for sure....hope to have one some time in my future Maureen
  2. Thanks Art, and to those who have contributed... Maureen
  3. That's great Pete, Congratulations!!!! You are an inspiration for sure!!! Maureen
  4. Thanks Dan, i think I have it fixed now... Maureen
  5. Hello! This year, I have decided to walk in The Weekend to End Womens Cancers, a 2-day, 60km walk that raises funds for cancer research and treatment for womens cancers. All proceeds from the event go to The Campbell Family Cancer Research Institute at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre. Cancer has touched us all in some way. I will be raising funds and training hard so I can make an impact in the effort to end all womens cancers - but I need your help. Please make a donation to my fundraising account today. http://www.endcancer.ca/site/TR/Events/Toronto2013?px=3935788&pg=personal&fr_id=1472 I'm walking so far to do something bold about all women's cancers. I hope that you'll share this incredible adventure with me by supporting my fund raising efforts. Thank you in advance for your generosity! Sincerely, Maureen
  6. Nice!!! Congratulations Rob, I know you'll enjoy that... Maureen
  7. motv8tr

    Friendly swan

    Beautiful !!! maureen
  8. He looks pretty healthy other wise so there's a good chance he'll make it. Just so you know animal control would not likely come out unless you had the rabbit contained somehow. Good luck to him... Maureen
  9. Here is the first reply my cousin received from her contact in Halifax.... " "Hi Michelle - leave it with me and I will get back to you with suggestions for sure! There best bet for affordable rentals would be outside of the downtown area for sure. " Stay tuned! Will let you know if I get more...or I should say when Maureen
  10. Cliff, it's a long shot,. but I sent a link to this thread to one of my cousins, her husband is from Newfoundland, but went to school in Halifax, and they lived there for a year when they were first married. They may know some people there still so I thought I'd give her a try....it's a long shot, but I'll let you know what I hear.... Ok, my cousin has sent messages to those she knows and has asked her husband to do the same, will let you know if anything come from that. Also my cousin sent me this tip to pass on to the couple "Just a comment on the moving of their stuff thread: it was cheaper for us to get a company called "cheapest way to move" to move everything than to rent a u-haul. I would advise the couple to look at that. It was like $1500 for Cheapest Way, and they even loaded and unloaded the truck. I *highly* recommend that. Esp since she's pregnant." Maureen
  11. Excellent news Simon, every little step adds up to a great leap, Keep it going Sean, the fish are waiting for you... Maureen
  12. Hey Cliff, good to hear from you!!! I hope your retirement this time at least lasts long enough to get a good season of fishing in With luck maybe you can join me on the pontoon boat this year Enjoy my friend, it is more than well earned! Maureen
  13. Thanks for the update Cliff, little steps are way better than no steps....fingers are crossed for Sean to be able to return to the GTA soon Maureen
  14. motv8tr


    Great shots Lew, I manage a glimpse of a few critters up here from time to time, but they never stay still long enough to get a photo of them...thanks for sharing Maureen
  15. NICE!!!
  16. That's AWESOME!!! , great work Pete!!! Maureen
  17. With the dogs I currently have it's harder to find someone to come stay for a few days, but I am hoping to make it to Lakair for a few days in June again with my best friend and her two boys, should also be able to make another day on sturgeon lake, and hopefully a day or two on my days off with Beans...also hope to go for some Crappie...haven't done that in a few years.... Maureen
  18. I was going to say Happy Birthday "Spawn of Ed" but someone beat me to it ... So I'll just say Happy Birthday Marty, I hope it was a great day spent with friends and family
  19. Very nice, but no real surprise, Ron's a great guy and always ready to help and that's a beauty fish too Maureen
  20. Congrats to Avery, I;m sure he'll have a great summer, along with the rest of you!!! Looking forward to the Jiggy reports Maureen
  21. Very nice Brian, clearly hard work and determination pay off...a little luck along the way doesn't hurt either Maureen
  22. Congrats to the winner, and all those who caught a fish, I heard it was a tough day for most. I only managed to drop by for a short visit, it was nice to see a few of the gang again, Joey, Paul, Terry, Brian, Big Chev, Dave, Paul and his family,and good to see Kelvin manning the BBQ Great to see you Loonietoon, and another great job Next year will mark the 10th anniversary, hopefully it will be the biggest and best yet. Maureen
  23. Glad to hear she's healing so well and quickly, that's a good sign, Maureen
  24. Very generous as always TJ Maureen
  25. Glad to hear he's improving, and I look forward to future updates, and hope he's able to come back to the GTA soon Maureen
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