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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. Thinking of taking my friends kids during March Break and I heard some really good things about it.
  2. Yup a wee bit of a breeze out there.
  3. Joey, I almost lost my Sheppard Dallas several years ago to a vaccine reaction, and haven't vaccinated any of my animals since. I did a fair amount of research and talked to breeders as well. In my opinion if they are vaccinated once, they will carry the antibodies for life, much like we do. In some cases they don't even need to be vaccinated to carry the antibodies, and in other cases, the cure is milder and easier on their system than the vaccine. If you have a concern as to the protection your dog has you can have what is called a titre test done, this will work for rabies as well. The results from these are as valid as proof of vaccination. Look up Dr Jean Dodds who has been researching animal vaccines for years. Maureen
  4. Pikeslayer, this is awesome, thank you so much for your continued support!!! Also, I want to talk to you about a Salmon Charter on Lake O Maureen
  5. Thanks for a great report, I saw a picture of that winning fish, what a beauty!! Sorry I couldn't make it this year, I'm looking forward to seeing more pictures. Thank you everyone at OFC for your continued support with this event over the years. Maureen
  6. Can you not ask them if any of the other stores have them, and if so they should be able to have them shipped to your store... Maureen
  7. Very sorry for the loss of your friend, companion and family member, I too have loved and lost them over the years, and it is never easy. You will have their memories for a lifetime, cherish those and bring them out when your are down and they will bring a smile and warm your heart when you need it most Maureen
  8. Hey all, I thought I saw a post a while back where a few had mentioned they had items they wanted to put up for auction for Fishing for Tyler. If you did, or know someone who offered an item could you send me a PM or post it here? Tyler's mom has been struggling with a few things, one being a computer that is tempermental. She has not heard from anyone as yet, and I don;t think is comfortable asking here on the board. Thanks Maureen
  9. Hey all, sorry for the late notice, I realize some people have made other plans for that weekend. I think Tylers family had a hard time with the town getting parking and insurance as they no longer have their winterfest. As for the auction Tyler's mom I believe is working with Roy on that. Meegs I can meet up with you somewhere in Barrie area on my way home from work one day, PM me and we can work out a date and time. Thanks all for the continues support Maureen
  10. Hey all, the date has been set for Fishing for Tyler, it will be held on Sat Feb 21 at Innisfil Beach Park as usual. The parking fees have been waived for the day. I am sure more details will be forthcoming shortly, and I am sure this year will be just a good if not better than before Maureen
  11. Hey Cliff, it's a good thing you have a hard head but yeah, like the others said, even though a day or two has gone by, it won't hurt to let the doc know what happened....you know you would tell others the same thing... Glad you don't appear to be seriously hurt. Take care Maureen
  12. Didn't know about them before, will check them out this year, thanks Maureen
  13. Great clip Ryan, thanks for sharing it with us, but I didn't see one shot of Dave kissing the fish... Maureen
  14. Happy New Year to you and Goldie as well It was nice to meet you both and spend a few hours at your lodge and look forward to coming up again in 2015 and with any luck I'll get to do some fishing Maureen
  15. Joey, those are some amazing pictures!!! The hourse you must spend to get those shots is mind boggling, but the rewards are great!! You must see some incredible things while scoping everything out. Looking forward to seeing more, and thanks for sharing with us Maureen
  16. I watched a bit of TV, fell asleep, was in bed by 10 or so... The way I see it, every night I go to sleep is new years eve,since every day I wake up is the beginning of a new year Best fishes for 2015 Maureen
  17. Happy New Year to you Roy and J Best Fishes to everyone at OFC, I may not be around much these days, but you guys are never far from my thoughts. Here's to a great 2015! Maureen
  18. I want to go for Lake Ontario Salmon, hoping to get a charter in the summer... Maureen
  19. I just want to catch a Bass over 1 1/2 lbs lol Maureen
  20. Happy belated Birthday Lew, glad you had a great day, and here's to many many more Maureen
  21. I don't want anymore until Thurs, that's when I get the winter tires, almost got stuck going to work on Fri. really don't need to do that again Maureen
  22. I can and have, and yes even on the 400, helped others on the highway change theirs. Wrote a post on facebook suggesting how one might make sure the spare under the vehicle could be maintained to make it easy to get off when needed. I keep a kit in my car of various tools and such and change it out for the winter. What I don't have is a torque wrench, on my list of things to get. Maureen
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