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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. They are my favorite of all the birds, great shots Lew... Maureen
  2. Well now that just sucks, there are no other words, other than, I'm cheering all of you on...Jen has shown she has the strength and determination like no other... Maureen
  3. Wow, for sure a good omen I would say, congratulations.... Maureen
  4. I'm sorry to hear that, some people are ... Hope your pup heals fast.. Maureen
  5. This would be a one time thing, the door would stay open until I get home, that would give the dogs access to in or out at will, I have been leaving the door open but now that I leave in the wee hours of the morning it seems my dogs are waking the neighbors....not good, so I would like the door to open a few hours after I leave, rather than leave them in while I am gone. Maureen
  6. Thanks for the heads up Rob, I know a couple of kids who might enjoy this Maureen
  7. Wiser I looked at those, they are about 200.00 or more plus installation, I'm trying to stay cheap Thanks TS I appreciate your help Maureen
  8. Guys, you're missing the point...I need to be able to have a door open on a timer so the dogs don't get out too early...I don't need a dog door, the back door is fine, besides, a dog door for my dog would run about 500.00 TS, that's a great idea, I go by a couple of wreckers on my way to work, I can check with them on my way home...just have to figure out how to hook it up to a timer...hmmmm I have a couple of ideas... Thanks Maureen
  9. Hi guys, this is for any of you who are mechanically creative. Basically I need an electrically operated retractable arm, the purpose is to attach it to the door from my garage to the back yard, ideally it would be plugged into a timer, the idea is to have it retract at a set time, opening the door to the yard for my dogs.....anyone know if such an item exists and where I might find it??? I was hoping princess auto? I was thinking maybe something along the lines of the ones used on awnings???? inexpensive ideas are welcome. Thanks Maureen
  10. Happy Birthday Paul, have a great day!! Maureen
  11. My vote is for Lac Ste Marie, seems like good variety from what I can find...where ever you end up, have a great time!!! Maureen
  12. Sure Rob stir the pot Steve welcome to the OFC family, I'm sure you'll find lots of people here willing to help... Maureen
  13. Thanks for the suggestions guys, I will try the thicker oil, and I have used both Restore and Lucas oil but no noticible difference...will keep trying though with a thicker oil, maybe the combination of the two. I know the tires are ok as I replaced them right after I did the control arms and ball joints. I thought maybe the engine mounts too, I'll see if the guy who replaced the control arms can take a look at the stuff you mentioned...he did say replacing the CV joints might be costly though... I do appreciate the suggestions...if possible I'd like to hang on to it for a couple of more years... Maureen
  14. Sinker, thanks for the thought on the CV joint, I'll have my friend take a look at that. The shimmy when bad, ie going up a hill pushing to 80/90 it's in the steering wheel, but I also feel the butt shake I have not had to do much to this car at all, it's a 4 cylinder and the only other thing replaced was the starter and there are a few electrical issues, but I managed to work around those so far. Thanks for the help Maureen
  15. Hey all, my car is now 5 yrs old and has 419000km plus a bit. I'm not looking to get a new car right now. I have a Kia Sportage, and it's starting to burn a bit of oil and lose power on hills. Is there anything you can recommend that I might try to give it a bit of a boost??? I have tried Slick 50 but no difference at all in the performance. Any thoughts on what might help...other than scrapping it??? Oh it's a 5 speed if that makes any difference... I also have a bit of a shimmy when I accelerate, usually when I get near 80-90km/h, but, if I'm coasting no noticeable shimmy....I've had the control arm and ball joints replaced and to the best of my knowledge the tie rods are fine.. Thanks for any thoughts Maureen
  16. Very nice Jim!!! I knew I should have made a trip up for the day Maureen
  17. I've never fished for Salmon, and I'm told there are a few places not far from me where I could try....might give it a go this year...who knows Glad you managed to get into a couple, thanks for sharing... Maureen
  18. Well Damn!!! Positive thoughts on the way.... Maureen
  19. I guess since I have been away for a while it wouldn't hurt to re-introduce myself. I am Maureen and have been a member here since I think the first generation board...maybe the second, all I know is it's been a while. I started out here because of my step-father known here as Beans, he's also the one who introduced me to fishing. I am hoping to get back to fishing more in the future, as well as contributing here a bit more as well. I work in Toronto, but live just outside of Penetang, so I spend a fair amount of time commuting. I do have a boat, but the motor is done, so until that is replaced I either rent or try to hook up with someone...hooking up with someone is more challenging as I work weekends generally and have weekdays off. I keep thinking of trying shore fishing but it's not something I've done, and know very little about where to go, although I'm told there are lots of places near me that are good...if you want to share with me, feel free to PM me, or better yet, invite me to join you and show me the ropes One thing I am doing is getting my best friends boys into fishing...this has been fairly easy next will hopefully be a couple of great nephews and a great niece That's all for now Maureen
  20. Sorry for the loss of such a good friend... Maureen
  21. Thanks for the heads up, I got a gray one with a hood, Steve got a Gray one and one of the green ones...I wanted one or the beige would have been nice but they didn't have any Med left, only Large, small and one X large...there are still a couple left in Midland... Maureen
  22. Poor fella, here's to a speedy recovery....and of course he got a lightning bolt, he's just too cute to leave it plain In some dogs, mostly racing, they use those claws for balance and grip in the dirt when they make a sharp turn. Maureen
  23. looks like a comfortable spot to fish from good job. Maureen
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