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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. Thanks for the update, happy to hear he is now stable, and hoping he comes out of his coma soon.. Maureen
  2. Glad to hear she's up and about, not at all surprised though Now it's time to come home where she can heal faster Take care Maureen
  3. Very sorry to hear this, I will of course send thoughts for a speedy and full recovery... Thinking of you and your family Maureen
  4. Glad to hear the surgery went well and that you'll all be home soon, and with Jen's strength I'm sure she'll recover faster than most Still sending good thoughts your way
  5. Hey Wayne, just wanted to say I'm thinking of all of you today, hoping everything goes better than planned Maureen
  6. Very nice Lew!!!
  7. Cast away, one of those smart cars you see could be my boyfriends, he's been driving from Midland to Vaughan for a few years now. It's a great little vehicle, the only time he has a hard time with it is in high winds. His has winter tires and has had no problems in the snow...he's even passed larger vehicles spinning their wheels. As Bill said it's a very safe vehicle and as for head on collisions, not many people survive those, regardless of the size of the vehicle. as for strange things, for the most part I just don't notice much anymore, but the other night coming from work I did see a guy driving in the center lane, oblivious to the flashing lights of the cop ahead who had someone pulled over, the tractor trailer beside him wanted to change lanes to make sure the cop had plenty of room...as I drove by him, I realized why,...he had his smart phone out and his head down reading whatever.....too bad the cop was busy....l Maureen
  8. I'm sorry to hear that Wayne, I can't imagine the frustration all of you must feel...I'll be keeping you all in my thoughts the whole week, and my fingers crossed that it all goes as planned next week... Maureen
  9. I'll be thinking of you all on Thursday, well the whole week in fact.... Maureen
  10. It's very frustrating how they do things, and makes one wonder how they managed to get as far as they have in battling cancer..,I hope for Jens sake they figure the schedule out sooner than later to do the surgery before too long... I am happy to see Jen is doing so well in this fight.. Maureen
  11. Merry Christmas Lew, your house looks beautiful, all the best to you and your family... Merry Christmas one and all Maureen
  12. I'll be thinking of you guys over the Holidays and hope you all have a fun, relaxing and stress free Christmas!!! Wishing you all the best for 2013 Maureen
  13. wow, glad there was no real damage....but ya, like someone else said....great fire wood Maureen
  14. I'm sorry to hear that Wayne, I'll be sending good thoughts her way... Maureen
  15. I'm happy but not surprised to hear how well Jen is fighting this, she's an amazing young woman, keep it up Jen!!! Maureen
  16. Very nice, I'd like to try that one day... Maureen
  17. Good luck out there guys,I guess there will be a few reports later today Maureen
  18. Thanks guys, and Chris K, I have 4 cats as well, she'll meet them in a day or two after she settles in a bit with the dogs... Maureen
  19. Hey all, for those of you that know me this will not be much of a surprise....today I picked up a new dog from the Brampton Animal Shelter. I took my boy Rudy with me to make sure they got along, and they did. Here she is....The shelter named her Shirley but I expect I will change it... Here she is Relaxing The shelter named her Shirley, I'm not a fan of that, any suggestions? Her house mates are Rudy and Sasha Maureen
  20. Congratulations, Salmon fishing is on my bucket list, Hopefully one day soon... Maureen
  21. That's great news Wayne, so glad to hear that... Maureen
  22. Joey, those pictures are Amazing!!! You have a great eye. My favorite is the one with the large cloud with the sun peeking out behind it....my first thought was that it looks like a huge Eagle....great shot. Glad you guys had a great week and those were some nice fish... Maureen
  23. Hey Kevin, good to hear from you... Happy thanksgiving to you and your family...
  24. Very cool, great report, thanks for sharing...and while I've never had a lab, I do think they are great dogs, and your is no exception
  25. Looks like it was a great day all around...that fish is real pretty too Maureen
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