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Everything posted by glen

  1. On 590 today host says jays complain about calls behind the plate too much. He says now they arnt going to get the right calls. So the ump. Dosent call it how it is eh. The game can be lost on one bad call. Not very sporting.
  2. Just turned a replay of tor Det preseason game. First play was my least favorite (Gartner) giving the puck away. Hurt my eyes and had to change the channel. He sucks.
  3. It wasn't a cf bad catch. It was a 2lo. Great hit.
  4. I find It's nice to do some do different things once in a while. I say fishing will always be there when you want to go. Have fun Lew.
  5. Right on Bunk. Nice to see your having fun.
  6. Bring it on. Less whinning and more winning from the leafs.
  7. If only cormerants were good eating.
  8. Had my boat at the dock. First few days it starts good. Then hard to start. Next trip stabili in gas now start good all the time. What's a new starter cost or being stuck on the lake. I use stabil all the time now. Funny how we got away from mixing oil in the gas and now we have to use stabil.
  9. When does duck open? I saw some geese today. Seems to be some around.
  10. Go on a hunt this year. You can watch and it's free.
  11. Lol. Read though it and throw your thoughts in.
  12. Yoko Ono: I Had an Affair with Hillary Clinton in the 70s Aug 3, 2016 I wonder who Hillary would pick as an intern.
  13. Use normal plywood and paint it. You don't need marine.
  14. Canadian tire had SS staples. I used contact cement but any caulk or glue should work.
  15. "When the interviewer asked Clint Eastwood who he would support, Trump or Clinton, the answer was logical: if Clinton is planning to do the same agenda as Obama, then hed go with Trump. Which brings me to the point: Clinton is an Obama clone. Like him, she lies, is on a power trip, and will continue to spend our hard-earned money for jihadists and crooks. She is a taker, the ultimate hypocrite. Sure, Donald Trump says stupid stuff sometimes, but its off the cuff and non-politically correct. Hillary, on the other hand, is cold, calculating and choreographs her words to make you think one thing when the opposite is true. The Democrats are the party of haters and anti-American sentiments. At least the Republicans were pro-America at their convention. Ill take Trump. The alternative is terrifying."
  16. The more they don't want trump the more I want him. Time for a change.
  17. Can I buy your gps chip. Now that your not fishing as much what do you do with your time? I don't fish much anymore either.
  18. Did they ask him why nine. What does training tell him to do.
  19. Shoot three times. Ok. Shoot nine times. NG. What about four to eight times? Get the max number then only load that many rounds into your gun.
  20. Does fox get charged a lot. One thing about Trump is when his kids got up to speak they did very well. Does this mean trump is a good person/parent. The story his daughter told about her calling him when she was young and him always taking the calls. His kids seem to love him. Some people have had a chance to do good and they just lined there pockets.
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