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Everything posted by bpsbassman

  1. That is one beauty ride Charles. Where in FLorida did you pick it up?? Always look forward to your reports. They're even better in the winter with the snow flying! Merry Christmas.
  2. Talk about a small world eh Ron! That is weird..........serendipity
  3. Well TJ, it looks like we have one thing in common. Happy Birthday although, I think my number is a little higher than yours! Do you still get your gifts wrapped in Christmas paper.....or better yet the old "This is for your birthday AND Christmas" Personally, I have never recovered from it!
  4. Thanks AL, a wonderful way to start my day. Awesome pictures!! Beautiful fish. Thanks for posting Dan. Stick around Al, I think you'll like it here.
  5. Welcome aboard! Can't wait for the pics. Were you fishing from shore or in a boat?
  6. Excellent "no fish" report!!
  7. WOW Congratulations! I just went to his site and bookmarked it. Absoluteley astounding shots. Makes you wonder how he does it. Thanks
  8. That is so YOU Glen!! Thanks for the laugh.
  9. I know I'm leaving many out. I would like to fish with Lew again. Plan on fishing with Baby Herc at Lakair. Whopper, GCD, Dustin K, Dave Mercer and the list goes on.
  10. Merry Christmas Shaun. Keep up the good work.
  11. Great to hear Dustin & Squid! That was cool ccmt ..........would have been easy to just walk out. Rich, that's what happens to me periodically. Best thing to do is pick up the phone and call 1-888 2 Donate (1-888-236-6283). Then you're comitted
  12. Hey Gerritt, Great thought. We can't let this thread die. Although I haven't attended a "Take a kid fishing" event, I remember that it seemed like a very worthwhile venture. I think Rick had something to do with it. I've got some stuff I could donate and I'm sure many other members could find stuff at this "Time of Giving". What would they be looking for??
  13. Well, I went to give blood today and it turns out that its my 75th donation. They make a big deal out of it and take a picture and all that stuff. I always wear the "Be nice to me I gave blood today" sticker, 'cause it does initiate conversation about it back at work. The fact is that only 2% of the population donates. I know a lot of people aren't able to give for various reasons, but believe me, if you are able to you should consider it. Seriously, it's probably the most important thing you can do to give a little bit back to society. When my Mother-in-law was in the hospital, she shared a room for a few days with a lady who was in getting platelets and happened to be the same blood type as me. She couldn't stop thanking me enough for donating. It made a major impact on me. My only regret is those times I would fall off the wagon for a few years and not donate. Traditionally, they are short of blood at this time of year, so if you get a chance, take an hour out of your day and help save a life. I just hope there's some blood when I need it. I'll get off my soapbox now
  14. Crazyhook, Look me up on Saturday. It would be great to finally meet you.
  15. Thanks Rick!
  16. I know in the past BPS has had outstanding Boxing Day specials if you can stand the crowds. Flyer should be up on their website beforehand.
  17. Happy Birthday Raf. Hope its a good one!
  18. There are so many great threads to choose from. After all its what keeps us all here. But my vote goes to: Moosebunk.........OFC "Poster of the Year" Everytime he posts one of his awesome threads, my body automatically relaxes and I get ready to be taken on a journey to a land that I only dream of. Thanks Moosebunk. Other threads that I really enjoy are threads like this one. Thanks Crazyhook. (ie "show me your best fish, best outdoor shots, etc.) They usually contain pictures from past posts that let you enjoy them all over again.
  19. If I'm nice can I borrow the third one??
  20. I probably release 98% of the fish I catch. I keep the odd bass if we intend on having a fish fry. I have to admit that I really don't like cleaning/killing them. Usually run the blade through their brain to hopefully put them out of their misery before filleting. The only time that I really feel bad is the odd time I'm cleaning a Smallie and after it's too late you realize it has worms. Man that is a bummer. I don't understand why I never get a largemouth with worms, only smallies which logic would say should be the other way around given that smallies are usually in deeper, cooler water. Can someone explain that?
  21. Sweet looking machine Jim. Congratulations to you and the boys.
  22. Refreshing to see this time of year. Thanks Snag
  23. Mercer could never go as low as that crap Terry. That was an insult to the whole fishing fraternity. I always get a laugh out of Dave, his laugh alone is infectious. His video is on one of the endcaps at BPS and I never get sick of hearing/watching it. Looking forward to seeing it.
  24. Great post. Great art! Refreshing to see. Thanks.
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