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Everything posted by bpsbassman

  1. I've been all over (well within a 20 mile radius ) First 21 years in Stoney Creek 2 years in Hamilton 2 years in Smithville 25 years in Beamsville 6 years in Grimsby
  2. Never saw the original post GCD. Glad to hear that things are progressing in the right direction. Keep us posted on the progress.
  3. I used to own/share a cottage with my brother-in-law and I remember one particular September day when we were up together for the weekend. My B-I-L was bound and determined to get aTV tower installed. It was one of those glorious fall days. We spent the whole damn day putting this $*(%#$&* tower up and missed enjoying the whole magic day. Oh yeah, we got the tower finished as it was getting dark. It didn't improve reception one damn bit You only get so many times in life to enjoy those moments.
  4. Another great thing about OFC.........putting my son (Tracker Terry) in a safe set of tires for my son, Daughter-in-law and GrandKids...................priceless!!
  5. Definitely a piece of heaven. Make sure you take enough time between hammering to stop and absorb it all.
  6. That goes for all OFNers. Wonderful news to brighten up my evening!
  7. Fantastic Report especially this time of year. Thanks
  8. Kennyman, You pay GST at the border. Just make sure you have separate titles for the boat, motor and trailer. You pay the PST when you register the boat. You pay a couple of hundred bucks to get the trailer inspected at Canadian Tire. This includes getting a document from the trailer manufacturer declaring that there are no recalls. There were no issues with my trailer when inspected at CT. You take the document from CT along with your Title and Bill of sale and register the trailer to get plates. A bit of a pain but WELL WORTH THE EFFORT!!
  9. Bought our '99 Tracker Pro V-16 off E-Bay from a guy in Texas. Met him in Branson, MO. Well worth the effort. Definitely the right time of year to buy a boat as well. Identical boats were selling on E-Bay for 30% more the following spring. PM me for details. By the way, we'll be selling our boat and trailer soon. Just picked up a 2006 Pro - V 16 (I'll save the details for another post).
  10. The look in its eyes in the second picture is the same one it will have when the Musky is closing in on it!! Good idea getting it early. Should be nice and plump by next June..... Seriously nice kitten. Always lots of fun.
  11. Very nice Joey, especially the first one!
  12. I hear ya Lew, but if anybody is in touch with him, let him know that there are many of us here still thinking and praying for his son Chris.
  13. That first shot is a great one Bill!!!
  14. You guys are absolutely amazing!!! It's great when you offer me help, but I think any of you with kids knows what a wonderful feeling it is when someone helps your kids. Truly what OFC is all about! Do you think he has any chance of claiming any of this through insurance? He has had to take down a wall and the carpet is also a write-off.
  15. Thanks for all the prompt attention guys. So very much appreciated. I think we'll take Corn Nug's advice and build some sort of slant roof until we can get it patched externally. Will follow up with some of you. Please keep the advise coming.
  16. We should talk more about Simcoe and possibly double it up as an OFC get together. You talked one other time about quieter launches and possibly a Bar-B-Q.
  17. Looking for some help for my son Tracker Terry. He bought a house last year (about 10 years old). He is the third owner. He has started getting leaks in his basement. It has been repaired before with plugs, but it is even coming in through that area. It appears to be coming from at least four spots on the same wall. So far it has buggered up one room in the basement (water is coming in behind that wall and ruined the carpet. He phoned his insurance company and they say they don't cover seepage (insurance companies are a whole other conversation). He has been in the house one year today. The previous owner declared that he didn't have any water problems. Evidently, where they plugged it carries a 15 year warranty. Would they come back and just try to replug it or could you get them to do a proper job from the outside. With Christmas and all the other expenses of a young family, this obviously hasn't come at a good time. He got called home from work this morning and hasn't stopped since. Any advise would be appreciated.
  18. Hey Brian, I've put off this year's Banquet until February and will probably start firming it up around that time. We'll probably be starting in early spring with a couple of Salmon Tourneys, possibly a Pike Tourney again, and at least one Bass Tourney in Buffalo. Once bass opens here we'll do at least 3 Tournies on Erie (Port Colborne and Port Maitland). Probably a bass get together on Weslemkoon in late August. We WON'T be doing Scugog again, but have pondered Simcoe (which is probably why you're asking ). We'll probaly finish it up again on Pigeon with another "Triple Classic" (Bass, Musky, Pike). Although I unfortunately didn't make the last event this year, the boys were really impressed with Camp Ashtabula, so we'll investigate holding it there again, although a little earlier than last year. For those not familiar, these are held on Sunday mornings usually from 6:00 am to Noon (that way guys can still have the day with their family). Cost is $2.00 payable to the guy that catches big fish. The tough part is handing that Toonie over We also keep track of points that go towards "Angler of the Year". All the kids that compete end up with a trophy at the end of the year. This is all about a little fellowship and having a good time. Egos need to be checked at the door. We're always open to any ideas anyone has. It would be great to see a few new faces. There's more info here CTTS - Canadian Toonie Tournament Series
  19. That is great news Lorissa!! Soounds like things have really turned around!
  20. I looked on the new board and can't find his old handle. Is he here under a different name? Has anybodyheard how his son Chris is doing?
  21. A Bass Fisherman's dream. Great report and pics!!!! Thanks
  22. You must have just added that. I was in there earlier today There is some really great info. Thanks for all your efforts.
  23. LMAO Rich. I think you lead the new board now with 2 apologies!!
  24. So it must be Dan's camera, not Dan that has all the magic Great shot Spiel!
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