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Everything posted by bpsbassman

  1. Cast-Away, I know that Uncle Buck who is Florida right now has one. You might want to PM him this link for when he gets back.
  2. Too funny Terry, I actually follow the same ritual and have been cursed many times as well when you don't do it. Blyght, why would you return the reel when a 15 pounder stripped the gears. That reel should be kept and mounted as a souvenir!! I believe if you get rid of the reel your karma will go south!
  3. Man, that is such an awesome shirt!! Way to go girl!!!!
  4. Do we have to buy something to get Lew's autograph Congratualtions guys, I hope you are building up a huge inventory for the onslaught!!
  5. Keep us posted Rob and let us know if there is anything we can do. We're all here for you and Chris. Always in our thoughts and prayers.
  6. I've heard rumours that there could be some awesome spinnerbaits for sale there this year. Hope to see you there again Roy. You too Marc.
  7. On a lighter note Roy, one of my highlights of Musky Odeyssey was meeting you for the first time. Will I have the pleasure of you falling asleep on my shoulder again??
  8. I've got the date circled on my calendar. Can't come fast enough. Been to two previous ones and they are awesome. Lots of OFNers to meet too!!
  9. Actually, East Coast music is our favourite music to play and so many fishing/water related songs. We also love doing Buddy Wasisname & the other fellers and Stan Roger's songs.
  10. That is one awesome fish!!
  11. You really are determined to get me out there aren't you Luigi
  12. Nice to see some soft water action!!
  13. Hey Wayne, is this Ron guy a friend of yours?? I remember a kinder and gentler Ron that used to be on this board
  14. Hope to be there to volunteer my services and fight with LT and Cliff for the grill
  15. Already got 'em fishdawg. Just gotta figure out how to use 'em now. That's awesome news Ken!! I know how long you've been looking. If you can finish 2nd overall with your old 14 ft tiller, then you should be able to give 'er a good run for the title next year. You should join me and Wayne in Christening our boats at Lakair next June!
  16. Lew, Your pictures didn't come out on my PC, but I think I know the one with your boy. If its the one I'm thinking of, its clear in my mind. I'll be thinking of you, Diane and Sherri tomorrow. Time passes so quickly. Remember all us OFNers are here and thinking of you.
  17. If the truth be known Glen, yer pitchers had a lot to do with it! I was looking forward to doing it in the next couple of years, but after your excellent "Do it Yerself" seminar it also had me a little sceered. The biggest problem for me was finding a facility where I could do it properly and also in a timely manner so I didn't lose any fishing time. That boat recarpeted would make it look brand new again (you can probably attest to that).
  18. Okay so with my last post, Unplanned Purchase everybody got me thinking about my old boats. There was a similar thread on the old board, but I think it was about people's current boats. A lot of people on this board have awesome boats, but we all started somewhere, and those old 12 foot tinnies were just as exciting to get as the newer, bigger ones later on. Let's see everybody's older boats. I'll start. This is my original HawgBuster 1 (that was about the time of Ghostbusters and you can see the symbol still on the side of the boat). I got this boat used over 25 years ago. I sold it to a buddy who still has it to this day. This picture was actually taken this summer during bass opening weekend. I can remember one time it had a leak so bad that you would be constantly bailing. We plugged the keel up with a few tubes of silicone and it never leaked after that. HawgBuster 2 came along sometime around 1988. My son Paul (Ned Devine) worked at Cambell's Marina in Jordan Harbour and we got a good price on it. It was a basic 14 footer with three boat seats. We added flooring, a casting platform and two boat seats that raised up on a scissor like device (that would chop your hand in two if it ever fell on you). We ran it for a couple of years with a 9.9 and then moved up to a used 25 Johnson. It would do 30 mph and was a great fishing boat. I hated to part with it. And then of course HawgBuster 3 that my son Terry (Tracker Terry) and I bought off of E-Bay from a guy in Texas in November 2003. Its been a fabulous boat and has served us well for the last 3 years. And I should throw in a shot of my Dad's homemade boat from the forties. Show us your oldies folks.
  19. I've been eyeing the Targa too Joey, but it wouldn't be for a few years. That 2 footitis is always nagging at you. This one should keep me happy for awhile though. The old one sure did. Heck, I still haven't gotten over selling Hawg 2!!
  20. Welcome aboard................and you've already figured out that we like pics!!
  21. Its more of a configuration like your boat Lew...........maybe that's where the seed got planted
  22. I thought BPS had them in their display counter, I could be wrong.
  23. LOL I think it will take more than that I'm turning into the perennial 3rd place finisher. Hey Wayne, This one would probably fit inside yours with room to spare!!! We should have a Christening party at Lakair for both boats (and any other new ones that might be there)
  24. Tony, you have a PM. I have found that prices are best (for selling) in the spring, but I would sell it now if someone wanted it (but doesn't slide well on ice) . Bass Pro is open from 9 am to 10 pm everyday, but Sunday (10 am to 7 pm).
  25. It all started when I walked past this sign at Bass Pro for two weekends before it finally started to kick in. I currently own a '99 Tracker Pro V-16 (HawgBuster 3) which has been an excellent boat to me and my son Tracker Terry. The boat for sale is a 2006 Tracker Pro V-16 that was being sold as a demo. Evidently, Tracker and Mercury loan 3 boats and motors to Ontario Place each year to be used as Patrol boats. At the end of the season, Tracker takes back the boat and Mercury takes back the motor. The boat is in mint condition and appears to have been hardly used. The thought of upgrading my 7 year old boat for a brand new boat with a full 5 year warranty and lifetime warranty on the welds started to build and I spent a few nights awake trying to figure why this didn't make sense. It is also a better configuration for me than my old boat. The old boat had more of a bass boat configuration with the seats down low and a large casting deck on back which was great for most applications. The new boat has four seats (a bigger floor area) with a much smaller rear casting platform. This is much better suited for Salmon fishing on Ontario and also safer for the grandkids to fish out of. I called the Tracker guys to find out what kind of employee discount I would get and then it became a no brainer. The 60 Merc from my '99 is still in great running condition, so I will be switching it to the new boat. By the time I sell my old boat and trailer, this upgrade will only cost a few thousand. It comes with a trolling motor that has never been used (that I will be putting on my old boat), a depthfinder (which will also probably go on the old boat). The trailer was used twice, once to put the boat into the water and once to take it out at the end of the season. On top of that, they have shrink wrapped it and will store it for me until April when I will bring in my old boat for them to switch the motor. Not much to see here other than a happy boat owner The really important shot of Momma giving her sign of approval So I'll be selling a really good boat and trailer in the spring. It wil have a brand new trolling motor and the trailer just got new tires and bearings this year. I'll also be throwing in a bicycle seat with hydraulic post (doesn't fit the new boat). Hopefully, it will be a win-win situation for me and a buyer. Geez, can't wait for spring!!!
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