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Everything posted by bpsbassman

  1. Glad to hear that you had a great Christmas with Chris. He (and you) are constantly in my prayers. Take care and let me know if there is anything that i can do.
  2. Didn't know it was in there. It was in November's OF&H as well. Duh, you would have thought that I could have negotiated a few free tickets. Thanks for the info.
  3. That's just a fabulous report Mike. It would be great if you could make it to Lakair. I can only imagine the fireside stories of your "near death" experiences!! Thanks so much for sharing.
  4. WOW!! Congratulations buddy! Your life is about to change forever, but all for the better. Can't tell you how happy I am for you.
  5. Baby Herc and I have a cottage booked. Should arrive Wednesday or Thursday. That's 23.
  6. Sorry to hear about your luck Lew! Try and stay warm. Only gonna be 73 here today, but should be warming up later in the week. Refreshing to see you still using F instead of C
  7. Tony made me do it ...............okay, maybe he didn't.
  8. 6 or 12? acoustic or electric?
  9. I'm in a band, I'm an OFNer, people would like to throw rocks at us. Would that qualify??
  10. .....................................Or one day in a boat!! I've spent a day in a boat with a stranger and sometimes know more about him than some of his friends.
  11. Interesting video Goran.
  12. I'm sure everything will be fine. You'll be in my prayers buddy.
  13. Nipissing, This will be my first Lakair OFC get together. There is a Pike tourney I think on the Saturday. Others can correct me if I'm wrong. This has grown into a major event and the cast includes most of the BIG names from the board. As Wayne says, many will be there early and all reports are that it is the "OFC EVENT OF THE YEAR" Hope to see you there.
  14. Pictures #2 and #4 are identical!! Another classic case of a guy tryin to pad his numbers!! Seriously Tony, those are amazing fish! What a fall you had!
  15. Ya got a PM Pinch
  16. Well I got my cottage confirmed for Lakair! One of my goals for this year. Will be sharing the new boat with Baby Herc. (Two birds with one stone - two of my other goals - fish with more OFNers and BPS Staffers ) Can hardly wait. Who else is confirmed??
  17. Will be heading down to Florida and was wondering if there are any OFNers that will be down there to share a day of bass fishing?
  18. A great report to start out the year Corey!
  19. Nice job Tony!! You've been busy!!
  20. Sounds like you had a great trip Goran. Welcome back. My turn
  21. Did he catch that from shore??
  22. Beautiful job. There are many here who would love to have it.
  23. That's interesting news Rick. Keep us posted. Looking at upgrading this year and purchasing a Navionics chip.
  24. Very cool Pam. If you ever fish down by the railroad bridge at the back of Jordan Harbour, you can see the owl cages on the Owl Lady's (Kate McKiver's) property. I've always kept my distance and observed through binoculars 'cause I know she doesn't want any human interfence. They have had a few TV specials on her in the past.
  25. Spend more time on the water in '07 Fish for Bass in Florida Beat my 40" Musky Figure out the whole Salmon thing and catch a PB. Fish with a bunch of OFNers (Lew, Ron and Crazyhook for starters) and BPS Staff (Baby Herc at Lakair for starters). Learn to Fly Fish. Fish BOQ for the first time. Sort out my new boat. Spend a week at a cottage with my good wife. Fish with the Grandkids. Fish the Toonie Tourney Series. Enjoy my 33rd Annual Invitational Bass Classic at Lake W. Enjoy our 7th Annual FishGuts Fall Classic at Memquisit on the West Arm. Get to Lakair for the first time. I think I'm done
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