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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Bah. The old IMX graphite has such a high modulous that they can become quite brittle, especially when exposed to heat or cold. Lifetime yes, unconditional no. I hear Sage discontinued their unconditional lifetime warranty as well.. Guess they got overwhelmed with repairs.. Did they at least give you a new pole? cheers HD
  2. I hear ya. I recently brought a friend of mine to one of my steelhead holes. We had brought some refreshments, and I had stashed my empties in my tackle bag. When we returned to the car, I noticed that he didn't have his empties with him. I had stashed mine in the trunk and he casually grabbed them and tossed them into the bushes.. Not something I'd make a huge fuss about, but I can tell ya, the next spot I take him to will have trash bins, and I'll point them out to him. Hey that felt great. Let's get a load off our chests! cheers HD
  3. Excellent! Very thorough. cheers HD
  4. Swweeeet. I'll take those over the sight of dead grass anyday. cheers HD
  5. Nice. Ders pike in dem waters. Hope they keep at it! thanx for the read! cheers HD
  6. Oooh that's a major pain in the arse. My sympathies to you Rick, or anyone who has had to go through with it. It's like tossing a photo album in the fire, you won't get em back! What about a partition?? I've still yet to figure it out... I'm running on Vista Home Basic and had the blue screen of death the other day because I had turned off my computer accidentatly while symantec updates were being made. I was able to retrieve pictures that I had saved since my last back up, but everything else was lost! Do I need an IT background to do this? I'm told it's pretty simple. cheers HD
  7. Now that's what I call gettin 'er done! Sweet sweet perchies... mmmmm cheers HD
  8. Excellent! All you need is a stout 9ft 8 or 9 wheight (you can cast longer with an 8 wheight, but a 9 wheight packs a better punch for casting those wet socks). Leaders may come with a with shock tippet, but making your own is fairly easy. 80lb Flurocarbon is a good replacement, but adds a bit more bulk and flies may not be as boyant in the water. Flies include bunny leeches, deceivers, zonkers, surface and sub-surface deerhair patterns. Get 'er done! tight loops HD
  9. Tiger Fish?? What did I win?!
  10. Horrible... but awesome too!! Here's to many future succesful hunts and BBQs ahaah cheers HD
  11. Excellent! That's a huge taimen. Good to know it was released, considering where it was caught. I've seen reports of such fish being caugnt, one such report in the Post, to which the angler had claimed to land on tackle, but it had the obvious scars from a gill net, so I don't think the brute made it back to the water... An encouraging sign.. Thanks Solo! cheers HD
  12. mmmmm.. He's quite dextrous with that right hand no?... oooh and quite the lion tamer in that tank top isn't he Grant?! (ensuing guffaws) P.S. Did ya get my message budday?
  13. Sweet! But ya might wanna be cautious when it comes to specifics... I know some float fisher folk who are exremely protective of this creek.. That one doesn't need any more pressure than it already gets. Might wanna save yourself the flack.. I can feel tremors! It'd be nice to see some fins though! tight loops HD
  14. Hey Brian! Long time budday.. Do you have an Airmiles account?? If you're looking for hotel accomadions, ! may be able to help ya out! cheers HD
  15. LOL!! I thought that lunge looked a bit too satisfied...Aww yes, lure donations in the name of that ultimate take.... I guess suckers are cheaper than suiks.. heheh
  16. kewl vid! The first one worked cause I had me a codec downloading session the other day. Looks like he robbed ya though.. Guess he was camera shy hehhheeh cheers! HD P.S. Where'd those pike vids go?? Did ya manage to lick that leader issue?!
  17. Mets-en!! ahaah cheers TJ
  19. I see my error. Sorry 'bout that. Guess I'm a bit touchy tonight...
  20. AH right on. All ya need now is some rice and sea weed and you got yourself some sashimi! mmmm yummmy!
  21. Right on! Those bucks should be hittin cranks till late November. That's a good spot too!! Welcome aboard. Tight Loops HD
  22. Noice haul! Triumphing over adversity pays off... again! cheers HD
  23. You outta get paid for all that hard work bro. It's been said, you should write professionaly. Well done!! Stuff of legends. I need to come out your ways soon... cheers HD
  24. BLIMEE! A dingo ate my baby!! LOL
  25. What was that Paul??
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