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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Great report, too bad the fishing was bunk.. At least the scenery was noice! cheers HD
  2. Contrary to popular belief, America is not a democracy, it is a Chucktatorship... WOW. This is gonna be fun! LOL HD
  3. MMMEEEEEE. I'll see you there TJ. cheeers H to the D
  4. LOL! I just freaked the lady out I laughed so hard. Good one! Whoah Randy that's creepy. Even if it isn't real..
  5. Lady Evelyn is one heck of a tough lake to fish though... Hope you've got a depth chart Wayne!
  6. Island 10?! LOL The falls at the far end of the lake, closest to the route that leads to Maple mountain... forget what the name of the river was... What a spot!! Good luck Wayne.. I'm soo jealous!! cheers HD
  7. A photoshop user with too much time on their hands??
  8. Wayne getting together with Rita Mcneil??!! LOL
  9. If you're staying at an all inclusif resort and alcohol is included, ask for Barcello if you're partial to run and cocas!! Also, if you get the chance, ask about a quick tour to the cigar shop in Don Lucas. Not only do they have an insane walk in humidor, they've got all kinds of nectar! yyeeeeeee mmmmmm I can't wait to get home. Gonna need a good one after today!
  10. Actually just got back from DR last Saturday.. Stayed at the Grand Oasis, which is a great hotel. Beach was 5 star, but the fishable water was pretty nil. Purchased a 3 piece st-croix specifically for the trip, thinking I might find some fishable water. Apparently, it is forbidden to develop beaches, so I thought I'd find some great flats. I did find some flats, but anything you'll see inside the breakwall, is tiny. Funny thing, I did see a local catch a moray eel and a small ray from one of the docs, but everything else was basically bait... My advice would be to book a charter for deep sea fishing. BOOK THROUGH THE HOTEL. I made the mistake of booking through a local outfitter, and needless to say, we're lucky to have escaped with our lives. Send me a PM if you require any more info. Have a great trip either way! cheers HD
  11. Ahhhh yyeeeeaahh... Awesome report.. The pictures and narrative are right on. Incredible scenery shots too! I've had the opportunity to guide northern waters and it was unforgettable. What a priviledge it was. I'm very satisfied. Thanks for that! cheers HD
  12. Shweeeet. The soft water is a tad deceiving when you think of how chilly it was outside! Good on you for roughin it. Those grins speak for themselves! WTG cheers HD
  13. Sweet report Bunk. And what's this I see you're using deer hair for your tails on those shrimps patterns hehheeeh. Wow. All I can say is wow. thanx for that HD
  14. Sweet teats that's amazing! mmmmm B-B-B-BUMP! cheers HD
  15. SWEEEEET. Gotta love those incidental sturgies! Caught mine on the Blanche river a coupla years back. Same scenario, xept we were fishing from shore ahaahh. Noice one Dan. CnR forever. cheers HD
  16. yyeeeee oooh man I'm jonzin. How does Sunday sounds to anyone?
  17. S'up ya'll. Rick, you should make a break from the island for a weekend. The harbour feels so horribly underfished since the segregation of the mctrio. Come on down son!! cheers H to the D
  18. Holly sweet teats that's a big eye. Great shots too! Well done. and props on the release. Goes to show that a gradual ascenssion means no protruding air bladders. Right on brotha! cheers HD
  19. traitor! The esox gods will seek quiet retribution..
  20. Greenland Sharks maybe??
  21. Hey let's set a date. We could even have an OFC meet and greet!! Does anyone here have a float tube and good neoprene waders?? Harbour security are starting to crack down on people fishing from shore, especially at Ontario Place. I usually tell those glorified night watchmen to gimme a wide berth, as I've never had problems with the police, who are responsible for patrolling the area I'm told. They're such a pain in the arse! Still, the bite should pick up very soon!! cheers HD
  22. Dang I don't have java on this puter... I'll be sure to check it lata.. I can just picture you running the Umpqua shops in Indonesia ahahaah. Master G, you'll make slackers of us all...
  23. Working man's idol?! That's an understatement if I ever heard one ahah Why not take up fly tying... I'm pretty sure you'd be able to come up with some pretty crazy psychadelic patterns in that underground lair of yours.. Keep it real homay HD
  24. Wuuut up G-Dawg?! I must say.. you've got a pretty lax work schedule.. Do you ever work? LOL
  25. I wonder how much this guy's making through back door contracts... makes you think.. I person in this position has a lot of pull.. Scary!!
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