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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Good one brah!! That's one heck of a trip. I cringe when I look at that first shot.. I'm reminded of the poor guy who got his septum pierced by a crank bait ahaah. Oooooohhh That last shot is wicked. It looks like you were in heaven, literally. Thanks for the report bud. We'll have to test those skills again this weekend! HD
  2. HAHAAH. May I suggest a little Panthera, or Tool??! I'd grove to that if you plucked my dock for an hour.. By the way, catchy name, where'd you get the inspiration for something like that? You got the right dong to fit that yaouge arse? Just goofing around mang. teeheeh HD
  3. Great report Justin. Informative, with plenty of Bass XXX.. Gotta love them Frogs!! By the way, great article in the last issue of OOD. Well done. HD
  4. Great vid! Dippy song.... LOL HD
  5. Nah, gonna be in NY for that weekend, I gotta butter the missus up a little so she'll let do me my thing.. Dems are da breaks. I'll be heading up the 17th or the 18th, depending on when we decide to come back from the trip. I'll see you there then! Fidel
  6. When you heading up Joey?! Do you wanna go twozies? Gass is on me! WOOOHOOOH
  7. Hang on.. Would you be the sexy lady?!
  8. Right on! We're both hard, weathered Canucks... Nobody does it better! Shall I bring my ear plugs?! HD
  9. clinch. or trilene not I think. A uni is also a good knot. A clinch can be improved or not, depending on the application. Improving a clinch may make it a little bulkier though, but I'm told it's safer. And like Raf mentioned, 5 wraps outta do it. cheers HD
  10. HAHAH. It'll be a melting pot of different folk, from all ends of the continent!
  11. Aye Right On! This being said, who's on that line-up monsieur mod? Who's the coonass? You or Glen?! GIGGITY. HD
  12. Right on! Fishing Temagami can be tricky, regardless of the time of year. Great report mang. I really like the shore lunch shots! cheers! HD
  13. Glen, Roy.. I talked it over with the lass and she's agreed to let me go! YIPPY-YI-YO-KI-YAY!! I'd love to make it for the 17th, but realistically I'm aiming for the 18th... If there's still a spot left in the cabin, I'll take it! As far as moneys are concerned, we can work out the details now or later. OOH BOY.. Can ya'll say HOOTENANNY?! HD
  14. YAY! Jumlajumlajumlajumlajumlajumla!! Glad my extensive taxonomy classes were good for something.. HD
  15. Beauty! That water sure looks like hog country.. Well done! HD
  16. predacious diving beatle larva. hellgramite. Both have large mouth parts, so they can pack a wallop!! HD
  17. Nope. Predacious diving beattle larvae. Coleoptera family. And those tiny frogs may have been tiny toads, which would explain why they're in such large numbers. Great report! cheers HD
  18. Right on Bill, your girlfriend's fish is a hog! Mike's fish is bigger, but he's not as pretty. I remember John and I working the spot in that shot, but we somehow got distracted and you guys mozied on over and pulled out 2 beauties, one of them the largest buckets I'd ever seen! LOL Good to have a post from you. Hope all is well. HD
  19. Your little ones have infectious smiles!! Well done sir. cheers! HD
  20. No way... It's not a cover up. Brilliant hypothesis, but one founded primarily by fear and ignorance from local banter among those who don't know any better. Just like the Star!! Nice first post. I want what you're smoking duude! HD
  21. I don't agree with that also. Phosphorus levels have always been particularly high for the lake.. if oxygen depletion were the case, the more sensitive species like walleye would be the first to go, not the carp. Leave it up to the Star to gather the most outrageous propaganda and tak it onto their prints... BOOOOOOHH to the STAR. I'm sorry, they're a bunch of fascits turds. Still, I feel for the poor guy who has to round up those putrifying carcaces.. He outta mulch em up and market them as the best fertilizer and sell them to the locals who own large healthy lawns on the shoreline. This might actually help reduce the the algae blooms in the lake. Someone's gotta benefit from this!! cheers HD
  22. HAH!! To all the bucket biologists who doubted that this was a chinook, lemme just spread on the cheese a little... Mind you, the person who caught the fish was really the only one who could positively identify the fish, and he had it right the first time. So there ya have it. cheers HD
  23. I see you're on diaper duty this weekend.. has moma bear revoked your fishing priviledges?? I know my time is coming, but nuts to you, ya old flounder!
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